Chapter Four: Temptations

1150 Words
Era I woke up one morning, realizing that it was Saturday. So what’s the plan for today? I pondered, my eyes fixed on the ceiling. By now, my friends are probably reeking of alcohol due to an overnight party at somebody’s house. They were always inviting me, but I kept declining because Mom wouldn’t allow it. Still in my pajamas, I walked out of my bedroom and lounged on the living room couch. I turned on the TV and stared at the ongoing drama on CW. “No schedule for today, Era?” I sat up from the couch upon hearing Henry’s voice. I turned my head and found him standing by the bathroom door. “N-no. I have no classes on Saturdays. I just stay at home.” I shifted my eyes back to the TV, calming my breath, composing myself. Until now, I was not yet used to seeing him half-naked. But honestly, whenever I remember him having s*x with his ex-girlfriend, my libido level rises. “You are always in deep thought, Era.” He walked towards me and placed his hand on the couch’s backrest. “Are you having trouble with school or something?” I stared at his shower-fresh face, preventing my eyes from sliding down to his packed abdomen. The towel around his waist was low enough, giving me a glimpse of that V. “I’m fine, Henry. I just feel lazy now.” I preferred to call him by his name. Like what he said, I could call him Henry if I wasn’t yet ready to address him as dad. “What if you hang out with me?” He asked, raising his eyebrows. My eyes widened. Would he really do that? “Go where?” I chuckled. “Hmm...” He pressed his lips together into a thin line, which I assumed he was thinking. Seconds later, he smiled, walking around the couch. “Get up there. We’ll go shopping.” I knew most of the guys were not into that. If you were with them, then they would just be awfully bored. I shook my head. “No, Henry. You don’t have to do that.” He frowned and grabbed my hands. Now I was standing only inches away from him and I could hear my heart stomping inside my chest. “Look Era, it’s my obligation, alright? And I would be glad if you just said yes.” I ran my fingers through his chiseled jawline but I managed to stop before I touched anything else. Hell, was he aware that his gestures had captivated me since he walked into this building? I need to stay sane while he’s around. It was torture for me to just keep quiet about it. But at least there’s something I could do to express myself. “Okay. I’m going with you.” The next thing I knew was me holding five shopping bags. Henry had ten bags in each of his hands and all were just for me. He didn’t complain about the kind of clothes and shoes I chose and he said I just pick them regardless of how expensive it was! He even bought me a brand new phone! I felt so special and cherished. “Thank you so much, Henry. I really enjoyed this day.” I said as I pressed my back on the car’s chair next to him. It was already late, and we were heading back to the apartment. “You’re welcome. But it’s still not enough. I have more to give.” “This is too much. With all the stuff you bought, I can now establish my fashion boutique and—“ My eyes widened when he held my hand and squeezed it. His eyes were on the road, but he was smiling. “You know what they say about spaces between fingers?” Henry replied. I looked down and watched how he intertwined our fingers. “So what’s it about?” I asked nervously. “They say spaces were created so that other people could fill them in.” I turned my head over to him. “What do you mean by that?” “I can give you any material things, Era. But I was referring to time, attention, and love. You grew up without me, and I feel bad about it. So no more complaints, okay? Let me do this to fill in my mistakes. Just let me be a part of your life.” He was confusing me. I wanted to take his words sensually, but he wasn’t showing any signs that he wanted me romantically. Okay, maybe I was just really confused. Maybe he was just sweet, thoughtful, and showy to the extent of me misinterpreting his actions. We arrived at the apartment after an hour. But before we stepped out of the car, I called for his attention. “Henry.” “Yeah?” he asked, with his face frowning at his cellphone screen. I took a deep breath and kissed him on his cheek. “Whoa...” His eyes got wider. He looked at me and smiled. “What’s that for?” I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. “You’re amazing, Henry.” I got out of the car and giggled, recalling that surprised reaction on his face. The hours flew quickly, and it was now ten in the evening. Right after our dinner hours ago, I rushed to my room and laid out all the clothes Henry had bought for me. “This is so fabulous!” I gushed, turning in front of the mirror with the brand new little dress on me. It was emphasizing my long legs and the curves of my waist. The red hue highlighted the fairness of my skin. I was taking it off to try another dress when I heard a doorbell. “Who would be visiting at this hour? Dina?” With the thought of that woman, I found myself frowning in front of the mirror. Minutes later, I heard Henry knocking on my door. “Era, you have a visitor.” “M-me?” Though still hesitating, I opened the door and saw Henry’s mouth fall open. His eyes grew bigger as he scanned me from my face down to my feet. “What?” I asked, confused by his expression. “Y-your classmate is here. She’s in the living room.” My smile widened. “Really?” “Yes. But first, you have to dress up.” He gulped. “Me, what?” Slowly, I looked down at myself, and blood rushed through my cheeks as I saw myself completely naked. “What the f**k!” Without any second thought, I slammed the door harshly and leaned behind it. I closed my eyes and covered my face in embarrassment. “I’m so dumb. He saw me butt naked!”
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