Chapter Four

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After Lucian had settled the bill Gabrielle, Kade and Jack went to exit, as they walked with the brothers to the car Timo was waiting for them in, Daniel turned to Kade, he had taken his hand whilst walking at it was clear he was smitten with his new uncle. ‘Can’t I come with you?’ he asked, his brown eyes hopeful looking at his uncle, Kade smiled down at him, ‘of course my man,’ Daniel was delighted. But Gabrielle hesitated, Lucian interjected, ‘perhaps Jack should also join you, Gabrielle might feel more comfortable’, he looked at her as he spoke. ‘What and you can ride with Gabrielle?’ Jack spat out, Lucian would have hit him for that, Kade didn’t look happy either, ‘are you implying something?’ he asked, his voice was soft and dangerous, ‘I saw how you were looking at her in the restaurant, you think I’m going to be okay with you alone with her or Daniel’ he said.  Gabrielle wanted the ground to swallow her up, she knew Jack was protective and saw himself as her father figure but this was beyond embarrassing. ‘I was thinking that Daniel and Kade who seem to be getting on so well, would enjoy the car ride together, something Daniel has already expressed. And since you and I have little to talk about, you joining them would make Gabrielle feel more comfortable as she has only just met us’ Lucians reply was curt.  Gabrielle could feel the tension in the air and she was feeling uncomfortable, she ran her fingers through her hair, hiding half her face. Biting her lip she turned to Jack, ‘I’m sure Lucian was just being considerate of Daniel and me, I don’t think he meant anything else Jack’ she said, her voice was soft and that pissed Lucian off even more, screw Jack for making her feel awkward, he’d love to get his hands on him. Daniel looked really uncomfortable, ‘I don’t have to go with Kade Gabby’ he said looking worried and disappointed.  This was enough for Gabrielle to act, ‘Daniel you ride with Kade if you like of course, he’s your uncle and you want to spend time with him. Why don’t you go in the car with Timo, then you can show him your ipad games. Jack please go with them, then we can follow,’ she turned her wide eyes to Jack who nodded but looked unhappy.  Lucian smiled, so she wasn’t always a people pleaser then, it was decided. As he walked round the building to his car he opened the door for Gabrielle, he smiled, now he would get some alone time with her, when he had suggested Jack go alone time hadn’t been on his mind, he just didn’t want to ride with that arsehole, but this was a bonus he hadn’t expected.  She buckled her seatbelt and Lucian tried not to notice how it crossed her chest, lucky seat belt he thought to himself. He shook his head slightly, he needed to stop thinking those things about her, he needed to focus. She didn’t really speak on the drive, and although Lucian wanted to ask her a million questions he didn’t, instead he embraced the comfortable silence that had formed.  After fifteen minutes she broke the silence, ‘I’m looking forward to meeting your mum, Clare never really mentioned her’ she said, he voice was quiet and musical. ‘Did she mention any of us?’ Lucian asked, she shook her head and looked down, ‘no, and I don’t understand why. I guess people have their own reasons’. ‘Guess so’ he said. ‘Daniel seems to be doing well’ he posed it more as a statement but Gabrielle felt she had to answer, ‘he’s doing okay, Jacks been really good to us’ she caught his frown at the mention of Jacks name, ‘I know he can come across a bit abrupt bit he’s just protective, remember he lost his best friends.’ Lucian thought about this, ‘and you lost your parents’ he said ending the conversation.  When they reached the house Gabrielle was in shock, it was huge. Large gates with guards opened automatically a distance from what Gabrielle would describe as a mansion, a high wall surrounded the house and it looked to her like a movie set or somewhere a movie star would live. She couldn’t hide her wonder and Lucian took it in, ‘is it okay for you?’ he asked concerned at her expression, he wondered if she had expected something grander, she shook her head, ‘you don’t like it?’ he questioned. He couldn’t read her face and suddenly worried, he hadn’t thought she wouldn’t like the house.  ‘it’s really beautiful’ she whispered, and he was pleased. ‘I’m glad you like it’ he said smiling and pulling up in front of the house, the two other cars that held Timo, Daniel, Jack and the three other men from the airport pulled up behind him.  Gabrielle went to unbuckle her seatbelt but it was stuck, she pulled and pressed the button getting frantic, embarrassed, ‘I can’t get it undone’ she said looking up at Lucian, he looked again into her eyes, taking them in, so bright and green they really were beautiful, he reached over without a word, his hand touching hers and felt that spark again. He kept eye contact and leaned towards her, she swallowed holding his gaze, his hand was warm and rough against her smooth skin. He wasn’t even trying to help her now, instead he was caught in the moment of her. He used his other hand to brush back her fallen hair, just as he had imagined at the restaurant, it was even softer than it looked. Leaning in he went to kiss her, and suddenly Jack was banging on the window. Both of them jumped at the interruption, this f*****g guy, Lucian thought, is going to get a bullet in the head if he keeps this up. The moment was gone, and Gabrielle turned to Jack, Lucian managed to undo her seatbelt and she scurried out of the car looking afraid. ‘The hell was going on in there?’ Jack asked angrily. ‘My seat belt got stuck’ she answered, ‘Lucian was just helping me fix it’.  Daniel ran over to his sister, ‘I showed Kade all my games and I beat him at everyone’ he said proudly, ‘I hope you didn’t brag’ his sister said ruffling his hair as he ducked, ‘he bragged brutally, didn’t even let me win once!’ Kade said with good humour. Gabrielle smiled, ‘I guess that means you’ll have to have a rematch later, but first’ she said taking her brothers hand, ‘it’s time to meet your grandmother’.           
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