Chapter 22 werebear revealed

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Unknown Werebear’s P.O.V (revealed)   I ran day and night and only stopped when I saw something suspicious or when it was necessary for me to hide, I was running as fast as I could, until I finally got to where I was when they first started hunting me. The men were nowhere in sight, so I followed their scent and then I smelt blueberries and freshly cut grass, I knew that was her scent so I followed that too. Anna wouldn't be able to run in her wolf form for long, especially if they drugged her with the same thing they did me, she would have to take regular breaks even if she wanted to carry on running her body wouldn't let her. I knew exactly where she was at and I ran towards the mountains where I first hid, but I knew that if I didn't get there on time they would find her and Goddess only knows what they will do to her when they do find her. I knew these woods like the back of my hand, I’ve had plenty of time to learn my surroundings, so I knew all the shortcuts and exactly where to go. I hurried through the woods, going through thickets so sharp that it cut my arms and legs, until I finally got to the edge of the mountain. I started to climb up, letting my claws grow so I could grab on better and keeping my ears open for any signs of who was up here. I suddenly heard a man's voice and I knew I had to hurry. I tried to listen, but I could only hear two men talking, there had to be more of them out there, there is no way that only two men were hunting her.   “Hey, young girl, are you ready to have some fun. I've been thinking about your plump ass since we let you go. It wasn't very smart coming up here, the last one that came up here decided he wanted to jump, but then again he was a bear.” One man said and they were talking about me.   “Yeah, but before we kill you we are going to have a little fun with you.” The other man said and it made me furious.   “NO!!!!” Anna screamed out, making me climb faster. I finally reached the top and saw that the man I knew as Chuck was holding Anna’s hands behind her back with his one hand while his other was wrapped around her waist. The other man was standing in front of Anna and pulled out a hunting knife, taking it to the bottom of Anna’s shirt, trying to cut it open. I got to my feet at the top of the mountain and charged at them.   “OH s**t MAN!! HE'S STILL ALIVE!! WATCH OUT!!” Chuck shouted and the other I knew as Gary turned around to face me just as I swiped my claws across his throat and ripping his head clean off his shoulders in a single strike. Chuck shoved Anna down to the ground and went to grab his gun, but thankfully Anna kicked him in the balls, making him drop the gun as he fell to his knees. Anna jumped up and grabbed the gun, aiming it at Chuck’s face before pulling the trigger and blowing a hole through his head. Chuck’s body fell to the ground and then Anna turned to face me, pointing the gun at me.   “Who are you? Why did you just save me? Answer me now asshole.” Anna said, causing me to chuckle at how feisty she is.   “I’m William and I’m a werebear. I’m the werebear they told you about jumping off here, they have been hunting me for ten years now. I know how to hide, you need to follow me before the others get here.” I replied and she looked at me like I was crazy.   “You must be out of your mind or you think I’m out of my mind. I don't know you, how do I know you're not working with them and this is all a trap? I need to get back home, my mom is hurt and my dad needs me.” Anna said, but I shook my head.   “What? What's going on? Do you know something I don't? We can't be far from the pack house, can we?” Anna asked and I again shook my head.   “We were twenty five hours away from the pack house, but since you ran here we are now thirty hours away. We need to get going, I can smell them coming.” I replied and she looked shocked. She looked at me for a few seconds, trying to figure me out and then she sighed and nodded, deciding she would come with me.   “If you don't mind I will need to hold you while we jump down. We’re not climbing down, we are jumping, it's faster.” I said and looked like she was thinking for a few minutes, before jumping on my back instead of letting me hold her.   Anna’s P.O.V   There was no way I was going to let him hold me, even if he did save my life, I was still unsure about him, so I jumped on his back.   “Alright, let's do this. If we’re going to do it then do it now.” I said, nervously and he nodded.   “Hold on tight.” William said and I gripped even tighter around his neck, but not too tight that it would choke him. William jumped off the edge of the mountain and it felt like we were falling through the air forever. I closed my eyes, but felt the wind hitting my face and blowing through my hair, until I finally felt him hitting the ground. I braced myself and then opened my eyes to see that we had actually landed before I let go of his neck and got down from his back.   “Where now?” I asked, looking at him.   William’s P.O.V   I turned to face her, looking into her big beautiful hazel green eyes and I felt like I could just reach out and touch her, I felt like I could lean down and kiss her, but I didn't and thought it best not to.   “Come on, there's a cave about an hour from here. It's been my home for years now. We will need to hide there for a few nights, since the other guys will be hunting us day and night after they find those two bastards dead. We need to be careful and in two days we will head back to your pack, but we will still need to be careful on our way there. They have men everywhere and I run into them from time to time.” I replied, walking away from the bottom of the mountain and gesturing for her to follow me. After two hours of walking we finally made it here, I knew I had told her it would only be an hour's walk, but I forgot to take into account the drug they used still being in her system, so we had to stop a few times until her strength came back. We were near the cave but we really had to hurry as I smelled the men hunting us and they were quickly closing in on us.
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