Chapter Four

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I went to the bathroom to wipe myself with a piece of toilet paper. Coming out, the first thing I saw was Paula standing in the corridor. This could only make me suspect that she wake awake during the whole time I was jacking off above her. “What are you up to?” she asked. “Not much. I thought you were going to sleep.” “I couldn’t close an eyelid.” “s**t!” “Cool it. It’s not like I saw anything I hadn’t seen before.” “That doesn’t mean I don’t feel like an idiot.” She ignored my last remark and proposed we go back to the beach. Unable to come up with a better idea, I agreed with a nod of my head. On the way there, I couldn’t stop thinking about the consequences of my stupid act. Sure, she was cool and everything, but who knew what she now thought about me. In her eyes, I was a hopeless pathetic fool that was still stuck in the past. The balance of power had shifted entirely in her favor. She could destroy my reputation if she wanted to; all she needed to do was tell our moms what I have just done. If that happened, I would probably die of shame. As it turned out, it was just the two of us at the beach; the nudist couple had already left. Paula refused to get in the water as usual. She stretched out her orange towel and lied down. This time she was wearing a yellow bikini, the kind where the bottom part got laces on each side. I always found this type of bikini very sexy and always fantasized about pulling the strings. I sat next to her and started fumbling with the yellow knots. She didn’t seem to mind, so I untied the top part. Now her shiny back was bare. What excited me most were the tiny hairs just above her buttocks and the way they reflected the golden sunlight shining from above. I could stare at this divine spectacle for hours without getting bored. “Thanks for that,” she said from beneath the straw hat that covered her face. I let my fingers follow the curve of her spine up and down several times. Was she allowing me to do this because I reminded her of someone else, or because she was still attached to the childish games of the past? After a while, she decided to shift position. If she was fed up with me, she certainly wasn’t saying so. I put my hand on her flat stomach and moved it towards her loose bikini top. The lower part of her breasts was exposed; the soft white flesh was a considerably lighter tone than the rest of her body. “Your tan is not homogeneous. You need to remove the upper part of your bikini.” “What if someone shows up?” “Nobody is going to come over here.” I put my hand behind to untie the cord behind her neck. “Perfect,” I said. “Now your pretty breasts are fully exposed to the harmful rays of the sun.” “Get me the sunblock,” she said. My hand reached into the bag for the plastic bottle. I squeeze some of the thick white fluid in my palm and I began rubbing it over her breasts. They were small and slightly curved with a pink pointy n****e that instantly got hard the moment I put my fingers over it. "What would our mothers say if they saw us now?” she uttered. "I'm just helping my first cousin apply some sunblock over her body. Nothing wrong with that." She reminded me that I needed to apply sunblock all over her body and not only her breasts and for the next couple of minutes I occupied myself with that task. At the same time I was wondering what my reward would be for such a service. I slowly lifted the hat and brought my lips close to hers. Her eyes opened wide with surprise and she pushed me back. “You can’t do that,” she said genuinely surprised. “What do you mean? You let me touch your body and you don’t let me give you a kiss?” “Those are two entirely different things. We’re not supposed to be kissing.” At least I knew how far I was allowed to go. There could be no passion between us. What was going on between Paula and me was nothing but an updated version of the “doctor and his patient” game we used to play when we were younger. As for the reason she agreed to perpetuate this childish nonsense, I could only guess. She was getting some kind of pleasure out of this but I was unsure whether it was on a physical level or a psychological one. If there was some sort of s****l excitement in this game, she was concealing it very well. Another thing that crossed my mind was that she was getting her kicks by observing the degree of control her body exerted over me. I was a jester-experiment subject to her that amused her and offered her insight into the mind of the male species. “You mean I’m allowed to do certain things but can’t do others?” She remained silent. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” “It’s no fun if I tell you. You need to discover by yourself.” “Can I come to your room tonight when everyone is sleeping?” “You already came once today and didn’t even ask for permission.” Here it was again. She enjoyed toying with me and even though I was aware of being manipulated, I could do nothing but play along with her. “Anyway, if I let you kiss me, we’re both in deep s**t with our families. Not because of what we've already done-which I guess we've been hiding pretty well, but because you’re going to fall in love with me and men always become stupid when they fall in love.” I gulped nervously upon hearing those words. She was far more knowledgeable than me in matters of love. Which put me in a rather vulnerable position, for the moment she realized that I was still a boy and not a man, she would lose all her interest in me.
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