The Intimacy

1324 Words

Sean was ready in his black suit. He stood beside his car, at the location Clarke had shown him. Clarke had promised to be there in ten minutes. But fifteen minutes had passed and Clarke hadn't shown her face. "Why is that detective taking so long?" Sean was starting to lose his patience. Not long after, a classic black sedan pulled up right in front of his car, a dapper man in a white suit got out of it. That man— a guy with the thick mustache ran over to Sean. "I'm sorry Mr. Osbert, the road was jammed, so I-" "I thought you were canceling," Sean said with an annoyed glance. "Can we go to the party now?" "With pleasure, Mr. Osbert." "But, you should leave your car at the mall parking lot near here. We'll go to the party in my car, how about that?" "Whatever you want, Clarke. B

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