
1022 Words
Julian smiled at the fresh air and warm sunshine. It was late morning, him wanting to spend breakfast with his daughter, son in law and grandchildren before he left, not knowing how long he might be gone for. Serena stood beside him, her hair billowing in the wind while Xavier had wished him luck earlier, needing to make a start on the paperwork and responsibilites awaiting him.  "You'll be careful" Serena said turning to him anxiously as he gave her a firm embrace, holding her tightly and closing his eyes at the comfort it brought him. How he loved his daughter and her children and mate. He'd miss them while he was gone, but he needed to do this for his own sake.  "I promise" he murmured pulling back and putting a loose tendril of hair behind her ear and smiling reassuringly "I have my men" he indicated pointing at the small group chatting amongst themselves as they waited. "I will keep you updated" he added "let you know where I am and where I intend to go next. I will be safe I promise" he told her even though she continued to look troubled. Julian knew her worry stemmed from the fact that she'd grown up all her life not knowing who her father was and now that she did, not wanting to feel abandoned again. It was why he had been shocked when she had suggested this to him, but his daughter always had his best interests at heart, even if it caused her pain. "Serena" he said softly "I'm coming back, alright, I'm not leaving you forever" he promised, his throat constricting as he blinked back the tears threatening to spill as she began to look weepy as well. At this rate they would both start crying if he didn't take off soon. The only thing he'd bothered to pack was a small backpack with clothes to carry in his mouth once he'd shifted. He required nothing else. If he got hungry between travelling to packs his wolf would take over and hunt. They were more than capable of sniffing out water and his men would take care of him as well. He'd be fine on this journey. "Alright" he said finally, kissing her on the forehead "I better leave now, otherwise I won't want to go" he joked only halfheartedly as she nodded. He watched her turn her back, still modest despite being a werewolf herself. He supposed he didn't exactly blame her for not wanting to see her father naked. Or any other male besides Xavier.  Serena turned and closed her eyes, hearing the large cracking sounds of bones snapping and readjusting until finally there was silence, whirling around and spotting the large group of wolves, her father the largest of them all, a massive black wolf that easily reached up to her shoulder as he nuzzled her arm and she giggled slightly, patting him gently on the head before he turned and mind-linked his warriors, bolting into the trees, covered in all directions by his men as she sighed and watched until they were completely out of view. Goodluck Father she thought sadly, I really do hope you find your mate and the happiness that is eluding you so far.  Julian felt the breeze as he ran, the swaying trees in his peripheral vision and the sunlight warm on his fur as he breathed in the fresh air, smelling pine and dirt and feeling excitement overwhelm him. God he'd missed shifting and just being able to run without trying to go over his day or work in his mind. His wolf agreed as well, extremely happy to just be out and about, surrounded by nature and the companionship of other wolves. He knew the path to where he was going, his men having been given the information prior to leaving. It wasn't far, less than a day's journey by wolf but it was the closest pack and one who housed an old friend of his. It had been a very long time since he'd had the opportunity to visit, he knew his friend Samuel would be delighted to see him again. He frowned. That is if his friend even recognised him. Serena had done a wonderful job, changing his hair to an auburn red colour and his eyes to a bright green, even changing his skin tone to make it all match together instead of looking so mismatched. He hadn't even recognised himself when he'd taken a look at himself in the mirror. Even his men had been confused until it had been explained to them. If his own men hadn't known who he was, then it was a hundred percent certainty that no one else would, even the packs that he'd visited personally in the past.  He felt his wolf lengthening his strides, going faster in his keenness to get to their destination. His fur rippled in the sunlight, the black fur shiny and dishevelled. His paws hit the dirt without faltering and his tongue lolled out as he panted and cheekily grinned. They would be there by nightfall at this rate, a warm and comfortable bed that would be waiting for them and delicious food. His friend's pack Blue Moon had a fantastic cook and his friend Samuel and his wife Gloria were excellent company and hosts. Their hospitality was one of the reasons he loved going there, well thant and their friendship. He was forced to slow his pace slightly, noticing his men weren't able to keep pace with him. Being a King of Werwolves meant he was faster, stronger and could easily outrun them if he didn't take notice.  Blue Moon Pack here I come, Samuel and Gloria I cannot wait to see you and learn about everything going on that I've missed learning about. He couldn't wait to tell them all about Serena and his grandchildren, Samuel not knowing what had happened in the last few years. It would be a complete shock to his friend he thought smirking, eagerly anticipating the look on their faces when he told them everything. 
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