I am back

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***Prince Anon's POV*** I had been awake long before I started hearing voices in the palace, and I was so sure that when I woke up, I wasn’t hearing a single voice, at least none came close to my room. I sat on my bed, thinking. I covered myself— hip to toes — with my warm blanket. A palm cupped my mouth but not fully and the other one was on my lap. I had not stepped an inch away from my bed since before the first cockcrow. In absolute silence, despair, and anger, my heart was filled with rage. I had been thinking since morning. I had been looking around my huge room, staring vaguely as though I had nothing else to do for the rest of the day. I had been looking foolishly at the golden goblets, the royal stools, things that I had been seeing everyday in my room. Which made me began to wonder if I was going crazy. Or was I just admiring them again? No way! The thing was; none of these alleviated the pain I felt; cured the disappointment I experienced. I, Prince Anon, the first true son of my father was made to return to the Palace after I was banished by the authority of my father, the king of Zahrin. How could a king banish his son since he was sixteen and made to return when he was twenty-eight? Sometimes, I felt like hating my father because of the horrible life he made me pass through but when I remember his second wife; Veronica Amon Daz, a pretentious woman— a witch, possibly — who my father ignorantly married after my mother, my anger towards him douses down. How could it have been his fault? Ever since the King, my father, Arthur Dracula Daz married Veronica, he had never been himself. For the past twelve years that I was banished to the kingdom of Livinas, I had never had a good night's sleep. Have always had nightmares. Had been sleeping with one eye closed. Whenever I remember how my mother was accused of a crime that she didn’t commit and how her body was dismembered by the palace guards under the authority of Veronica's husband, my father, my heart bleeds. I had never been at ease. My body cringes for revenge. My eyes had been a bit coloured by tears. That gory scene of seeing how my mother was murdered had lingered right inside my head as though it was something that just happened recently. Veronica had used her power to hypnotize my father, that I was sure and he had lost his senses completely. He doesn’t have a say of his own anymore. My heart even bled more when I came back to our kingdom three months ago and found out that my father no longer comes outside his room or even instructs the people as their true king. I had not even been allowed to set my eyes on him. Queen Veronica had been made to preside over the matters of the court. She had charmed my father to a point that he no longer knew who he was or the power he should protect. He no longer recognizes the power of authority conferred upon him by the people of Zahrin. Any decision adopted by the members of the court and signed in the form of a document that ought to be taken to the King was first of all seen and assented to by the Queen. She also had the power to make moderation, changes, or stopping any document from being signed. And all these, she achieved in these few years I had been away. I don’t think I could have made any difference if I was around anyway. Or perhaps not. Sometimes, I wondered what the palace officials were doing when she was allowed to usurp power from the king. But oh! she was a witch anyway— and that was why she had succeeded in every ulterior move she had played down all these years. She had been blessed with two sons(twins) and one daughter. This made me wonder: so witches can also be blessed? Even though I am two years older than both of his sons, his eldest son, Prince Nightwinder, was made the crown prince against all odds. By right, I was the rightful heir to the throne of our kingdom but I don’t think that actually matters anyway. Does it? Well, we will see. The Queen banished me to Livinas and she did it so she could prevent me from coming close to the throne or to have a strong connection or backing from anyone. The worst of it all was that in the kingdom of Livinas where I was banished to, was an empire controlled by Veronica's elder sister(Queen Diana Ambers) who was married as a second wife to the King of Livinas, just like her junior sister, Veronica. Maybe it was in their family to break up homes or destroy families, well I wasn’t sure. “knock knock!” said a very familiar voice at the entrance of my room. I was snapped out of my deep thought! I furrowed my gaze quickly at the entrance of my chambers to know who it was. “Brady! You don’t know how to knock or what?” I queried authoritatively. Brady was my servant. He had served me even before I was banished to the kingdom of Livinas. Sometimes we played like we are brothers but were careful enough not to do it publicly for certain reasons. “I think, I just did! Ha, ha!” Brady giggled mockingly. I will give it to him, Brad is a cool-headed fellow. His chin is always widened because of the way he smiles. He was in black trousers with a faded yellow jacket which covered long sleeves he was wearing inside. His outfit was more ceremonial than casual. “I don’t think you did!” I argued, scratching my eyes a little. “Sir! But y--your door was opened!” he stuttered calmly, raising his two hands to prove his innocence. It made his wide chin wider. But that's true! My door was left open a night before and I usually do it on purpose. Sometimes, I open my door slightly because I knew that eyes were watching my every move secretly. And if I have my door always closed, they will assume that I am up to something. “Okay! What is it? Why are you here this early?” I asked gently, returning the smile. “And why are you still standing there? Please come and have a seat?” I said pointing at a stool beside my bed. “O. . .kay. Thank you sir!” he replied as he gently walked closer to the seat. He made himself comfortable. “Please before we proceed to whatever you have to say to me, like, can you, can you tell me, how many times I have told you to stop addressing me with that title? Huh?” my brows aligned as I asked curiously. Brady's body throbbed as he pouted his lips. I am sure from Brady’s expression, he knew I was angry but not that angry. “My name is Anon Fred Daz and you know it. I am just a normal person like you Brad, so please address me at least by my first name." I reduced the intensity of my voice. I didn't want to seem like I was nagging. “Okay?” I added, opening my eyes a little wider. I have come a long way with Brad so I was no longer comfortable when he addresses me with that title. Besides, I don't care about titles. I was just a very simple person. Brady was silent for a while. The way, he pushed up his chin making his wide chin disappear, showed me he wasn’t going to obey me as he puffed away some air as well. “But Sir!” he shrugged. “There you go again,” I interrupted immediately as I threw away my face to the left side and punched my mattress. “Please, listen! You know how insecure this place is for you as a prince then imagine how insecure it is for me as your servant” he paused and brought his stool closer to me. I don’t know why he did that but I suspect he wanted to lower his voice or say something he wanted only me to hear. Anyway, he got my attention. “The traps and baits have been placed already in this fort waiting for the rat to fall in. Believe me, sir, I don’t want to be the rat and neither do I wish the same for you. I could be hanged if I am caught in on any offense that may not even warrant punishment for it. So please, l--let me address you like this for now!” he pleaded, stuttering again. His voice was so calm and low. If he had been an inch further from me, I might not have heard a thing he said. But it was a good thing he came close. “Okay, Brad!” I shook my head in approval. I had to agree. I couldn’t afford to lose him carelessly and yes! he has a point. Brad was just a year younger than me and I see him not just as my servant but as my equal and a friend so I didn’t feel comfortable whenever he addressed me by any title. But he had a point and his point was correct. “You were saying something, right? Before I cut you off?” I asked. I aimed my gaze at him waiting for him to say that which he had in mind. “Yes!” He smirked. He leaned closer. “I heard that the Queen might be choosing brand new female palace servants today. Ha, ha and today is also special for her” he said excitedly. “So?” “Hmm! Aren’t you excited?” He looked stunned. His face looked as if he regretted saying what he said or as if he expected me to be interested or excited when he tells me about the news. “Excited?” “Okay. Sorry, I mean surprised?” “Why should I be surprised? How is that supposed to surprise me?” I asked inquiringly. Of course, he should know that anything about the queen shouldn’t be my concern. “C’mon. Your highness has never attended any occasion since we arrived. Some councilors were chosen the other day by the Queen but you weren’t in attendance. Just a few days ago, some knights were ordained but you were nowhere to be found” he paused and released a deep breath while closing his eyes for few seconds. I could relate, he wanted me to reason along with him. “How long are you going to keep up with this? You can’t hide here forever your highness! You need to come out to the open. People need to start knowing that you still exist. Who knows? You might earn people’s sympathy!” “But I don’t need people’s sympathy!” I rebuffed quickly. “Oh. You do. . .don't? Are y—you sure? Sir?” Sir? Ah! The sound of that started making me feel old. “Wait! Are you interrogating me or what?” I asked. I intentionally wanted to change the topic even though what he said was correct. “O-oh. I’m not stupid enough to try such a thing with my Prince!” he leaned backward chuckling. Maybe he noticed he was asking too much. And he wasn’t even in the position to. “But Brady!” I said as I looked at him intently. “Yes sir!” “Aren’t you hearing the sound of my stomach?” “Ah…. No! What happened to your stomach?” he asked, looking confused. “It is revolting. Animal! Go get me some food” I taunted as I brushed his hair. I giggled as I stroked his shoulder with my palm. “Oh my! Sorry. I’m getting it right away!” he giggled. Not looking bothered, he squirreled away. My plan worked! I successfully dismissed him. But yet, while he was gone, I started thinking of what he told me. I noticed that what he said made sense. I have not been engaging myself with anything that has to do with the Palace ever since I came back. And that was because I was trying to conceal the new man in me--a vicious and vindictive man. I wanted to show everyone what I am not so that I can be able to hide who I was. I needed to cover my canines, hide my claws and conceal my new self as long I could. This path, I have chosen for quite a long time and it has turned out well. Most people think that I was a weakling and even the Queen thought that I am useless too. To me, it was a miracle in disguise. No one needs to know what I am capable of, at least for the time being.
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