Chapter 7 – Do Over

889 Words

Chapter 7 – Do Over Mel Early Wednesday Morning, February 11th Morelville, Ohio –––––––– Since Tuesday hadn’t ended with more rioting in the streets of Zanesville and since my duty cell had been quiet overnight, I actually managed to catch more than a few hours of sleep. I woke up at 5:00 not really feeling fully rested but certainly better than I had in a few days. Creeping back into the bedroom from our little bathroom after my shower, I was surprised to find Dana awake and sitting up in bed. “Come here you,” she beckoned me. “Why?” “Just come here.” “But I’m practically naked here...” “Your point being?” I moved closer to our bed. “I have to go to work babe.” “I know; I just want to give you a proper send off.” She raised her chin toward me and crooked a finger to motion m

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