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So, she wasn't wrong when she felt like she was being watched. "Don’t behave like a stuck up b***h now. I told you the reason, didn’t I? I can remedy the situation of your hunger though.” Neil's voice broke through her haze. "Here, look I have brought chicken nuggets, chicken burger and smoothies for us on my way from M'c Donald’s." She instinctively took the box that he thrust in her hands. Bizarrely, she felt surprised because Neil had never, never brought food for her. He sometimes paid the bills of the restaurants, sure but he never had cared enough to bring food assuming she might be hungry. Or cared about anything else related to her. Or pretended to care. It must be the three hour long wait that he had forced upon her for all the generosity that was pouring out of him. But that also wasn't uncommon in their case. "Come on, eat now!" Neil insisted as he kept looking at her and the food in her hands. "Uh.. yeah." She muttered as she picked up a nugget. Telling Neil about that stalker would be a complete waste of time, she thought. As either he won't believe her and force her to shrug off the whole paranoia. Or he just wouldn't give a damn about what had happened with her saying, 'So what? You're still alive, aren't you?' Yeah, she had experience in that matter. She took a bite of the nugget and almost moaned at its taste. Her hunger had either made tasty nuggets even tastier or she hadn’t given even a bit of thought and acknowledgement to the amazing invention and taste of chicken nuggets in her whole damn life. Whatever that was, she was dying out of hunger to eat even a normal burger, and here she had chicken, so obviously she dived in the food and completely forgot about the damn terrorizing man she had seen. Just as she took the last bite, she was surprised to feel sleepy out of her mind. So sleepy that she couldn't even lift her hands to push away the empty boxes of the food. The last thing that floated in front of her eyes before she fell into a deep slumber was the completely full box of food that Neil hadn't taken even a bite of. ***** "You f*****g sedated her?" Roul, Neil's partner shouted in anger. "Of course I did! What the hell was I supposed to do?" Neil replied in a sarcastic tone, "Make her understand with love about how I am going to sell her out to a bunch of incubus'?" "God damn it Neil! You have f****d up big time. I don't even know if these guys take in humans who are not conscious about what they are getting into. If anything went even slightly wrong, we both would be eaten or buried alive before we can even say the word 'money'!" With his innocent green eyes, an Irish accent and beauty, Roul never had a problem in seducing girls with his charm, and then later, slowly introducing them to 'The Otherworld' to make a business out of them. Sorting the agreeable types was never a problem for him due to the talent that came with an experience of ten years from the challenge of dealing with people with supernatural instincts and powers. This was a complete different world than the human world. Among every specie that was a part of this side of the world, it was called 'The Otherworld'. They were accepted to do business in the part of Incubus domination. To 'The Otherworlders', people like Neil and Roul were like everyday vendors. 'The Providers' was a small group of fourteen humans in this otherworld that was known to deliver humans to the otherworlders in exchange of money. Even though their business was short considering the otherworlders preferred their food as their own prey, the money they received from each transaction was enough to give each of them a rich life. But since the passing of the new rules in the otherworld a month ago, that stated that Incubus' were no longer allowed to have more than one human as the source of their food for a period of three months, what short business they had had skyrocketed through the roof. They had even started getting short of agreeable ones to deliver because of the sudden increase in demand. ***** Ally was coming in and out of consciousness. Although the words that were being said were falling into her ears but her mind was too foggy to make up a complete sense of them. All that she knew was that she should have taken up on the idea when she was deciding the most painful weapon to murder Neil because he had dumped a full collection of her hundred books of various genres into recycling truck when she was not present at her apartment saying, "I threw out your trash. How do you even live with so much crap of papers?" That day, that beautiful Sunday evening when she was ready to have a fried food shower in her mouth and peaceful night sleep, after finding out what he had done to her books, she literally wanted to bludgeon him to death with her bare fists. What she did with her books and what she kept in her own apartment should never have been a concern of him! She knew she was in a big trouble. And trouble like this, where your own boyfriend kidnaps you without thinking twice about the consequences of his actions, doesn't just go away. It comes in a form of slow death with kinda fat chances of the victim ending up dead with no body left to bury. She tried moving a finger to see if she could try to run away from that fat chance of being the victim who ends up dead with no body left to bury. She couldn't. So she fell back into unconsciousness from all the effort that the whole 'moving the finger' chore took. ***** Neil wiped his hands that were wet from sweat on his jeans. It's been two hours since he had kidnapped Ally. He was nervous and scared. But most importantly, he was feeling something strange, an excitement, a rush that he had never felt before. A few months ago Neil's friend Roul had told him a secret that had changed his life completely. Roul, whose partner was killed a few months ago in some mysterious circumstances, had taken Neil under his wing in exchange for his complete loyalty to him. And then he was shown a completely unrealistic and terrifying world that he never could have believed was real. But he still hadn't seen how it was from the inside. He only knew what Roul had described and what tidbits he had seen of the otherworld while standing far away from Roul as he finalized deals, but he had never seen any otherworlder till now. "Where are they?” Neil asked with barely contained excitement. "Here.", Roul whispered while coming to stand right beside him. Neil's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. As far as he could see, there was no one in his sight. They were standing in an open, plain, muddy playground with no sight of grass or swing in it. Ally was in the backseat of the car behind them, still unconscious from the effect of the sedation. Suddenly out of nowhere a man appeared in front of them, and after him, five more. Neil had never seen anything like it. It was like they were appearing out of thin air. Four of them were looking forty to sixty years old and the other two, no more than twenty five. Nonetheless, all of them had looks that could fail even the most famous movie stars. Before Neil could wipe the shocked look out of his face upon their sudden appearance, a man stepped forward and asked, "Male or female?" "Female.", Roul answered. 2 of the men disappeared. "Twenty thousand dollars.” One of them called out. "Thirty thousand dollars.” Another one said. "Fifty thousand dollars." And the bid had started. "Seventy thousand dollars." "One Million dollars." "Three Million Dollars.” A heavy voice rang out in the silent night.
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