Chapter 3 ‘Call me Celeste’

1459 Words
Celeste’s POV I wake up the next day to the same ceiling and familiar room. So it is real, I really did come back in time. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to this feeling. Yesterday I strengthened my resolve, and today I need to come up with a plan. There’s a knock on my door and it opens. “Miss Celeste? How are you feeling today?” Clara asks as she walks in. “I’m feeling much better, thank you Clara.” “Will you be staying in your room today or going out?” She asks as she opens the curtains. “Clara.. If I needed to get information on someone outside of our pack, how would I do that?” I ask her. Clara seems surprised by my question, but she still thinks for a moment before answering. “You could try the informant pack. Although they aren’t really a pack, it’s just what they are called. They can find out any information you need. But they aren’t cheap, and they are a bit rough around the edges. They sometimes take in rogues and mercenaries. Not many people know about them.” Clara says. “How do you know about them?” I ask. “Truthfully, my brother is a part of them. He had to take on some work to help my family and now works for them full time. He told me the leader of their group is cold and deadly. He has red eyes and is notoriously ruthless. I’ve heard many troubling tales about him.” Clara seems to shiver from fear. I know that red eyes is a trait among pure blood alphas. Some see it as a sign of power and strength, while others see it as a sign of madness or blood thirsty temperament. I’ve never met anyone with the eyes, so I’m not sure which is true, but from Clara’s description, it seems to be the latter. My first instinct is to stay as far away from them as I can. But I can’t be the same person. If I want to have the upper hand, I’m going to need this information. Plus it’s not like the red eyed leader of the informant pack is going to dealing with my small request, I’ll probably never even meet the man. “Where is this pack? How would I get in contact with them?” I ask Clara. “Miss, is it so important to get this information?” Clara asks. “Honestly, it’s a matter of life and death.” In this battle for my life, I’m going to need an ally, and Clara is the only one I can depend on. She was the only one who stayed by my side. “Clara, a lot of things are going to change, and I’m going to ask you to do some thing’s that might not seem right. I just need you to trust me. Just stay by my side.” I say. “Of course miss. I’m always on your side. And I can tell you where the pack is. Will you be going today?” Clara asks. “Yes, I’d like to go as soon as the sun sets.” “Miss, allow me to come with you. I can show you the way, and if my brother is there I know he’ll help us.” I want to say no, I need to keep Clara safe. But it would be good to have someone on our side. “Okay fine. But we need to be careful. I don’t want anyone to find out we left the pack house. It’s important to have the upper hand.” I say. “Miss, did something happen while you were away?” Clara asks. “Why do you ask?” “You seem different, I don’t know how to put it.” “I guess something did happen. I learned that not everyone is truly on my side.” I answer. ……………… That evening as the sun began to set, Clara makes her way to my room. “Here Miss.” Clara hands me a cloak. “Clara, when we’re alone you can call me Celeste. And tonight call me Cece. I don’t want anyone to know who I really am, got it?” “Is that really alright?” Clara asks. “Yes of course it is. You are the person I’m going to be most relying on moving forward.” I say. Clara takes my hand in hers. “Celeste, you helped me when my family was struggling for food. I will do anything to help pay you back.” When I was six years old and out in the village with my mother and brother, I saw Clara in an alleyway hunched over and dirty. I walked up to her and held my hand out to her. “Are you hungry? Let’s go get something to eat.” That was the first thing I said to her. I begged my mother until she got us food and then my mother agreed to bring her into the castle to work as an omega. Ever since that day, Clara has been my maid. “Let’s head out now.” I say. Clara and I sneak out of the castle and into town. I keep my hood up and follow behind Clara. “This way.” She leads us towards the slums. I haven’t been in this area in a very long time. She shows me to a decent looking building on the edge between the slums and market town. There’s no name on the building, and it doesn’t even look like it’s occupied. “Is this it?” I ask. Clara nods. I walk up to the door and knock. The door whips open and a large broad man with a scar across his eye and a bold head peers down at us. His very presence is crazy intimidating. “What do you want?” His voice is low and cold. “I’m looking for someone who can help me find something.” I say. The man looks me up and down. “I don’t think this is a place for kids.” The man says. He’s about to shut the door when Clara steps forward and holds the door open with her foot. “I’m looking for Myles.” Clara says. The big guy hesitates but then takes a step back letting us step inside. When we walk in, the room is set up like a bar, with tables and chairs and men scattered all around. “MYLES. GET OUT HERE.” The man yells, closing the door behind us. I can feel all eyes on us. “What’s with the yelling?” A man comes from a back room. He’s actually quite handsome, in a rough and dangerous kind of way. No! Focus Celeste, your life is in danger. “This girl is looking for you.” “Who are you?” Myles asks. Clara flips off her hood. “Clara? What the hell are you doing here?” Myles asks. “Hoho who’s this, your girlfriend?” Some guy shouts out. “Shut it.” Myles walks over and grabs Clara’s arm. “Can we talk privately?” Clara asks. Myles looks over at me. “Come on.” Myles drags Clara to the back and I follow behind them. He takes us to a room and closes the door. “Why did you come here?” Myles asks. “She needs information on someone.” Clara says. “Do you understand how dangerous this place is?” I step forward, I can’t have Clara take all the blame. “The information is life and death for me. If there was another way, I would have done it.” Myles seems reluctant. “You have to make a formal request, and you better have money.” Myles says. I take a pouch out and drop it on the table next to me. It’s a large pouch and very heavy. This has to be enough. Myles rubs the back of his neck. “Geez you guys. Give me a minute.” Myles walks out of the room and I feel like I can finally breathe again. “Are you alright miss?” Clara asks. “Yeah, I guess I was just nervous.” I pant. “You did good. The most they can do now is turn us away.” Clara says. The door opens and it’s Myles. “He’ll see you.” He says. “He, he who?” I ask. “The boss.” Oh no. My mind flashes with visions of crazed blood red eyes.
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