Chapter 9 happy birthday Anna

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Toby’s P.O.V   It was ten in the morning and I was on my way back to Shelly’s house to speak with her and her parents. I was really nervous about meeting them and I wanted to make a good impression, I just hoped that Shelly already told them about me and what I was. I pulled up at her house and went straight to the front door, but just as I was about to knock the door opened and a large man stood there, glaring at me. I admit I was shitting myself, what if he said I couldn't see Shelly? The man's glare suddenly turned into a smile as he grabbed hold of me and pulled me into a bear hug, now that's saying something considering I'm a werebear.    “I’m Shelly’s dad, Daniel. It's nice to meet you.” Daniel said, letting me go.   “Hi, I’m Toby.” I replied, shaking his hand.   “Well, come on in. Shelly has told us everything about you.” Daniel said and I hoped that it really was everything.   “Everything?” I asked and he nodded.   “Yes, yes, we know that you are a werebear and that Shelly is your mate, but what we don't know is what that means now.” Daniel replied and I nodded.    “Well sir, when mates meet they normally move into the males pack and I have come here today to ask for your permission and Shelly’s for her to move in with me.” I said and Daniel stopped dead in his tracks, just as we got to the living room. I looked inside and Shelly was sitting there with who I assume is her mother and brother, but they all looked shocked as they heard what I said. I hope this was going to get better.   Anna’s P.O.V   I thought that this week would drag by, but it actually passed really quickly and now it was my birthday. I was so nervous about turning eighteen today and my first shift, everyone wanted to see the color of my wolf and I wanted to as well. Jessica and Toby were here and so was Shelly as well. She knew about the supernatural and the day after their date Toby went to see her parents and after talking they agreed to let Shelly move in with Toby on his packs territory, but only on the condition that Shelly would stay in school until she graduated. Which was a good idea and graduation was only a couple of months away. Everyone was busy decorating the backyard, putting streamers around the trees and there were five tables set up for the food and drinks, there was also a BBQ set up, with loads of meat ready to be cooked. I was up in my room getting ready as I listened to the blazing music coming from the backyard.   “Remember Anna, if you're in too much pain let me take over and when I’m done I'll let you take back over.” My wolf Lizzy said, mind-linking me.   “Lizzy, I’m okay, I promise. If I get in too much pain I will let you come forward, Okay.” I replied, getting out of the shower. I dried myself off and blow dried my hair, but didn't bother putting it up and just let it lay over my shoulders. I put on a sundress, not wanting to wear something I liked because it would just get shredded when I shifted. Everyone here always hid clothes like shorts and long t-shirts or sun dresses in the trees, because when you shift back you are completely naked, so the guys wore shorts and the women wore either long t-shirts or sun dresses to cover themselves up with.   “Are you ready, honey?” My mom asked as she knocked on the door and let herself in. I nodded but my mom knew that I was scared about it.   “Listen okay, on my first shift I was nervous and scared too, mine was very painful because I was a human and as you know your father had to change me to save my life, but you are a full werewolf. Every shift is different, but your dad and I will be with you all the way. It's okay to be scared and nervous. Now are you ready.” My mom asked and I nodded.   “Alright then, well let's get downstairs before your dad sends out a search party for us. You dad has all kinds of food and music going, he's also got the grill going. Trevor is working the grill, cooking steaks, hamburgers and hot dogs, he keeps growling at anyone who tries to take over from him, saying that no one can grill better than he can.” My mom said, making me laugh a little. I took a deep breath and walked out of my room and downstairs to the backyard with my mom.   “You know Anna, I was a right handful with your dad, I didn't want to be here at first and that was before I even knew about werewolves, but I started warming up to him. I actually slapped him a few times, but I had reason to at the time.” My mom said, chuckling as she said a few times.   “They don't call your father the Alpha Don for no reason, he's the King of the Mafia and no one messes around with him because he can be very dangerous. You know that, so if you feel like you're in danger or something doesn't feel right, just mind-link your father and I, we will be right there, okay.” My mom said and I nodded.   “I promise.” I replied and she nodded. I always loved hearing stories about my parents and I could just imagine my mom slapping my dad, I knew she would especially if he did her wrong. We finally made it outside and I was looking around as my dad smiled and walked over to me.   “Hey sweetie, happy birthday.” My dad said and handed me a small gift. I took the wrapping paper off and opened the small box, pulling out a beautiful necklace with a locket. I opened the locket up and inside I saw there was a photo of dad, mom and me. I loved it, it was perfect.   “Thank you so much, I love it.” I said, looking up and smiling at my parents.   “I will never take it off, I promise.” I said, putting it around my neck, but then my dad just started chuckling.   “We made the chain extra long and strong, that way when you shift it won't break or be too tight around your neck.” My dad said and I was grateful for that. I hugged both my parents, thanking them again before the others came up to me and gave me their presents. Toby gave me a bracelet, Jessica gave me a pair of earrings and Shelly gave me a journal. We all started eating and drinking and it was now time for the cake to be brought out. It was a three tier cake, with white icing, with strawberries and roses all around it. Everyone sang happy birthday to me and the night was going excellent. We all carried on eating and my dad cut the cake, not trusting either my mom or me with a knife and we all ate a slice or two of birthday cake. After everyone was done eating and drinking it was time and I could feel that Lizzy was itching to get out. My dad raised his hand and everyone stopped talking and turned to face their Alpha and Luna Alpha.   “My dearest family and friends, tonight we are gathered here for my daughters first shift.” My dad announced and then he turned to me.   “Anna, are you ready honey?” My dad asked and I took a deep breath. I was really nervous about this, but I stayed strong and just kept wondering about what color my wolf was going to be to take my mind off it, plus I already loved Lizzy.   “Yes dad, I’m ready.” I replied, nodding.   “Are you ready Lizzy?” I asked, mind-linking my wolf.   “Yes Anna, I’m ready.” Lizzy replied to me and I nodded to my dad. My dad held his hand up again and turned to face everyone.   “Everyone please be quiet and let her concentrate.” My dad said and then turned to face me. Lizzy only said two words before I started to feel the pain.   “I’m coming.”
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