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Everlyn stretched her arm out as the sunlight streamed into the apartment and frowned when she found the space next to her empty. After the whole vampire fiasco, the night had gone by drama free and Everlyn ended up going home with Noah. Willow had made sure to go back with Luca so that she could snoop and find the key. She wasn't sure what Noah was hiding in that safe, but she needed to find out fast. "Morning, sleepyhead." Noah walked into his bedroom in nothing but his Calvin Klein boxers carrying a tray of food. He joined Everlyn in the bed and placed the tray between them, making sure not to spill the drinks. The tray consisted of two coffees, two glasses with orange juice, some croissants, and some fruit. Everlyn's mouth watered at the sight of fresh strawberries, and she couldn't wait to bite into one. Noah handed her the drinks, and she placed them on the bedside table before taking a strawberry out of the porcelain bowl. "Do you think we're moving too fast?" Noah asked after taking a sip of his own coffee and glanced down at Everlyn to see her slowly bite into a strawberry. His mind began wandering off to other matters he wanted to do, but he knew he had to keep on track with what he was saying. He was trying to get a gist of where the two stood and whether or not he should trust her yet. He wanted to see if she would be ready to join his plan. "You're going to think I sound crazy if I answer that." She replied and placed the stem of the fruit onto the tray. She knew that this could be her time to gain his trust. Willow had already told her that he was thinking about mating. "I don't think you could ever sound crazy." He couldn't believe how cheesy he sounded, but the smile she gave him told him he was on track. "I don't think we're moving fast enough." Noah rose his brows at her reply. He was not expecting that. "I can't explain it." She continued. "I've never felt this way about a guy before, especially a guy I have only known for two months." She lied through her teeth. Although she had created some kind of bond with Noah, and she was scared for him on what the King may do when he gets a hold of him, she only felt that particular way about the King. She only wanted to mate with the King. She couldn't tell if it was because of the promise he had given her or because she genuinely felt some kind of way about him, but she knew nothing could stop her from becoming his Queen. "No, I get it. You're not like other women I have met, and I can't help but think of what our future will look like together." He thought of what it would be like to have his own pack with her wolf by his side. He thought about how strong they would look together, like no other Alpha and Luna. "That is, if you wanted a future with me, of course?" Everlyn almost smirked at his behaviour. He really thought he was the one doing the manipulating when really it was her the whole time. "Of course, I want a future with you, but are you willing to stay loyal only to me? You are a rogue, after all." "I could say the same about you." He challenged. "I'm in this for the long run, Noah. Even if it meant that you were some psycho killer that was only using me." Everlyn laughed off the truth behind her words, which made Noah breathe in relief. He was worried that she knew about him for a moment then. "Let's eat our food and cuddle for now. We can talk more about this stuff over date night next week." Everlyn leaned up to place a small kiss on his cheek before digging into her breakfast. ~~~ The next day flew by in a blur, and now it was time for her to meet with her King again. Like usual, she had made herself look pretty just to tease him, and made sure that no one was following her car, and drove over to their regular meeting point. Once she had arrived, she clambered out of the driver's seat and made a point of walking to the side of the house where Alpha Jatix and his Beta were leaning against the wall. She had known they were standing there every time she visited, but for once, she wanted to make her presence known. "Hello, boys." The two men straightened up as she approached them, and while the Alpha held a sour expression, the Beta's eyes roamed her up and down. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Beta. We all know the King has a temper on him." The Beta lifted his eyes to her immediately. "And you haven't gone inside to him because?" Everlyn rolled her eyes at the Alpha's attitude, which only made him growl in annoyance. He hated the disrespect this woman constantly gave, although a tiny part of him actually enjoyed it. It wasn't often that people challenged his authority. "Just thought I'd come to say hello to my biggest fans." The Beta couldn't help the chuckle that left him at her words.  This woman was something else. "Why are you two standing out here all the time anyway?" She knew exactly why they were standing there. "You know why." Alpha Jatix huffed. "Ah yes, you can't trust a rogue not to get followed, right?" She didn't ignore the little growl that left his lips. She loved winding up the angry Alpha. "Well, I best be off. See you later, Beta." She made a point to given him a wink before turning on her heels and headed towards the front door. She let herself into the house, only to be met with the King standing in front of her with his arms folded across his chest. His right eyebrow was c****d upwards as he stared down at the beautiful woman. Although, her beauty was not the thing on his mind right now. "Having fun flirting with my men?"
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