The Rush of War

1504 Words
It was no small surprise to Gue Henxe that a commoner could evade her throwing dagger with such sharp precision, one had to know that with her seven meridians, Gue Henxe could kill hundreds of common mortals. But this young man before her seems to able to grasp at every turn and change of the daggers trajectory. "I must thank this miss for your kind praises. But I don't seem to know you or why you want the other guy wants to kill me" Bia Xiao looked at Gue Henxe with questioning eyes. Even though he walked out of his hiding, he hasn't let down his guard for even a second. "Since your about to die anyway, I don't mind letting you know" Gue Henxe circled around Bia Xiao with a ferocious small on her face. It was as if a wild animal was looking at its prey before killing it and savoring the thrill of the kill. "We are members of the Gue tribe and this is our coming of age ceremony. To kill a member of the Bia tribe and enjoy glory upon returning home" Gue Henxe smiled as she played with the short blade in her hand, the sinister smile never leaving her face. "I see, but what glory would you get if you kill a boy with no spiritual power whatsoever. I can tell that you are very strong, so for you to kill a commoner than to seek glory is a little laughable don't you think?" Bia Xiao raised his eyebrow as his eyes made connect with that of Gue Henxe's. While he was speaking, his brain was skipping through many ways of how to get out of this situation alive. "Haha, commoner, who are you fooling. Which commoner has the ability to evade my throwing dagger? And from the looks of it, you seemed to have taken advantage of Gue Man just now" Gue Henxe looked Bia Xiao up and down before smile mysteriously. It was as if she hand found something interesting and couldn't wait to play with it. "I'll just take you back to the tribe and let the elders handle you. You must be a genius of your tribe, surely we can squeeze the Bia tribe of resources until they bleed with you in our hands" Gue Henxe had an excited expression on her face, it was as if she could see the pain expression of the members of the Bia tribe. "Haha, haha" While Gue Henxe was wondering off in her fantasies of glory and the likes, Bia Xiao burst out in laughter, never before had he heard a funnier joke than this since his parents die. "Me, haha, take me away and watch the painful faces of the Bia haha. You must be joking with me" Bia Xiao slapped his leg as he almost started to cry from laughter, but just as suddenly as the laugh came, so did a cold and dark expression that wished to drown the world in darkness "In the Bia tribe, I'm the one those low lives want to see dead the most" Bia Xiao's eyes showed bone-deep hatred, to deep that his eyes almost looked blank and void of life to Gue Xiao. For a moment she almost took a small step back but she held firm and stood her ground. "What that an illusion of some sort" Gue Henxe felt as if she had fallen into the hand of a demon when her eyes met with Bia Xiao's, she almost got the illusion that she was stuck in a nightmare. But while she shook her head to clear her mind, Gue Henxe turned to look at the madly charging Gue Man who had bloodshot eyes staring at Bia Xiao. The flames of fury burnt ever so brightly. "Am going to kill you" Gue Man shouted in hatred, he was dashing towards Gue Henxe from afar, the only thing that filled his mind was the thought of killing Bia Xiao and washing away his shame. But while doing so, his eyes widen as he saw Bia Xiao pressed off the ground with his hands balled into fists. 'Bang' Bia Xiao's fists made contact with Gue Henxe's chest, taking her by surprise. The unknown energy coursing throughout his body was roaring in rage, a type of anger that felt shamed at being at the mercy of others. It was this energy that pushed Bia Xiao to attack Gue Henxe, because if it was felt to him Bia Xiao, he would rather run than fight. 'Ugh' Gue Henxe felt his chest plate sunk into little, sending waves of paining throughout her body. The fist that struck her was soft, so soft that she could almost ignore it. But what gave her a fright was the shocking energy that broke into her body and exploded once it made connect with her central meridian. Gue Henxe spat out a mouthful of fresh blood as her eyes widen in shock. For a 7th level meridian opening realm martial arts such as herself, it should've been easy for her to sense that Bia Xiao was about to attack her or the mir fact that he was bout to move. But in that brief moment when Bia Xiao moved, her mind shook, throwing her mind into chaos and distrusting her mental state which leads to her slow and untimely reaction. And due to this untimely reaction, she had paid for it with her central meridian being attacked and her spitting out blood caused by the injury of the meridian. 'Fight' 'Fight' 'Fight' This was the only thought that was running through Bia Xiao's mind at this moment. Fight to vent this shame, fight to vent his rage, just fight, never stop fighting. It was as if something was pushing his being towards a fiendish mindset, a type of mindset that was made to fight, made to war! Bia Xiao bear-hugged Gue Henxe and rolled on the ground before she could recover from her shock, his left knee came crashing into her side while his right fists pounded the side of her head. Bang "Ahhhh" Gue Henxe screams due to the pain of her rib-cracking, the shame and rage she felt at this time was no less than that of Gue Man's at this moment. Bia Xiao rolled to the side, grabbing a rock in his hand and threw it with all his might towards Gue Man's heads. "Die" Gue Man raises his hand, making a grabbing motion as wild flames rushed from the surroundings and wash the left side of Bia Xiao who dodge to the side. "Ugh" Bia Xiao felt the skin on his left arm being burnt and the heat and pain were so intense, he wanted to pass out to relieve himself of the pain. But his wish would never be fulfilled, the unknown energy in his body surged up again as he pushed out and dashed into the forest again. "I'm going to repay you people a thousand folds if I make it out alive" Bia Xiao's voice could be heard from the bushes within the forest, it sounds further and further away with each passing moment. When all was said and then and the light of realization hit Gue Henxe, the blade in her hand shot out with burn flames behind it. The blade moved fast, blazing with flame as it caught up to Bia Xiao in no time. With Gue Henxe's spiritual sense, she could track Bia Xiao's movement even though he was a great distance away. "Damnit" Bia Xiao's mind sent off on alarm, his foot twisted as he sent his body in a spinning motion, pushing his body off the ground. The burning blade missed his heart but burst through his leg and burned the flesh as it passed through. Wild flames rushed into Bia Xiao's body and meridians wreaking havoc. He spat out a mouthful of fresh blood as the blade lodged itself into a tree and split it into halves. It a miracle that Bia Xiao didn't lose his leg in the process. "Little girl, remember well, I'll kill you one day" Bia Xiao never stopped running even after being burnt and had his leg born broken and flesh burnt. The wild excitement and rage seemed to have passed as he saw the miserable condition of Gue Henxe and the burning hate in Gue Man's eyes. Bia made it to the river banks with blood flowing everywhere. One had to remember that he was only 14 years old and had never been in a fight of life and death like this before, but even so, he seemed to even now and then, have a certain angle of the on the situation in the end. Just as Bia Was about to jump into the river, a flying dagger stabbed through his back and came flying out his chest. His eyes widen as he turned slowly to his left, there, he saw a young man with an awfully calm facial expression hidden behind a tree. The young man's eyes held a deep calm that sent chills down one's spine. "Haha, death never felt so sweet. Mom, Dad, your boy is coming to meet you" Bia Xiao's body fell into the river and was brought away by the currents.
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