The Missing Quinn

1113 Words

"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you blaming me? You've gone too far, Quinn!" Ethan was starting to lose his patience. "I was having trouble contacting two very important people. You should have known about that and told me right away." Quinn sulked and didn't want to lose. "While you were in the shower? Oh Quinn, I'm not one to presumptuously check other people's cell phones." Ethan tried to explain. "Just wait a while longer. The storm should pass soon. You can call them and explain about all this later. Why am I the target of all this?" The man then left the living room and headed for his room. However, just one step in front of the door, he turned around. "I've made the food. Take it to the dining table yourself." Quinn was silent. Even when she had scolded Ethan like this, she was still

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