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When I woke up, I could hear the voices again, and some whispering. I was still it the Clinic, in a normal bed. I slowly sat up and looked around, and found Jumping Horse in a bed next to me. I was about to try and wake him, when the older man came in. "You're awake that's good." "What happened? How's the boy?" "Asleep and recovering, it took a lot more strength and power then I thought it would." "You had two people healing him, it must've been pretty strong." He nodded and checked me real quick, my shirt pulled away from where Calian marked me, and the old man, looked at me surprised. "I thought you didn't know about werewolves, you're mated to one." "Um...that's not a werewolf mark." "I see." he finished and stood up straight. "You sound fine, you do look a little tired but that's to be expected. I have given the bullets to your friend and she is waiting for you, and thank you for your help, I think Wade here would say as much." "Pleasure to help, if it happens again let me know, I'd be happy to help." "You are always welcome here, little sister, and wish you the best in your way." I got to my feet and headed out to meet Lisa, and she was already on a horse, I got on the horse behind her and we were gone, we got back to the car and he headed home. "Why, the hell did we almost die back there, I thought you said you knew of someone?" "Andrea, I'm an outcast I can't just waltz into a res and ask for help!" "Well, try treated you just fine while I was out." She didn't say anything, I could feel her envy. "Green is so not your color." "Yes, they respected me because of you and?!" I sat back and looked out the window, I remembered Ruth and it felt awful to think we were going to kill her. But this whole family had lost so much, and were going to keep losing more if we didn't do something. When we got back to the house we split the bullets among two gun and had them at the ready, Nick was sad, but Calian was devastated, and said  that he didn't want to kill her but to save her, she deserved a life. "Calian, she doesn't want it bad enough, if she did, she would be just like you." "You  have no idea how it feels, Andrea, so don't try to have an opinion about this." "Oh, I'm sorry, she only tried to kill me, saying I wasn't going to take you away from her, I guess I have a pretty damn good idea!" I said back. He glared at me because he knew I was right, we came up with a plan to defend or attack, he left a little after and didn't hear the rest of the plan. "Okay so is everyone clear, we're not going to kill, just slow her down and see if I could heal her, if not then she's going to...you know." "Yeah, it might not be foolproof but it's worth a shot."Nick did want to help but he was also very aware on what he needed to do. So we were going to wait for the chance. I just couldn't shake the bug, I had so I went and got checked out, they took blood, and the doctor checked my stitches he pushed and felt but nothing seemed to be wrong he asked me question, and determined everything was fine, and would call me with the test results for my blood work. I kept going on with life, until one day I was heading into the workshop building to check on the last minute things, and was feeling like I was being watched. Quickly checking things out and getting back to the truck, I drove away. The road to town was quiet, and dark. I called Trisha. "Hey." "Hey what's wrong?" "I'm not sure but I think I'm being followed." "Come to the house___" something hit the truck hard and strong it knocked me out of the road and made me roll, a couple times. I opened my eyes and found I was upside down, looking around and soon found her walking toward me. Ruth was in human form and walking right at me. I undid my belt and landed on my shoulder, I tried to phase and couldn't, I scrambled out the other window, and ran, with the help I had I could run a little faster, but not enough to out run her. I was at the lake, and I ran into the bathrooms, I checked my purse, and found that I didn't have the gun. "Damn!" I could hear clicks on the cement outside like someone walking in heels. Then a knock at the door. "Hello, is everything okay?" "Yeah, just go back to your RV, I'm fine." "I'm calling the police!" "No, no need..." The woman suddenly screamed, and I ran out, there was nothing outside. Realization came over me like a bucket of cold water, that was the trademark for walkers, I turned but she was no where to be seen. She wasn't gone I knew she wasn't, I could still feel her watching me. Looking around the lake was completely alone, no RVs, no campers, nothing. I could scream all I wanted and nobody would hear me, then a even more horrible thought came to my mind, she could torture me all she wanted and no body was going to hear me. I looked around as I heard a coyote howl somewhere behind me, I started to mumble the chant and with a rock made a circle around me, by the time I was done Ruth was walking toward me again, she was the horrible creature I had seen only in my night mares. "That's only going to last so long, you can't stay in there for every." "I don't need forever, Ruth, I just need a few minutes." She grinned which made her look scarier, I chanted and she ran at me she bounced off my protection. She walked around me. "He's a beautiful child, you know, I can see why." I imagined she was talking about, Calian, but I just listened and didn't speak. "I never meant for this, I was protecting my children, but they soon needed protection from me, and it was good to see my sons live, but..." I felt a shiver go up my back. "I didn't think it would be so hard to share them, with an other, someone that would hurt them, betray them, or lie to them." I looked at her, other then me knowing how all of this started how else was I lying? We sat there looking at each other, and before  i could speak, a shot rang out, it came right between us. She ran and I ran toward the others. "Stop!" they yelled and i threw my arms up. "It's me." "How can I be so sure?" "You got to be kidding right." Then like on cue, Ruth came out looking like me, she looked exactly like me. "Guys." she crawled toward us, like I had just attacked her, or she had attacked me. Calian was about to go to her. "No, that's not me, or she's Ruth." Ruth was wheezing for breath. "You guys if that's Andrea on the floor, she's dying." "Then which one is it?!" I tried to push my emotions drown through my bond with Calian, it was blocked. By what? I thought of things only Calian and I would know. "I first saw you fighting with Nick, then outside of the church, both in your other form, and then the first time you phased into something normal it was a gray cat with black tipped ears, like a bob cat." Calian knew it was me, but he didn't want to verify it or Nick would shot Ruth. "Calian?!" I begged Calian with my eyes, but no verification needed, Ruth turned right back and ran at Nick who stop her in the stomach, she seemed stunned,but before Nick could take another shot, Calian jumped at Nick and Ruth booked it. "Get off !" "You're not going to kill her!" Nick got Calian off, but Ruth was long gone by now. "You freakin i***t, we weren't going to kill her!" "What?" "We need to stun her long enough for me to heal her, Calian." Calian looked relieved but then realized what he had done. Ruth was gone and who knew when we'd get our second chance. When we got back to the house, I went to the shower and cleaned off all the glass and blood. Calian was helping Nick get the truck back, we didn't want questions coming up. Trisha gave me a ride and was sitting in the living room. I got washed up and went out to get dressed, I looked at my phone and it looked like I had a missed call, it was from the doctor. I ignored it, I'd call tomorrow, soon I joined Trisha in the kitchen to eat. It was late when the boys got back I was already asleep, when Calian came home. He didn't say anything just came in showered, went to sleep and it the morning was gone before i woke up. About 9:00ish I called the clinic back. "Yes, Can I talk to Dr. Hiss please." I waited for a moment. "Hello, yes, Dr. Hiss, It's Andrea Andrews, I'm just returning your call." "Ah, Yes,Ms.Andrews we got your test results back, and not sure if I'm delivering good or bad news." "What is it?" "Well, First I'd like to say Congratulations, you're pregnant."

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