Zinsi's intrusion.

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EPISODE 02 - I knew you'd like it; the queen resumes as she unties herself from her daughter. - It's beautiful. - I saw it yesterday when I was driving home from the city. So, I thought, I thought that my baby would like it. - Oh, that's so sweet of you, Mom. - You're welcome, girl. So that's how I decided to bring it to you this morning to show you. - “Of course, I like it," replied the princess who was in awe of this beautiful gift. “You know what, mother?" said the princess, staring into her mother's eyes. It is very beautiful. - I'm glad you liked it. - Thank you so much for the gift, mother," the princess said to her mother, smiling widely. - You deserve it after all, don't you, baby? The princess throws herself into her mother's arms once again to enjoy her warmth. They sit in the living room talking about the new life that awaits the princess after she gets her scroll in the United States. But just like her father, she did not fail to repeat to her mother that her ambition was to end up a doctor. Her mother reassured her that she and the king had made the right choice for her and that she would realize this in time. A few moments later, the queen gets up to go to the king's room upstairs to tidy up his bed and room as is her habit since her return to the palace. The princess continues to contemplate the gift that the queen has just given her. Her eyes sparkle every time they come in contact with the object. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the king received a visit from one of his many mistresses in his study. Dressed in a black and white checkered dress that reaches her knees with a slit at the back, Ila young woman wears long braids on her head with pumps on her feet. The king is happy to see her and it is easy to see in the way he expresses himself to his young mistress: - “Oh Sophie, my angel, says the king all happy when he sees my mistress entered his office. Hehehehehe," says the king laughing! The king walks towards Sophie. He opens his arms to embrace her. - Good afternoon your majesty, says Yonnanmin, going into the arms of the king. When they detach themselves, they look at each other while smiling and say respectively: - I am glad to see you too. - Nice to see you too! - “Wow," exclaims the king, looking up and down at Sophie. When did you get back? - I'm back now, I think it's been two nights. - “Two nights?" asks the king. - Yeah! - “Two nights ago and you didn't even call me," complained the king. “Sophie," said the king, staring into her eyes. - “I'm so sorry, your majesty. I had hoped it would be a surprise," the young woman reassured the king with her soothing smile. - I have missed you very much, the king dares to say. - Oh, me too, of course, answers the young woman, all smiling, letting herself be approached by the king. The two laugh and then the king invites Yonnanmin to sit down: - Come on! Sit down, suggests the king. - Thank you very much your majesty. - Hehehe! - Ooh," Yonnanmin says and goes to sit in one of the seats in the office! - Wow," exclaims the king as he sits in a chair, facing Yonnanmin! So, tell me! How did it go? You still look elegant," compliments the king, smiling at Yonnanmin. - Thank you, Bea," replies the young woman, smiling. - I like it," the king admits, facing the last word used by Yonnanmin. I love it so much when you call me baby, confides the king by offering him his smile. - Hahaha! I know you like it. - Hahahaha! Ah yes! - Ah! - So says the king! - How is it with work? - Good, answers the king, with less energy. I think the work is going well. - You think so? asks Yonnanmin to the king. - Good! I say it like that because there are things that don't seem to be going well. So I'm trying to put them back in place so that everything is fine. - Hummmmm! Good! Good! Good! His majesty," said the young woman, rising from her seat to stop at the king's seat. Why don't you take me somewhere, where we will enjoy our time? suggests Yonnanmin, caressing the chin of the king, who seems to like this gesture of the young woman, since he doesn't oppose it, but on the contrary, he smiles to her. - I have to tell you that this is what I like most about you. You know exactly what to do when and how, replies the king, all happy, with a smile on his lips. The two looked at each other and laughed for a while. Then the king says to his young mistress: - I'm going to take you to a place you'll like very much, but... - For that, I trust you," replies the young woman, interrupting the king in his words. - Listen to me! In fact, I'm done with the job, says the king to the young woman while staring at her. Hahaha! The young woman is astonished. She makes big eyes at the king to mark her astonishment, before smiling at him afterwards. The king then puts away his things and turns off his laptop. He hastened to leave with the young woman of his office which is in the palace, so as not to be seen by anybody. On the side of the employees in their office, they are exchanging among themselves in a particularly friendly atmosphere: - Finagnon AGBOSSOU, says his colleague laughing. You are a genius. Besides, I prefer to say that you are a wizard. - Did you just discover that, Sagbo? Finagnon asks his friend and colleague with confidence. Or did you think I was just a simple accountant? - “Not so much," replies Sagbo. All I can say is that you are a wizard. - “Don't worry," reassures Finagnon. - A real wizard. Hahaha! - You'll call me a god very soon. - Hahahaha! While they are talking, the door of their office without being knocked. A young woman of black complexion dressed in a jacket for woman of color blue night make its entrance in the office. The two men are suddenly silent. The young woman who has just entered the office looks at the two men with a strange air. Once she closes the door, she gives them a slight smile before asking them the following: - “Oun oun,” the woman says, clearing her throat! Did I interrupt you?...
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