Chapter 6: Escape to Pump Station 2

11348 Words

"So what do we do now?" I demanded, deferring to the one person who seemed to understand the situation. "What now, indeed, Dr. Oswald," O'Shannon replied. "My original mission was to investigate and assess the danger, but that has obviously been overcome by events. By now, the whole world will be learning of hell holes and hellhounds. The Magisterium of the Tutores Contra Infernum will be contacting world leaders to educate them about the threat we face. Isolated up here, I cannot help them but with luck and your help, I just might be able to save you." She pointed to the remaining tents. "Gather what you can easily carry. We'll leave in five minutes, make our way as fast as we can to Pump Station 2, and hope that once there we'll be able to find shelter and the resources we need to head

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