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The girls didn't go to the club the next day, they decided on having a girls night in and watch movies, plus they thought it was a good idea to leave the men waiting a little longer. Everlyn made sure to keep notes on everything that had happened since they had been there so she could give them to Kai. She was hoping that he would be able to find out precisely who Noah claimed to be to save her from figuring it out herself. Willow had been practicing location spells so that she could track where exactly Noah had been going, but the strand of hair that Everlyn took wasn't good enough. She needed something with more DNA on. If the girls could track where he was going, they might find the children quicker than anticipated. Noah had his men keep an eye out if the girls showed up again. Regardless of not being notified, his eyes scanned across the crowd, hoping to get a glimpse of her glowing eyes. He couldn't get this woman off his mind, and all they had shared was a kiss. He put it down to him just being horny but even after having s*x with 2 other women, he still couldn't get her off his mind. Perhaps he just needed to sleep with her, and then he would be back to his normal state. He felt entrapped by her beauty, something about her screamed power, and he couldn't quite place his finger on what. His night dragged by slowly as he thought about her. He had even put off doing work until the next day and had left Luca in charge to go home and sleep, he hadn't slept properly in a long time, and maybe that was the issue. ~ Kai rubbed his hand down his face as he continued to read the letters from the missing children's parents. He had Dowers send them over to the Blood Moon pack every time one arrived at the castle. Each letter provided a description of the child, age, name, what they were wearing, and a photograph taken recently. If this were any other circumstance, he wouldn't have personally read the letters. He would have had his third in command read them and then send them over to the Bloodlust pack, but he felt the need to read about them because of there being children involved. His eyes skimmed over the picture of the little girl. Her front tooth was missing as she smiled widely at the camera. This photo was taken days before she went missing. He flipped the image over and noticed there was writing on the back, the writing was messy, and there was water damage to a few words, which was a clear indication the person had been crying. It was a message from the father, begging the king to find his little girl. The king knew he had to find these children and quickly. He just hoped Everlyn was doing her part accordingly and would be able to gain the information they needed, but he also knew that she was still a rogue and had been one for years, he didn't fully trust her, but he had no choice. He disregarded the photo in the pile of others and opened his final letter, but it wasn't what he expected. His hand gripped the desk so hard that the wood cracked, leaving splinters in his hand, his eyes trained on the photo before him. It was them. It was a photo of all the children lined up. All wore the same beige outfit with their hair pulled back from their faces. Kai let out a long breath when he noticed that he couldn't see any marks on the children, not even marks on their hands, so that was a sign they weren't being tied up. Whoever took these children weren't evil enough to hurt them physically. After analysing the photo, he flicked it over to see a message messily scrawled on the back. You won't find them. Kai pulled his phone from his pocket and quickly dialled a number. They picked up on the second ring. "Alpha Jatix, I need one of your men to come to the Blood Moon pack as soon as possible." "Of course, King, can I ask what for?" His response was immediate, and he was already mind linking his Beta to come to his office. "I have a photo of the missing children taken by whoever has them. I want your experts to analyse the photos and attempt to pinpoint where it could have been taken, there's no scent on the photo, but there's not a lot of places you can hide a bunch of children." He paused, listening out to see if anyone heard in on the conversation. "I don't trust anyone to handle this photo other than you and your most trusted pack member." "I'll send my Beta over immediately. I'll call you when he is near."   "Thank you." He hung up the phone and was quick to start on his paperwork. If he wanted to sleep at all tonight, he had to finish at least a quarter of the stack.
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