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Her mood switched in a matter of seconds, and she had never turned around so fast. So fast that it had even stunned the older man before her. He was exactly as she remembered him to be, his greying hair was styled in the same way it used to be, and he still wore that cocky smirk. It was a smirk that she had always wanted to knock off his face. She was different now, her hair had grown out, and she had clearly gained some muscle mass, but deep down, he knew she was the same. He knew she was a weak girl he always knew her as. "I was never your daughter in law, Pierce!" She hissed. Every word felt like venom on her tongue as she glared at the man with nothing but hatred. She could feel her eyes blaze and knew that he didn't have many buttons to push before she tasted blood. "Ah, yes, how could I forget?" He raised his hand to his chin as though he was pondering something. "You broke my son's heart before anything could be finalised." A laugh bubbled from the woman's chest at the ridiculous words coming from the man. Her random outburst didn't surprise him. She always loved to laugh like a maniac for no reason. Just like that, her smile dropped, and her face turned into rage. Within a matter of seconds, she had the man pinned against the wall, her nails morphed into claws as they dug into the skin on his neck. "I should have ripped his heart out the second I got the chance." Pierce smirked when he noticed her eyes glow redder than before. Anyone sane would have ran for the hills. "Is that any way to talk to your Alpha?" He taunted, knowing full well that it will only anger her further.  Her claws dug further into his neck and pierced the skin. The smell of blood hit her nostrils instantly, and it smelt intoxicating to her. It took everything inside her, not to have a taste.  But she knew she couldn't; she couldn't jeopardise her plan to become Queen.  "You were never my Alpha." She hissed every word and felt herself grow angrier as she watched his smile grow wider with each of her words.  "You can sleep your way to the top, Everlyn. You can become the Queen of the wolves, but that will never change the truth." His hand latched onto hers and peeled it from his neck; he brought her hand to her face and smirked when he noticed the flare of her nostrils as she breathed in the scent of his blood. He was reminding her of what she was.  "My son was willing to accept that, but I can't say the same for the King." All her concentration had been thrown out of the window, and the only thing she could focus on was the metallic smell in the air. The man took the opportunity to grip the woman's hair and force her eyes to look at him. "My son will be Alpha soon, Everlyn. You will never be able to escape him, although I do wish I got to have my way with you before he claimed you, your beauty amazes me, even to this day." She let him tug at her hair. She even let him roam his eyes over her body because she had just thought of the perfect way to kill the man before her. And when she did, she was going to relish in the feeling of it, but for now, she had to wait. She had to wait for her king. "Get the f**k off me." The man smiled at her but done as she said, he even went as far as taking a few steps away. "I must say that I'm a little disappointed that you didn't put up more of a fight. I guess you're still the same weak b***h you always were."
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