Chapter 4

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"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked. "I couldn't sleep, even after taking my medication," she sighed. With a slight nod he turned back to his work.  "Well good night, I guess," she said turning to leave as he only nodded his head deep in his paperwork. Going downstairs she warmed up a glass of milk and slowly drank it sitting in the dark as tears slowly cascaded down her face. Wondering what her life would be like if Chris had been a better husband. She didn't hear Lincoln walk in only to feel him pull her into his arms whispering soothing words as she opened up the flood gates. Pouring out all the pain she had until anger and hatred were the only emotions left. He didn't say a word but led her to bed tucking her in. ----- The next morning he found Melinda preparing some coffee. She seemed to be deep in thought as she stood still pouring coffee into a cup. "Is Zachary ready?" He questioned startling her resulting in her burning her hand. She winced in pain as he grabbed her hand and placed it under cold water. Plopping her onto the counter he took the first aid kit Andre had brought. "You should be more careful," he whispered sternly. "It's not my fault when you frightened me," she mumbled whilst he applied the cooling cream. She relaxed as the pain subsided. Once he was done wrapping up her hand he placed her onto her feet.  "Please take care of yourself," he said kissing her forehead before calling for Zach as they left. Running out she caught them before they pulled out of the driveway. Rolling down his window she said, "You forgot your breakfast and lunch." Looking at her in confusion she showed him the lunch bag she had packed up. He took it with a thank you. ---- Linc's POV Staring at the sandwich she had prepared for me for breakfast I wondered why she had done this for me. Yesterday's lunch had been mind blowing and I wondered what type of i***t would divorce her with cooking skills like that. Aside from her cooking I had always had a crush on her back then. It took self-discipline to not r****h her full lips every-time she was near me. Her body could make any man weak at the knees and don't get me started on her smile. Seeing her again after fifteen years brought fond memories of when she we would steal cookies from momma back at the orphanage. She always knew it was us even though she never complained. I had left the home at fifteen years of age when the Shields family adopted me, leaving Mel in the home at nine years of age. We were inseparable back them, excelling in everything we did especially our studies. I was impressed with her record she had managed to start her own company but what baffled me was why she had been out on the streets if she was well off financially. Her son is just the icing on the cake, the little guy had managed to grab my heart from our first conversation. He is too adorable for his own good. Any man would be lucky to have a wife and son like those two. Biting into the sandwich my taste buds tingled in appreciation of the delectable food. Picking up my phone I called home. Something I had never done before. There was never a need to do such. Walter answered the phone on the second ring. "Walter how is everything there?" "All is well here sire. Ms Melinda is currently resting," he said reading my mind. "Good, if anything changes call me. I will be back there with Zach at lunchtime." "Yes sire. I shall inform her when she wakes up." With a grunt I ended the call. ------- Constantly looking at his watch whilst in a meeting he waited for the hand to strike one.  "Wrap this up," he informed Ken walking out of the meeting. Informing his men that they were leaving he went to fetch Zach. Walking into the classroom he heard a little boy whisper 'Look its Thor' making him laugh. "Lincoln!" Zach squealed running towards him.  Lifting him up, he turned to his teacher and thanked her for taking care of him. "So what did you do today?" "We played on the swings then we had nap time then....,' he went on as they drove home. He flew out of the car in search of his mother excited to tell her about his day. Strolling into the house he was greeted by Walter.  "Good-afternoon sire." "Good afternoon. Any problems?" "None at all sire. The packages arrived an hour ago. Ms Melinda just woke, upon your arrival."  "Excellent," he said with a smile heading to his room to change. Coming out of his room in swimming shorts and tank top with slippers he went in search of his house guests.  "Hi," he said kissing her forehead. "How are you feeling?"  "Very good thank you," she said her stomach grumbling. "And very hungry," he chuckled. "Come let's get both of you some food. I have a surprise for the little one here," he said looking at Zach. Happily obliging, he lead them to the kitchen as Andre dished out their food.  "You must show me how you made this soup Andre," Mel said in appreciation. Lincoln was busy going through some mail whilst they enjoyed their lunch, having refused as he was already full. She moaned taking another spoonful making him stop what he was doing looking up at her. "Do I have something on my face?" She asked him innocently. "No. Meet me by the pool when you are finished," he said quickly standing up. A few minutes later they found him doing some hard laps in the pool. Once he spotted them he slowly got out of the pool using the steps; water slowly dripping down his torso. "Do you know how to swim?" He asked with a smirk seeing her stare at him.  "Hmmm," she said absent mindedly.  "Does Zach know how to swim?" He said more slowly. "Umm yes," she said softly. "Good," he said as Walter brought the new floaters. "It's such a shame you can't join us," he whispered into her ear with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I am just fine out here thank you," she said. Going back to their room she opened a drawer to see new clothes alongside their old ones. Going into the closet she found everything a girl dreamed about lining the closet. "Mommy, new shoes, look!" Zach shouted with a wide smile.  Looking up she found Lincoln looking at them.  "What is the meaning of all this?" "This is my thank you for breakfast and lunch." "You didn't have to do this," she said sitting down on the floor.  "Zach go find Walter so he can get you ready for that swim, I will join you in a few minutes," he said with a warm smile. Once Zach left he crouched down beside her, his powerful thighs straining against the now loosened towel which revealed his wet shorts. "Listen to me Mel. I need you both to have a comfortable time while you are here. If I get anything for both of you, don't argue or question me about it," he told her gently.  She gave him a long hard look trying to read his face. "Why us Lincoln?" "Because you are the only true friend I ever had. I know you lost your baby. I know you are hurting. Just let me be there for you to take all your problems and worries away," he said turning her face. "And no more crying." Taking a deep breath she wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a hug.  "You are the only friend I have Linc," she whispered. "Promise me when the time comes and I ask for your help you will not refuse me," she said her expression becoming serious.  
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