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Everlyn lay across the four-poster bed in nothing but her underwear, a red and black lace thong with the matching bra. She was bored out of her mind. The King had to leave on important business, so a maid had shown her where she would sleep. She soon realised that she would be sharing a room with the King. She had already wandered around the large room and tried to snoop, but nothing was interesting, so instead, she lay on the bed, waiting for the beast to come to bed. Years ago, she would have judged herself for the way she was acting, but now? She would do anything to feel something, and if sleeping with a man she just met made her feel something, then so be it. It wasn't long before the TV's noise turned into a buzz at the back of Everlyn's mind as she started to dose off. ~ The King could hear shallow breathing coming from the bedroom, so he made sure to be quiet as he opened the door, he loosened his tie and threw it onto one of the dressers before he ran his hand through his hair. There had been an uproar with the council about the King's choice in Queen, so he let them argue about her, and just when they thought he would agree with them, he reminded them that he was the King. He looked at the sleeping woman in his bed and couldn't help but notice she was just in her underwear, sighing. He walked over to the bed and lifted the woman so that he could put her under the sheets. This woman would bring him trouble, but he felt drawn to her like she was his exact match. ~ Everlyn was alone when she woke up. She couldn't even remember going under the covers. Her ears perked at the sound of the shower, and she softly bit her lip with a thought crossing her mind. She glanced at the mirror on the vanity. The King had it put in there yesterday and quickly patted down her black hair until it looked reasonable. She pulled the covers off her body and walked towards the vanity where she had put her purse on the day before, and pulled out the mints packet. Popping one in her mouth, she sauntered to the bathroom. He could hear her before she had even approached the door and rested his hand on the tiles in front of him, his head facing the ground, so the water washed over him. Her eyes took in the man before her, the way his muscles protruded due to his position and the way his back was covered in scars. She knew they held a story, but she couldn't help but want to create her own scarring on them so that he would have a different story, a story he wouldn't be ashamed of. "May I join you?" her voice was deeper than usual due to her only just waking up. The King loved the huskiness of it. His head turned to face her, and he let his eyes roam her body. He watched as she reached her hands behind her and undone the clasp of her bra, so it fell to the ground. He watched as she bent over to pull down her underwear, and then he watched her as she stepped into the shower until she was right in front of him. "Stop that." "Stop what?" his hand rested upon her hip as he bent down and stared at the fire in her eyes. "Looking at me like you want to f**k me." "But I do want to f**k you." Her finger traced his jawline, but his hand soon shot up and grabbed it. Without saying anything, he left the shower and grabbed the towel on the wall. He didn't want to have s*x with Everlyn, at least not yet anyway. He wanted to find out who she was and why she was here first. ~ He had been ignoring her all week, he didn't mean to, but he was getting worried about smaller packs getting destroyed from rogue attacks. It was his job to look after them, but another pack was being targeted as soon as he would send soldiers to help. He had organised a meeting with every Alpha so that they could figure out some plans. Everlyn's plan hadn't entirely gone the way she wanted. By now, she wanted to have the King wrapped around her finger, but she also knew what was going on outside the palace. She wasn't a cold-hearted b***h and understood that the wolves were more important than her right now. They needed the King's help. They needed the Queen's help too. She wandered around the palace in boredom, occasionally having conversations with the servants about their day. She liked getting to know everyone. All of them had different stories, but she could see the pain behind some of their eyes, the ones who were there to help sick family members or because they needed to fend for themselves. She felt connected to them. Her dark navy gown flowed behind her as she walked through the empty hall. She was on her way back from the kitchen, where she had grabbed herself a snack despite the chefs insisting on cooking her something. She was just about to walk past the door to her King's office when she heard the Alpha and Beta's conversation. "Will the Luna be joining the meeting?" She had only met the beta once, and that was only for a brief moment, but she recognised his voice straight away. Her ears perked at the talk of the meeting. She had heard from the maids that it would be held this weekend. "No, she will not be. She won't be much help." She rolled her eyes at the King's stupidity and walked into his office. She could tell from the look of agitation on his face that she had interrupted, but she didn't care. "I beg to differ." Her right eyebrow was raised, but her eyes never left him, the beta looked between the two, and when he realised that the King wasn't going to speak, he decided to. "How so?" she took this as her cue to walk in further. Closing the door behind her, she wandered carelessly over to the King's desk. Her hand trailing over the walls and then the desk as she reached it, she ignored the warmth radiating from the Alpha when her finger trailed up his arm. The King had yet to say something, he had just watched her as she carried herself like she owned the place, and when she had touched him, it almost made his breath hitch. She brought her mouth close to his ear, but she kept her eyes on the beta, smirking to herself when she noticed him gulp. "You see, I'm a rogue." Her lips brushed against his ear, and although her voice was quiet, it was loud enough for the two wolves to hear. "I heard about that, but you don't smell like a rogue, so I thought it was a lie." The beta now had her attention. How was it that two attractive men who ruled the werewolf empire were so stupid? He felt cold as she moved away from him but c****d his head to the side when he watched her walk over to his second in command, her hands resting on the arms of the chair he was sitting in, she hand to bend down to be eye level with him. He couldn't see his beta, but he had the perfect view of her butt. "Silly Beta, have you never heard of witches?" her tone was condescending, but something about this woman screamed power, a power that the beta knew he had no match against, so he decided to play her game. She wasn't expecting him to move forward so that their faces were almost touching, but she did notice him smirk when she moved her head back slightly. "Of course I have, but they hate werewolves." Now it was her time to smirk. She stood tall before making her way over to the sofa against the wall. She lay her legs across the couch but still sat up. Her dress had ridden, showing the two males her long legs. The beta knew better than to stare, so flicked his eyes up to her face, but the same can't be said about his Alpha. His eyes roamed her legs, and wondered what they would feel like wrapped around his shoulders. His thoughts were cut off by her speaking. "The witches don't hate werewolves. They hate disrespect. What do you expect them to do when you charge up to them and demand them to work for you?" she rolled her eyes at their puzzled expressions. "The witches love to gossip, so when the Alpha king demands help from the coven, it passes around pretty quickly." His mouth formed an 'O' shape as he realised what she was talking about. "Show respect to the witches, and they show respect back. Around two years ago, a witch named Willow took me in and masked my scent, and as long as she stays alive, then my scent will stay like this unless she undoes the spell herself." Interesting. The men thought it was unusual for a witch to bind any spell to their life, yet this one had for her. "Ah, so you can help us with the witches to end this war?" The beta couldn't believe that his new Luna had ties with the witches. It could help them greatly. "No." the King's eyes hardened as he took in her words. "I will not bring the witches into this. It isn't their fight." She wouldn't hurt the people that took her in when she needed it the most. "So, how will you help us?"  "As I said, I'm a rogue. I've been one for years, so I know how they think, I know what their next move might be." The beta nodded in understanding. She could be helpful at the meeting. "You can come to the meeting." His voice was huskier than it was earlier due to the lack of talking he had done. "Be ready by 8 pm Friday. The Alphas will be arriving in the day, so we'll be having a mixer, and then the meeting will be 10 am Saturday." She nodded her head and stood up, flashing the two men her dark underwear that matched her dress. The beta's cheeks were tainted pink, and she giggled as they got darker when she winked at him. "See you Friday, Beta." And with that, she left the room. She hadn't even addressed the King as she done so, knowing it would anger him.    
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