Entry 21

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22 Krishna I had managed to stop Alexander Silver and the weird metal form that he had taken. Because of his inability to fight, he was unable to fend me off, as I was a decorated fighter and a tactician to boot. “Explain yourself,” I demanded holding the karambit to his throat. “Damn it,” Alexander coughed hard. “I should have known not to underestimate you.” I had hit him hard enough in the stomach that if he had not been in his metal form, I was pretty sure I would have ruptured both his kidneys. Yes, I did know how to do that. “What the f**k you think your doing Alexander?” I demanded. “You realized you will be tried for mutiny.” “Please,” Alexander said. “The way that this army is structured will soon be eliminated.” “What do you mean by that?” I asked. “Like I would tell you,” Alexander said. “I’m the one that kicked your ass, you best be talking to me now,” I said. “You got lucky,” Alexander smirked. “Oh?” I said. “Let me in on a little secret, I wasn’t even trying, and I kicked your ass. In fact, watch.” Before Alexander could do anything, he was on the floor. “Marxus,” the Colonel said. “Captain you killed him!” Eugene said. “Relax, I just knocked him out,” I said shrugging and putting my Karambit back in my jacket. I looked back and saw that the Colonel was holding on to Heather who was supporting her. “Colonel you okay?” I asked. She looked like hell. Just like everyone else had. One of her butterfly wings looked like it was broken and was half covering her half not. She looked like she was in pain. “Fucker broke my wing,” The Colonel said in pain. “He’s different then the other Inklors,” William said. “He was able to be cohesive and make him more solid even.” “That aint no Inklor.” I said pointing at the unconscious Alexander. “Then what is he?” Eugene said. “I suppose some sort of result of that super soldier program.” I said shrugging. “They must have given him enough of the Inklor abilities to make him like that. In case you didn’t notice but earlier those Inklors that attacked us were able to make their bodies into spikes and s**t too.” “Wait a minute, what do you mean Inklors?” The Colonel said. “Oh…right we have kind of a long story to tell you.” I said. I explained to the Colonel my theory. Before the Fakirs came to Golordia they found a drifting Inklor ship. On that ship they found documentation of the Inklors, and including a DNA sequence that they must have left behind for a future set of Inklors to find and replicate. f*****g Norman Hunraken of all people ended up investigating the ship and the technology and the DNA sequence. When the Fakirs came here to Golordia, they had a perfect pool of candidates to try to replicate this Inklor DNA. The Inklors were parasitic after all and would nee a host to gestate. So Hunraken he replicated the Inklor spawn phase, this thing that is called the M parasite. Once he had this parasite he got the help of his friend George Marquis Lorillard to fund an experiment on Golordia Sigma. He injected the M parasite on a group of people everyone thought were essentially worthless. The Mounted Division. The Mounted division all started to have different effects from the parasite changing their DNA. Hunraken must have been controlling them to change enough DNA that only some part of it would change. Then Hunraken discovered that the Parasite could transfer to other people. When that happened he programmed the parasite to transfer DNA from one person to another. That is how you would get chicks with d***s or males with boobs. And also Chicks with four boobs or for arms or what have you. Here is where the General discovered something, General Redd must have been investigating why the Mounted Division had all gotten the M parasite, and yes it was all of them. I had figured that out by how things were going. When he started looking into it he tied everything back to Hunraken. Because the General was not careful either Hunraken, or at this point I think he might have told Alexander of his revelation and Alexander told Hunraken. I am pretty sure Alexander might have been the one who put the hit on the General, Once the General was out of the way it was discovered he contacted his daughter. No one knew what it was about. So, Alexander was charged with killing everyone on the base. With this army of Inklors that he must have brought with him. Alexander must have enlisted in the Super Soldier program, and he got changed and altered like I was sure everyone else had been. Alexander’s own sister or whatever she was (Alexis) had been the first test subject of this thing called Project Rho which was tested out on Golordia Sigma first ironically. Probably to see if the plan would work. So, Alexander was mutated by the M parasite into whatever the f**k that was. “So that is what I have figured out so far,” I said wrapping up my theory. “But the Inklors stopped attacking.” The Colonel said. “I think they are being controlled remotely somehow.” I said. “Either that or Hunraken was depending on this i***t to finish us off.” I suddenly remembered about the damn book again. I walked over to the Colonel’s desk. “Sorry Ma’am but I just thought about something,” I said. “Go ahead,” The Colonel said as Heather helped her sit down on a nearby couch. I again looked for this damn book series. I eventually found it but was shocked. It had changed. I c****d my head looking at the scans. I remember skipping through some stuff, but there was no way this stuff was here earlier. There was suddenly a part where the bear got attacked by this weird looking octopus thing. The bear had killed the octopus by throwing a knife at it. There was other stuff. Like suddenly there was a green bear appearing getting rescued by the bear, a red butterfly, and a white beaver looking thing. They had little hearts floating around the head of the brown and green bear. I clenched my fists. Somehow, I had this f*****g idea that the f*****g monkey was responsible for this. I had to keep looking at the scans though, to see if what had happened so far was logged on these scans. I saw that the next scan showed the bear fight with this weird metal thing that had a spear for a hand. It showed the bear defeat the metal guy. It showed the butterfly with a broken wing, it showed the pink bear, and there was this weird # sign above her head as if she was angry. She was glaring down the green bear as the brown bear was looking at something on a screen. I looked at that a couple of times before I turned around and saw Heather staring Daggers at Olivia. I smacked my head and sighed heavily. Luckily everyone else was preoccupied with the Colonel’s health that no one was noticing. I turned back to the scans and saw that everyone was attending to the butterfly woman. I saw that the metal man suddenly start, laughing. “You really think that you have won?” Alexander started to laugh. “You sure do talk a lot for someone I knocked out,” I said. I gave a side look at Alexander who seemed like he was trying to change back to that liquid form but he couldn’t. I moved to the next scan and it looked like the Butterfly woman was asking the metal man questions. “Why did you do it Alexander,” I heard the Colonel ask. The scan next showed the metal man saying something about the weird horse with green hair. The metal man had laughed when he said whatever about the horse. “You have no idea what Hunraken is about to release on this world,” Alexander laughed. “What is he about to release?” I asked without looking at the next page. I flipped the page and saw the bear ask the metal man about the horse with green hair. The metal man seemed to have said something about the snake who sits on top of the pile of gold. “Lorillard has funded the great evolution of this world into a new age.” Alexander said. “One which the weak will perish, those who survive the scouring of this world will be seen as fit those who do not, will die.” “The scouring of this world?” Eugene asked. I flipped it to the next page to see what it showed. I nearly jumped out of my seat. It was this horrible looking dragon. It had this purplish looking gas coming out of its mouth that seemed to have lightning bolts exploding out of the gas.

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