CHAPTER SEVEN(Surprise Surprise.)

1072 Words
    When the flash of light dimmed out,Mupo found himself in a realm that appeared to be made of light,though not as bright as the one which almost blinded him. Then as Mupo wandered through the realm, from afar, he saw a silhouette of what appeared to be giants sitting behind some sort of table. But he new there was no such thing as giants. When he got closer they got bigger and bigger. The closer he got, the clearer his vision became, he counted twenty of them. Then he thought "I'm not talking any chances with those monsters". He turned around and started running but he didn't feel like he was moving. It was as if he was running on a treadmill. He also discovered that his leg had healed ,because he felt no pain when he tried running. Mupo finally gave up and just remained where he was. A voice then boomed from behind him     "MUPO CHIMO OF JOMBA VALLEY, STEP FORWARD." Mupo just stood there,frozen with fear, he didn't move an inch." I SAID, STEP FORWARD!" The voice got louder. Mupo had no choice since running away didn't work and even if he had his sword, he wasn't going to manage to fight twenty giants, let alone one giant. So he turned around slowly and then he took a step forward. When he looked up he was just silenced , not in fear but in awe. Sitting in front of him were these huge glowing beings. There were five tables, four on each table. To his far left four of them dressed in green cloaks, two male, two female. The females had long dreadlocks and the males had goatees, short dreadlocks tied back.     The males were of average build and the females were a bit slim. They had double edged swords set aside their table. It seemed that they was one pair of each gender on the different tables. Next to the group in green, were beings dressed in brown cloaks, except these ones looked like they had the sleeves ripped of them. The males had very short hair and the females had hair cut off in the sides,leaving a long braided hair on top and tied back. The males had bulging biceps, the females were vascular and had clubs set on the table. The group in the middle were dark red cloaks,the males had afros and so did the females. They had spears set beside their tables. The males were a bit plump and the females were curvy.     The next group sported grey cloaks with the males having long dreadlocks and the females having the same hair . They had dual curved blades set beside them. Both males and females were skinny. The last group wore black cloaks but they didn't glow as much as the other groups. The males had short hair and the females had long braided hair. They had fang swingers wrapped around their bodies. The males were small compared to the other groups and so were the females. "I'm not looking for trouble",Mupo's voice sounded like a mouse's squeak among roaring lions." I'm just- "     "Hush mortal ",this time one of the ladies in the green spoke. Her voice sounded softer than the one Mupo heard before." We are aware that you don't know why you are here."     "So why am I h-", Mupo tried.     "You will only speak when we tell you to speak." She continued." As I was saying we-"     "With all due respect I'm not even sure who you people are or what you are and-"     "SILENCE!" Said the one of the men in brown. " YOU DARE INTERRUPT A SERPENT MASTER AS     SHE SPEAKS! WE CAN SKEWER YOU BY SNAPPING OUR FINGERS"     "Serpent master?" Mupo thought." Oh s**t!" He immediately bowed down and said. "I am terrible sorry, I had no idea who you were. Please forgive me." One of the men in black scoffed.     "Rise mortal ", he said. "You may continue, Mika."     "Thank you Jilo, as I was saying, Many people have set foot in this realm and have not come out the same. Many lives in Ophidia are being lost at this very moment. The lives lost aren't due to natural causes, but due to conflict and disagreements between tribes, among tribes, between Ophidians, among Slitheranes, between Ophidians and slitheranes. Not only is Ophidia becoming Chaotic by the second, but there is darkness lurking around every corner, havoc is being wreaked and evil rearing its ugly head. That is why it is up to you Mupo Chimo of Jomba valley, to make the flowers of Ophidia bloom again, to annihilate the chaos, to brighten the darkness that is overshadowing Ophidia, Obliterate the evil that is skulking the land."     You Mupo are the new peacemaker, You are the Njoka." Mupo looked more confused than ever. " Kneel young warrior." Mupo knelt. All the Serpent Masters rose and raised their weapons. Their weapons started glowing and they struck Mupo's heart one by one. Then a glowing liquid oozed from from where they struck him. He felt a lot of pain at first but it only lasted a short while. He felt stronger when all of the glowing liquid oozed out. "Rise young warrior",Mupo rose, when he rose he was wearing bronze armor that had the Cobra symbol,with white clothing, he had on a white short sleeved top and a long golden loin cloth that covered his white trousers. He also had gauntlet made of gold and covered his palms, With golden embroidered boots."From this day onward until you die, you will not make the people your servants but you will become the servants of the people. You are the peacemaker, you are the bridge between the Ophidians and the Serpent masters, you are the Njoka."     Then Mpamvu came rushing to him. He knew it was her because of the scar on her leg. He had never been happier to see her     "I'm so happy to see you." Mupo was surprised because he could understand what she was saying. One of the female Masters in grey said.     "Take your Companion young warrior, for she will take you wherever you may need to go. Now go safely,Njoka."     "Wait I have so many questions" Mupo said.     "Your questions will be answered, but not by us." Then they all raised their weapons and the light that almost blinded him emerged.     "Wait!" Then when the light dimmed out, Mupo found himself sited on Mpamvu's back and in the temple of Skalia with the doors closed and a lot of noise coming from outside the temple. Then Mupo said to Mpamvu. "Well her goes he rode Mpamvu to the exit and she kicked the doors Open.
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