Chapter 1 - Study Buddies! Really?!

2138 Words
Valerie’s POV “Excuse me?” I knew better than to talk back, but there I was, looking him squarely in the eyes and challenging him on what he’d just said, but I was damned if I was going to let him take advantage of me just because he smelled something he wasn’t supposed to! “You heard me, Valerie.” “How do you know my name?!” I didn’t dare take my eyes off him, just in case he decided to make a move. “Oh, I’ve found out everything about you.” He slowly stood up and stalked closer as if approaching his prey, and I felt his hot breath blow near my ear. “Oh, goddess, please don’t let him do this to me …” I prayed. I’d heard rumours of omega females ending up in horrific situations, but he simply sniffed the air, and then he was gone. It felt as if all the air had been sucked out of my lungs, and it took me a moment before I regained my composure and my lungs filled with air. Why on earth would the Beta’s son be interested in a lowly omega like me? My hands were slightly shaking as I grabbed my clean clothes from my tiny closet and rushed to the bathroom. I needed to wash the scent of arousal off me before some other male decided to pay me a visit. After a long night of rolling around, and a very early morning, I rushed to the enormous, busy, and very hot pack kitchen for duty. The younger ranked members never had breakfast at the pack house. They’d been going out early since I could remember, but as I walked into the dining room, I felt his piercing gaze and his eyes captured mine, nearly making me drop the serving tray. What the hell was wrong with me? I quickly composed myself and very nearly rolled my eyes when he called me over. “What do you want?” I accidentally sighed in frustration, standing ready to take his order and half expecting some sordid answer, but he simply ordered breakfast and gave me the same charming smile as before. When I returned with his plate, he was polite and even thanked me! I could feel his eyes on me as I moved through the dining room, serving the others, and I breathed a sigh of relief when he finally left, and I could start cleaning up. When I was released from my kitchen duties, I had to run again to get to the bus stop on time, but who was waiting for me, leaning against his car as if on holiday? None other than prince charming himself! He opened the passenger door to his bright red, very cliché sports car, and I tilted my head to one side with a deep frown on my forehead. “Need a ride?” “No, thanks. I will take the bus.” I lifted my nose just a tad higher, but I didn’t dare look him in the eyes. “I can order you to come with me, you know?” “I know.” As if summoned, the bus pulled up alongside us, and I climbed in quickly to find a seat before it pulled away. When it reached the university, I found Ruston leaning against a tree, casually resting his one foot against the trunk while waiting for us to arrive. I didn’t even see him drive past us! “Sit next to me in class.” He fell into step next to me, and his voice sent goosebumps down my back. “I can’t.” I kept walking and tried my best to avoid the stares that were now being thrown our way. “Ruston, baby!” Melody’s shrill voice came closer and, with his attention drawn somewhere else, I used the opportunity to get away. I was really looking forward to Professor Aries’ class today, and the last thing I needed was a distraction from some boy! And a damn ranked boy at that. He would just use me and toss me aside when he was done. No, I had my studies to concentrate on, but unfortunately, he promptly plonked himself down on the chair next to mine. Thankfully, Melody wasn’t in this class, or I would have been in for more torture from her and the brats she called friends. “Good morning, everyone.” Those intense gray eyes found me and I felt myself literally cringing in my seat. The darling professor was probably making sure I wasn’t late again! “Why don’t we skip class and go for coffee?” Ruston’s breath blew over my open shoulder as the class started, and I shushed him. “Something to add, miss?” The professor’s gaze captured me, and I squirmed in my seat. “No, Sir. Sorry.” I felt my cheeks burn bright red and prayed for his attention to turn to someone else. Aries’ POV I had been so excited after seeing her the day before that I could hardly sleep a wink. Whistling as I came down the stairs for breakfast, my mother even commented on how happy I looked. “I don’t know, mum. Maybe it’s because it’s springtime. Everyone is in love.” I winked at her, which made her laugh. “And are you?” Her eyes filled with hope, and I winked at her, smiled, and disappeared out the door with an apple in hand. Today was going to be a great day! Especially since it started with her being in my first class. So, of course, the moment she responded to my question, I felt my loins stir. Valerie’s POV Our first proper lecture was on how brain chemistry worked, and I found it fascinating! Who would have thought that the actual chemistry of the brain could affect someone’s emotions so much? It sure explained some things about a mate bond that I never really understood before. The professor showed us slides on the different parts of the brain and the different hormones they produced, and before I knew it, the lesson was over. Because I had only one class today, I was on the lunch schedule at the pack house, and once again I had to run to catch the bus on time. I knew coming to school was going to be hard, but I never imagined I would have to be fit to do it. Sounding as if I had just done a triathlon, I got onto the bus and caught myself hoping that Ruston would offer to drive me again, but I knew I would never agree. My life would have been completely different if my parents hadn’t died. I would have been the daughter of the head Gamma, and Melody would just be the daughter of one of the lower-ranked gammas. It was sad how life could change at the drop of a hat. My daydreaming nearly made me miss my stop, and the driver glared at me when I shouted for him to stop just as he was about to drive off. Running down the winding road, I made it back with time to spare and decided to take a shower. Spring had started a little earlier this year, and already it was stifling hot. All this running was making me sweat way more than I normally did. I seriously had to think about starting an exercise routine on my off days! Today, when I walked into the kitchen, I was put at the salad table and rolled my eyes. As if anybody in this place actually ate the salads! Ruston still had a second class, but when I walked into the dining room, I found him back at his table waiting to order, but this time, his crew was with him, and thankfully, he didn’t pay as much attention to me. I helped clean up after lunch and decided to take a walk down to the lake before returning to my room for the night. I wouldn’t dare to say that the Moon Stone ranked members abused the omegas, and there were certain strict rules we had to follow that the others didn’t and one of them was being in your room when you weren’t on duty. I had, however, made friends with one of the men who guarded the path to the lake, and when he was on duty, I sometimes sneaked out for a walk. I giggled when I thought back to the first day he caught me sneaking out. I was only ten, and it was one of those incredibly hot evenings. I wanted to go swimming in the lake, too scared that if I jumped in the pool I would be caught, and well, he caught me! Thankfully, he remembered my father and seemed to have a soft spot for me. When I returned to my room, Ruston was there waiting. “Where have you been?” His eyes flashed with fury, of course, after he had probably been waiting a while. “I went for a walk.” The words were out before I could stop them, and I crossed my arms over my chest in defense of whatever attack he might throw my way next. “Oh, okay, well. I’ve arranged that you will be my tutor.” “WHAT FOR?!” My voice was a little louder than what an omega should be! “Psychology.” “But I’m in my first year. I know just as much as you do. Besides, no pack member would have given you permission to study with me.” “Oh, but they did. My mother gave me permission. I simply told her I was struggling and that you would be the perfect person to help me since you seem so clever.” “NO! Please tell me you didn’t!” My heart started to race. I was already in the sights of Alpha and Luna since they received my high test scores, and all I wanted was to carry on studying. If I drew too much attention, they might decide to withdraw my approval and I would never get out of there! “Oh, goddess, but you are uptight! No, I didn’t, but I did tell my mother that I have a study buddy, so you are going to have to study with me. My friends aren’t really the studying type, and you are the only nerd I know.” I was finding it hard to breathe with his beta presence filling my omega room. “You don’t know me, and I can’t help you. You know the rules.” I pretended to busy myself by restacking my books on my desk, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore him in the small space. “I’m the Beta’s son. I’m sure they would excuse you if I asked for your help.” Looking up in surprise, I wondered if he even had the slightest idea of how things worked in our pack?! “That won’t matter. Please, I have a lot of homework.” Turning my attention back to my desk, I was forced to sit down as my legs stopped working. “See, you are already helping me. I didn’t even know we had homework.” He grinned and fell down on the bed. I cringed for a split second when the bed creaked under his weight! Since I was clearly not going to get rid of him, I was left with only one option, and that was to ignore him! I grabbed my textbook from him and sat back down at my desk. Resting my back against the wall to try and create some space between us. “So, what’s this homework we have to do?” I glared at him before returning my attention to my book. Then it dawned on me. What if he kept this up? What if someone saw him leaving my room and got me into trouble?! This would be exactly what Melody would use to get me kicked out of university. A young ranked male member, alone with me in my room! That would ruin my reputation and ensure I never get the chance to continue my education! “Please, leave. There is no homework, but I like to prepare for the next lesson, and you are going to get me kicked out of school.” My voice trembled because I had to admit that I lied to him, and I swore at myself for having to beg. I never begged. I kept my head down as long as needed, but I never, under any circumstances, begged. “Fine, but tomorrow I’m driving you to class.”
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