Ch. 1: Introduction To BronzeClaw

1277 Words
        Fate has an odd way of revealing itself, with a nod of it’s head and a wiggle of its nose it can change its’ mind, morph you. It can make you question your purpose, and it can fill you with dread. It can twist the ties that bind us or sever them completely. How life has changed. Maze thought, dunking her head under in her bath and holding her breath tightly She was Just 17 now, and still woke in cold sweats and tears over what had happened three years ago.         The m******e of her family, Living on their own as rouge/lone wolves, to becoming a Keppa.  A member of a pack of 80 strong, called BronzeClaw in a village Nestled deep in a valley hidden on the other side of the forest and snug against a cliff. This is where she trained with the warriors full time.          The Council of Wolves had reviewed the events of that night respectably. Determining it was the work of a group of highly trained and feared human hunters. Whom tracked her Aunt from Hemlock Grove to her farmstead. The hunters had surrounded her farm. They ambushed once the cabin was sleeping and attacked viciously, she was the sole survivor. They made quick calculated work, slicing throats with steal and silver, Blades laced with poison wolfsbane. Half were slaughtered before the alarm was sound. Her family fought hard, but were unprepared, they killed all but two.          Her mother being the last to fall, Had awoken Mazicane Before the hunters penetrated that part of the cabin, she instructed her to flee through the window. She said it with such force Maze had no choice, she was after all raised a farmer not a fighter. Her mother had succumbed to her injures soon after, weakened by wolfsbane and the lose of her mate. The cabin torched, the livestock slaughtered, the crops trampled and untended, the only thing left were ashes and her memories.         A knock interrupted her thoughts and she jumped out of her bath to wrap a towel around her hair and a robe around her body. She peaked through the bathhouse door, It was Ariam her friend and the Packs Guardian. Ariam was four years her senior and A strong confident wolf. He had been the one to find her when she was fourteen. He took her under his wing, and felt obligated to care for her. He trained with her daily, He had the prettiest icy sea blue eyes and dark coal black locks of Hair cascading around his face. All wolves were Beautiful but Ariam was Different, Not only God Like looks,  he was radiating power and dominance. He was so gentle and kind with her, a well respected member of the pack he always sat to the left of the Luna and the beta sat to the right of the Alpha. He was an adviser, a strategist even at his young age. She could feel his importance and how his life and the vitality of the pack were intertwined.          “Oh, hey, am I late?” Mazicane asked surprised.         “Not yet.”  Ariam looked her up and down and frowned.         “Okay, I’ll be right out.” Maze smiled apologetically blushing and closing the door.         Ariam shook his head,  he could feel his wolf Fenrir smirking in his mind. She better not be late again Fenrir said. She won’t she knows how important this is to the Alpha and Luna. Maze appeared, wearing a sea green dress matching her eyes with a white bodice and white trim. Her hair tied back in a loose curls and a classy fashion, leaving fringe to frame her delicate face, her shoes of simple flats and a clutch tied the outfit up perfectly. Ariam could feel Fenrirs’ ears perk up and lick his chops. and he scolded him silently for seeing their pupal that way. Although Ariam must Admit, it was a sight to drink in. Then he scolded himself for thinking that way of a cub. A wolf with out yet a wolf.         He took her arm and they walked their way to the manor a short half mile away.         “What’s it like?” Mazicane asked.         “what’s what like?” He replied.         “Having a wolf?”         “It’s an upgraded form of conscious, A much wiser and stronger one at that. It’s having a best friend to call on, and talk you through your problems. Every good Idea I have had since I turned 18 is because of Fenrir.” He could feel Fenrir’s tail wag at this statement.         “I just would like a friend.” she pouted.         “Mazicane, I’ve told you before, to attend social gatherings, parties, join guilds.”         “It’s just, I don’t belong here, the only reason I’m tolerated is because of you. I’m still viewed as many as a lost soul a disgusting dirty sewer rogue. I’m tolerated not accepted.”         “Warriors don’t whine.” Ariam snapped with enough force to make her wince.         “Besides if the Alpha were to hear that statement he would think you ungrateful and week.” He softened.         “I am grateful….” she sulked.         She’s not wrong Fenrir said. I opened the door for her, but I didn’t pave the way. Ariam replied. Do you really think alpha Ranulf would allow a rogue into his pack without delegation of all opinions, why do you think they shun her? Because she was given a place, and a good one at that, Not even admitted as an Omega But a Keppa. I know, I know Fenrir, it’s just.. what was I to do? Leave her in the forest and hope nothing more sinister came during the days of Discussion. Should I of brought her table scraps as well? Besides Wasn’t it you who felt the need to RUN OUT OF THE TERRITORY that night to find her? Weren't you the one who insisted we bring her home? Silence, Fenrir had made his point.         “Anything Good?” Mazicane c****d her head and peered up at him. He was caught.         “I’m sorry, I understand you’re not accustomed to our ways. But rather the women like it or not. You are a part of this pack, You will be a part of this pack until you decide to leave. As far as respect and Rank it is earned here, not given. You’re a Keppa because your parents Julian and Bele were Not Omegas, they were Betas, and left freely and Peacefully with a pass to return at any point to Hemlock Grove. You should not be punished for something you had no control over. Besides the way you fight with sword dagger and arrow, you could best any non believers shifted or not. That alone gives you a place with BronzeClaw. We are Graced by the Goddess to have a fighter such as you.” Ariam explained calmly and collectively.         “We’re Here” he said. Maze took a deep breath. Ever since the  m******e that changed her life, she’s detested social gatherings. Not to mention the whispers of the wolves and the tension that followed her clinging to her scent like a dirty secret that you just can’t keep.         “Well, let’s get this party started.”
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