Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: The Attempt to get gratification from the only available source of pleasure I blamed Martin more than anything. There is not enough wine in the world to ignite arousal from me the way he does. _______________________ Molly's face changed immediately when she heard the sound of a car pulling over at the driveway. She stood up from the couch, tip-toeing to one of the Windows like whoever was outside could hear her walking. "It's them, Kacey! Oh my god, does my dress look fine?" She gasped and squealed when she saw Brandon and Damien exiting Damien's car. "Molly, stop being so dramatic, I already told you that the dress was just fine. You look good enough" I assured her for the second time and saw her furrow her eyebrows at me. "Good enough? Just good enough is not good enough, Kacey. I knew the red dress was a better option!" She sulked, staring at herself through the full length mirror that was behind the couch. "What is the big deal anyway, Molly? It's not like it would be his first time seeing you!" I was being honest. Truly speaking, I doubt how she dressed would cause as big of an impression as she was assuming it would on her unscrupulous boyfriend. "Big deal? I have to show him that I am a strong, take no nonsense, independent woman and he has to think twice next time before he thinks of making out with another girl!" She walked up to the front of the couch and continued to check herself out in front of me. I do not know how much of what she is saying is true but all I know is it conflicts. Her dressing up for him after calling him to drive hours to the vacation house, after ignoring him and telling him she wants nothing to do with him spells "I am a weak, take all nonsense, dependent girl" than anything else. But then again, I was the bestfriend that I had been advising her against the exact same behavior for years so at this point what could I do? Nothing but just go along with how she's acting, is what. "How are you this relaxed? Brandon is going to walk through this door any minute now! Why didn't you change into something sexier than that, Kace?" Okay. Now she was overdoing it. She could do all her crazy shenanigans for Damien but Bradon would find me as I was. "So? It. Is. Not. A. Big. Deal!" I shrugged before continuing to eat my popcorn. The entire bowl had practically been finished by myself alone because for some reason, despite how long the drive would be for the boys to get here, she had already begun panicking as soon as Damien agreed to come over. We did not even get a chance to watch our movie with as much focus as we needed before she had cut it short after just thirty minutes to start searching through her bags for something to seduce Damien. "You do not understand, Kacey. Once you fall in love, you will." The guys do not even bother to knock, pushing the front door open as they allow themselves entry. "Quick! Act normal!" Molly whispered before throwing herself on the couch, next to me and stealing the bowl of popcorn from my hands. "I was already acting normal!" "Shhhh!" She shushed me as they continued to walk casually around the foyer. "We are in here!" I decide to yell before Molly forces me to be the one to speak like I knew she would. Just a few seconds later, Brandon and Damien walk in and boy was I not in a mood to play happy couple today, I thought it would just be me and Molly till tomorrow when the party started. "My sexy baby! There you are!" Damien yelled while Molly blushed on the inside and gave him attitude on the outside. Brandon shoots me a smirk and a quirky eyebrow before walking towards him as he follows Damien. "Hey baby! I missed you! Why were you not picking up my calls?" He asked as he sat next to me, already brushing my thigh with his hand. "Because!" I give him no reason before I casually grab the remote from between myself and Brandon and Molly and Damien and pause the movie. The way each couple is sitting next to each other looks almost planned, like we are on some double date that I never asked for. "Baby, did I do something?" He was getting closer to me by the second, as if our thighs were not touching already to begin with. He grabbed me by the chin and turned my face towards him so I could look him in the eyes. "No, you did nothing. We are just fine!" I assured him before he started mopping the floor with his knees to beg for my forgiveness. "Are you sure?" He still wanted more words of assurance from me despite what I had just said. I decided to give him a quick kiss, which he turned into an extra long one before smiling at me as we broke away from each other. I do not know why Molly and Damien felt that our kiss was permission for them to straight up neck on but their tongues were tied together and their hands all over each other as soon as we ended our kiss. "Where can we get more of those drinks?!" Brandon questioned with too much enthusiasm as he necked the last bit of the wine in my glass. I decide to walk with him to the bar to get more drinks because I was awful at giving directions and the better person for the job was too preoccupied with eating her boyfriend's face to even realise that a question had been asked. By the time we are back, Damien has served Molly and himself some wine and vodka and they are gulping it like it's water. I do even need to have psychic powers to know why Damien is already feeding her wine or where it's headed next. It was a pattern I had learned. I drank more of the alcohol as Molly continued to giggle repeatedly next to me. Brandon was a lightweight so it was coming to me as no surprise that he looked extra wasted after just a few drinks. What did I say? The play hard to get, take no nonsense, independent girl that Molly was describing just minutes earlier was gone. In her place stood the naive, lovestruck and thirsty girl she swore to never turn into again. At this point it was impossible for me to get shocked by her sudden change of mind, it was a norm by now. If that boy did not have her under some blinding love spell then I just have no idea what else it is. She is one person while with him and someone else when he is not around. "You should have made more effort to earn my forgiveness though!" Her voice whispers as she rests her head against his chest. His response is a deep mumble that I could really do better without. Whatever it is that he was saying to her has her weak in the knees, her legs shutting as his hands try to slide between her thighs. She finishes the rest of the red wine in her glass before putting it back on the coffee table. Damien continues to whisper sweet nothings in her ears and her giggles almost have my ears hurting. What a loser! That's all I can think as he proceeds to rub her thighs. "okay! I think it is about time for you to take this show elsewhere. I did not sign up for free porn!" That was it! I had seriously ensured enough already. I interrupt what would have been a kiss and they back away from each other. Molly is almost unrecognizable as the hunger in her eyes takes over. She pulls Damien by his arm, having him follow her up the stairs Well, I guess that means he has been forgiven then, that easily! Brandon was currently chugging down his third glass of vodka and I could see him slowly lose sense. I needed a distraction from all of this and since everyone was currently indulging in things that give them pleasure, I do not see why I should not do the same. I grabbed my phone from where I had almost buried it, behind me on the couch and unlock it with my lower lips already caught between my teeth. I go to my phone safe and enter a long ass password that I had designed to ensure Molly would never ever figure out. I click on one photo of Martin that I had secretly taken when I was at Molly's a few weeks ago and I am already feeling tingles in my stomach, more than just butterflies I tell you! I go through some more pictures of him that I had sneakingly shot without him realising and complete my simping session with some more pictures of him that I had stolen from Molly's phone. I know I must be looking like a stalker in the making or an actual one already but I could not do without these pictures of Martin. As much as I wish I had more, more revealing ones actually, the idea of who he is was enough to drive me wild. My hormones finally feel the effect of the wine I was drinking earlier and I am hornier than ever. I blamed Martin more than anything. There is not enough wine in the world to ignite arousal from me the way he does. I was a sick little girl for craving my best friend's father, father's best friend, the alpha of my pack, the way I was but it is what it is and I am not ashamed. Brandon was beginning to look a bit more handsome as he laid flat and wasted on the couch, his eyes closed. this boy seriously sleeping right now? I shove his side with my elbow a bit and he does not react. My hands shake him at the thighs next to no avail. How great! I have to work hard to wake him up now? I stood from the couch and sat on his lap with each leg around his waist and slapped him on the face repeatedly. As I thought, all he needed was a bit of violence to wake up, which he does so with his hand on his cheek and his face wincing in pain. "Kacey, why did you do that for, baby?" He questioned, still not fully awake. "Wake up! I want to f**k!" I tap his cheeks only lightly this time around to keep him from falling straight back to slumber. My words seem to have worked better than a shitload of caffeine at keeping me up, I see the smirk spreaf across his face as his hands begin to rub against my butt and squeeze it. "What did you say?" He looked me in the eye with lust evident in his gaze. "I said. Wake up! I want to f**k!" I repeated the words and saw the hunger for s*x grow. He pulled me in and kissed me like he was dying and I was the life he was trying to hold onto. "Yess! Keep doing that!" I encouraged him to squeeze my ass even harder as he pulled me closer to him. I stand up from the couch and take him by the hand, leading him up the stairs. We get to one of the guest bedrooms that Molly showed me and my panties are almost leaking at this point. I had to get this s****l frustration out of the way and there was a fully functional d**k in Brandon's jeans that could help me! Or so I thought. I reached for his pants, grabbing his p***s in my palm to find nothing like what should be there by now. He was still flaccid and I could not help but groan in frustration. "Why is it not hard yet?!" My hands stopped their sweet touch over him as I looked at his distressed face. "Just touch it a bit, babe. It will get better!" He could not even get the words out right but I was desperate so I had to do as he said and just hope it truly will get better. I pulled his p***s out of his pants and boxers and began stroking it while I shot him the seductive faces I know always work. His mouth is gaping and he is already moaning but the most important aspect in all of this is still missing. I decide to go down on him, put his soft d**k in my mouth and give it a warm, wet lick. Nothing! Still nothing! I was deeply frustrated. My efforts had all been in vain. How on earth could he still not be erect by now? He had to be joking! "Brandon! What is the meaning of this?" I stopped everything I was doing to try and get him hard and folded my arms over my chest as I stood beside him on the bed. "Sorry babe. Whiskey d**k!" He explained before roling over to his side. I pull him back to his initial position and grab his chin, using it to shake his head and prevent him from sleeping. "Fix it!" I basically yell at him at this point but it still does little to give life to his weak body. "I can't baby! Try again later!" He laughs as though he had just cracked a really funny joke that I should be getting. The only thing that will crack is an egg on his face if he ever makes fun of this annoying situation again! "You are absolutely useless to me!" I shout and he smiles with his eyes closed, rolling over to his side and snoring almost instantly. Ugh! Stupid young boys! I am pretty sure Martin can handle his alcohol just fine without getting whiskey d**k! I was frustrated and still turned on. Only a good f*****g would get me to stop being this horny at this point. I left the room in rage, basically storming out and leaving Brandon still with his d**k outside his pants. Serves him right for being so useless! I hear Molly moaning loudly through her room as I pass through the hallway and I am almost tempted to open the door slightly and watch like a creep. I cringe at the thought of Molly's legs stretched and in the air as Damien thrusts into her. That image is enough to make me decide that it was best to leave and take care of this myself. I walk down stairs and make it back to the lounge, the same place where all my desire began. I unlock my phone and stare at his pictures again. I picture his body naked and me bending over to take his c**k into my mouth. What I wouldn't do to finally have that c**k in my mouth! I ignite my arousal yet again and I am left with my thighs squeezed just so I have control over myself. A thought slips itself into my mind and I shake my head at the clear idea it is giving me. Martin's room. I need to get in there! I bite my lower lip as I contemplate a decision. There is really not enough time to ponder so I settle on a decision I hope I will not regret. Before Molly and Damien finish f*****g and Brandon wakes up, I needed to take advantage of the only opportunity I might ever get to have a look at the room. I walked towards the hidden corner in the hallway, that little voice in my head warning me to turn back with each step. "Shut up!" I actually yell out loudly to stop any feelings of paranoia and I am finally able to make it to his bedroom door. Fuck f**k f**k! Should I really? I take deep breaths as I draw my hand towards the door handle, pushing it down. A click sound follows and a small push opens the door slightly. I really hope I am not going to regret this!
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