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He was sat at the end of the table, in a throne-like chair that allowed him to overlook the eyes that peered up to him. He was above them, and this way, he reminded them of it. He had said his part, and now he was watching with amused eyes as the Alphas bickered amongst themselves. It was a constant back and forth chatter that was beginning to annoy Everlyn, but she kept her mouth shut, deciding it would be best not to interfere with the egotistical men just yet. She glanced at the King and was pleased to see the amusement on his face. She was glad that she wasn't the only one that found these full-grown men bickering like children funny. He felt her eyes on him and turned his attention to her. Her cuts on her hands had healed completely, which wasn't a surprise, but the way she was acting surprised him. All morning she had acted like last night had never happened, like she didn't fall asleep trembling in his arms with blood coating the bedsheets. The maids must have thought someone was murdered when they cleaned up. Shaking his head slightly at the woman who let out a soft giggle, he knew the Alphas weren't going to be pleased with her. It was a quiet laugh, but it brought the attention of the alphas onto her. "Is there something funny?" One of the Alphas, named Sabien, had asked. He was annoyed that he was interrupted by the rogue. Sabien was the Alpha of the Silvertail pack, a pack that was situated down south and were distinguished very easily as every member had a grey tip at the end of their tail when in their wolf form. This was one of the packs that had been attacked. "Am I finally being acknowledged now? It's funny how you all have these questions and concerns, yet not one of you has directed anything at me." Everlyn's back was straight as she glared at the Alpha from across the table. She had avoided looking at her old Alpha that was beside him, even though she could feel his eyes on her. Everlyn held a smug look on her face as she noticed the Alpha gulp and look down at the table. "Now, how about you stop bickering like children and talk one at a time like civilised people?" When no one spoke, she nodded her head and looked towards the King for him to speak. "You all have something to say, so why don't we start from the bottom of the table." He paused and stared at the man who happened to be the youngest of them all. "Alpha Jatix, would care to go first?" Alpha Jatix was the Alpha of the Bloodlust pack. They were the pack that often kept the rogues at bay, hunting down any rogues and vampires that had broken the law. They consisted of strong warriors who knew how to fight and track people down. The pack members were usually young, no older than 30. if they managed to live past that age, then they would be taken into the King's Army to train the soldiers or guard the prison. They were not the type that people messed with unless they had a death wish. It wasn't a pack for the weak, and it wasn't a pack you were born into. Jatix became the Alpha when he was merely 21, and 3 years later, he was still at the top. Everlyn had only crossed the pack once, and that was when she was being attacked by other rogues. She wasn't on their agenda, so they let her be. It was then that she decided to mask her scent.  The pack didn't hate all rogues, just the ones that broke the laws and would attack anything with a heartbeat. "I don't understand why we need the help of a Rogue to track them down when I have some of the best trackers known." He practically spat out the word 'rogue' but kept his eyes on the King, not letting them steer towards the woman beside the King. The King nodded his head and looked towards Everlyn, knowing that she wanted something to say. Once he had sent her a small nod, she spoke to the ignorant Alpha. "If you were to walk past me in the street, would you know that I am a rogue, Alpha Jatix?" Her question took him off guard for a second before taking in a deep whiff of her scent. It stood out from everyone in the room because she was one of two females present and therefore had a sweet smell. He couldn't pick up the scent of a rogue, which usually smelt like a wet dog, so a thought crossed his mind when he looked at her face. "I could tell from your eyes. They're glowing red." There was a smugness to his voice as he finished his answer, some of the other Alphas agreeing with him as they nodded their heads. Closing her eyes, she thought about her mother, about her laugh and wise words, and then she opened them. Only this time, they weren't glowing. They were a forest green color, a colour that her eyes rarely shone. "And now?" The Alpha's smile dropped as he tried to come up with an answer, but he eventually had to swallow his pride and shake his head. "So, who's to say that these rogues aren't masking their scents and controlling their anger, so their eyes don't glow? Who's to say they haven't walked past you in the street and you've thought that they're human? They're playing a game of cat and mouse, Alpha." She paused and looked around the room. "And quite frankly, all of you are the mice." Alpha Jatix's hands were clenched as he took in her words, knowing that what she was saying was true. They were just pawns in the Rogues eyes. "Right, so now that we've established that we can't track these wolves like normal, would the next person like to speak?" Kai was pleased that Jatix was finally put in his place. He was a cocky Alpha, but he was damn good at his job. He just needed knocking down a few pegs. Katrina was the next one to speak. Her eyes were calculating as they stared at Everlyn. She was the only current female Alpha. There have been others, but once they married, their title was changed to Luna. She was the Alpha of the Whiteclaw pack. The name's reasoning was that every Alpha of the pack had a pure black wolf, all accept their one paw being white. They weren't sure how a title could completely change a wolf's fur, but it did. As soon as one claimed the title, their hair turns into a midnight black colour, and so does the fur on their wolf. "If we don't expect our finest trackers to sniff out rogues, then how do we expect you to?" Her question was directed at Everlyn, but she was expecting someone to ask this. Everlyn directed her attention onto another Alpha. She had to lean forward and turn her head to the left to get a look at him as he was seated on the same row as her. "Alpha Ansel, you were once a rogue, weren't you?" She already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from him. He cleared his throat and turned his body to look at Everlyn. "Yes, Luna." "Wouldn't you say that rogues think alike? They live in similar areas to avoid packs. They even live amongst the humans and go to similar bars where they know they will be somewhat safe?" "They do." Alpha Ansel was never a man of many words, but he only ever spoke the truth. "So wouldn't it make sense if Alpha Ansel helped?" Katrina butted in before Everlyn had the chance to talk, which led to Everlyn rolling her eyes. "I haven't been a Rogue in five years, Alpha Katrina." Alpha Ansel was the Alpha of the River pack, he was never born into a pack and didn't have any fantasy of joining one, but when he fell in love with the Alpha's daughter, there was nothing he wanted more than to join her pack. He would never allow her to know the rogue life, and when the Alpha believed that his intentions were true, he allowed Ansel to marry his daughter. It was a love story that was written about in children's books and gave people hope that rogues and pack members could get along. "A lot can change in five years. Rogues like to move around every few months, which means that their meet up spots change. I was a rogue up to two weeks ago. In fact, I'm still a rogue until I have undergone the ceremony. Wouldn't you say that I'm more likely to track them down?" The Alphas nodded as they finally came to terms with the idea of needing help from a rogue. "So, what's the plan?" It was the King's turn to speak now that the wolves had jumped on board. "First, we need to unmask Everlyn's scent, thankfully she knows a witch, so we have that part covered. The media have no idea what she looks like, so the only thing the public knows is that I have a mate. This is our advantage because none of the rogues will recognise her. You all are going to your packs like normal." He glared at everyone before they could protest. "Alpha Jatix will send two of his warriors to each of your packs, and I will be sending four soldiers from my Army. It may not seem like a lot, but trust me, each individual could fight off five vampires at once." Alpha Jatix nodded, and the King continued. "According to Everlyn, the north is riddled with rogues, more specifically the New York and New Jersey area. The Closest pack to there is yours, Alpha Pierce, so I will need to stay with you while this is going on. My Beta will stay here, and we will make it seem like I am still at the palace, which is why no one from your pack can tell anyone, or there will be consequences." It made her sick to the stomach that she will be close to her old pack again, but she knew that she would get her revenge eventually. "Of course, King." His voice sent a shiver down her spine, but she ignored it and looked at the King, waiting for him to continue. The King was now looking directly at Everlyn. "That is where you and your witch friend come in. You two will be renting an apartment in the city where you will be visiting the bars and clubs that rogues like to go to. They would be able to smell your scent and think that she is human. You will then report anything you know to me. Once we know enough, the Bloodlust pack will go to the bar, obviously forcing the rogues to move and you to move with them." "Why doesn't the Bloodlust pack just kill them there and then?" Alpha Sabien asked the question that the others were thinking. "Because we need as much information as possible, they've taken children, and if we kill them, then those who have the children may go into hiding, and we'll never find them. To make sure they take Everlyn with them, we'll make it look like Alpha Jatix kills her friend, that way, they will believe Everlyn's intentions to be for revenge." The plan was long and would most likely take months to complete, but the minute Everlyn knew that children were involved, she was ready for the task. On one condition… she was granted permission to kill the Alpha's son of the Bloodmoon pack.
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