Chapter 2

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"Two nights after Treasure arrives home. Her father walks into the sitting room where Treasure is reading. He smiles looking at his daughter. "She is as beautiful as my Salome. She would be so proud of our precious Treasure." He is thinking. Richard walks over and kisses her on her forehead. "We have a guest coming for dinner. He should be arriving any moment." "Well, father this is short notice. So I am taking it that it has to be business." Treasure walks over to the bookshelf and places her book on it. Richard scratches his head. "A funny thing, Joseph Layne stopped me this morning when I was riding out of town. He said that he has some important business to discuss with me." She turns to look at her father. "What sort of business can that arrogant man have to talk to you about? He is handsome but very arrogant." Treasure shook her head. "To be honest I have been wondering the same thing. You don't care for him too much do you?" He sits down looking at her. She shakes her head. "No, I don't like him at all. On the trip home all he talked about was money. How much money do he and his family have? Mrs. Lawson was tired of hearing him, so she pretended to be sleeping. I mean a lot. That arrogant man kept looking at me. Which is to say that I didn't like that one bit. It was as if he was undressing me. I pity the woman that he marries. Because he will only be marrying her for her money and property. Let's not forget to have his babies. He will not make anyone a good husband." Treasure is looking out the window at Joseph stepping down from his horse and walking to the door. Richard laughs to himself as he listens to his daughter. "Let's try to treat the handsome arrogant man fairly. We will hear him out." He walks to the door to open thinking "I hope this doesn't take too long." Joseph walks into the house looking at Treasure smiling, "Good evening Mr. Abbott, Miss. Treasure." He reaches for her hand and kisses the back of it. "Good evening" She puts her hand behind her back, wiping it off on her dress. Richard sees her wiping her hand. "She really doesn't like this man" He is thinking as he looks at the young man. "Well, Joseph we can discuss your business now," He points to a chair. Richard knew that Treasure didn't care to be around this man. So he will try to rush the evening. Treasure walks over to the window, smiling, looking at the hills. Joseph sits down, he looks at Treasure smiling. "Mr. Abbott you know that my family is wealthy." "Yes. I am well aware of your family's wealth" Richard looks at the man nodding his head. He sees the way Joseph is smiling and looking at his daughter. "I hope he isn't about to ask what I think he is. My little girl isn't going to be happy about it." Richard is thinking "Sir I am here to ask you for Treasure's hand in marriage." Joesph looks at Richard. Treasure turns around looking at the arrogant man in disbelief. "Why would he think I will marry him? I barely said two words to him on the stagecoach. That arrogant fool." She is thinking as she is still looking at Joseph. Then she looks at her father. "Damn, I knew it" He's thinking as he is looking at her then his attention goes to the man. "I can't give you my daughter's hand. Whoever Treasure marries will be her choice." Joseph looks at Richard shocked. "But sir you are her father, You can tell her whom to marry." "Yes, I am her father. But I will never choose a husband for my daughter. Treasure will have to make that decision herself." Richard looks at her. "Treasure do you wish to marry Joseph?" "No father I do not." She looks at Joseph shaking her head. "Well Joseph, you have her answer. But you are still welcome to join us for dinner." Richard is looking at him. "But he is hoping that Joesph declines the offer. Joseph is still looking at Treasure in disbelief. "No sir, I believe that it will be best if I leave now." He is walking to the door. "Suit yourself" Her father is looking at him. "Do you think that we are stupid? Hell, I know that you don't love my daughter. You are only after our money" Richard is thinking as the door is closing. As soon as he is out of the door and the door is closed. She looks at her father. "I can't believe that just happened. How dare he." "He will not be the last. After all, you are beautiful, smart, and rich. It's a good thing that you are not fooled so easily. Now come on let's enjoy our dinner. I am sure that Flossie is ready to eat." Richard holds his hand out for his daughter. She lays her hand on his. "I am glad that he declined your offer. I didn't want to sit across the table from him" ***** As Joseph's is riding home. He's thinking about Treasure. When I first laid my eyes on that beautiful creature. I decided right then that I would make her my wife. No, I do not love her. That will come over time. All the single men in Willow Creek Falls were always talking about her beauty. I knew who she was when she said her name. She and her father have money, as my family does. But they have a hell of a lot more than we do. I have to marry a woman whose family has money and most important keep my family standards up. I do not care that she is not fully white. I have to keep my bloodline going. Treasure will give me four or five kids. She has childbearing hips. She is so beautiful, what a trophy she will make. On the stagecoach, I sit there admiring her beauty. I had never seen a woman who was perfect until I saw her. She read all the time during the day. At night she was quiet. I like that she is quiet. That means that she will not question me about my comings and goings. When her father asked her does she wished to marry me. That filly looked me straight in my eyes and said no. I do not care if she loves me or not. Treasure Abbott will be my wife one day. **** In the woods close to Treasure'sa house Qaletaqa and Big Horn are looking at Joseph stepping off of his horse. "That man was on the stagecoach with her. Why is he here? Is she his woman?" He is thinking as he clenches both his fists Big Horn is looking at Qaletaqa he has never seen him like this before over any woman. "Do you think that we will have to attack to take her? We have been here for two moons now. I am sure the tribe is worried about us." "No. Take two warriors and tear the fence down across the way. I am not leaving without her. That will give the men something to do. We will take her while they are gone. I do not like that man that went inside her house. The spirits are telling me that he is not to be trusted." Qaletaqa is looking at Joseph's horse. If we do not have her tomorrow take Kanen and ride to the camp. Let Chief Tasunka know that the warriors and I will be there soon." ***** The following morning during breakfast, Tom came to tell Richard about the fence being down in the northern pastures. "All the ranch hands will be out repairing the fences today. Flossie just left, she is on her way to town. She is visiting her sister and he doesn't know how long she will be. What are you doing today?" He's looking at his daughter. "Isabell and Audrey are coming over. I am helping them with Math and English. They seem to have fallen behind since I've been gone." She is looking out the window at the hills again. Her father picks up his hat. "We'll be back around supper time. Don't work the young ladies too hard." She glances at him, then her attention goes back to the hills. "Okay, father. I will fry some chicken, and potatoes and bake a couple of apple pies." "That sounds good. It sure is good to have you home. Ladies" Richard sees Isabell and Audrey walking into the parlor. Isabell and Audrey are giggling. "It's good to be home." She looks at her father until the door closes behind him. A couple of hours have passed Treasure and the girls are still studying. "Treasure I heard that Joseph Layne is going to ask your father to marry you" Isabell is looking at her childish grin "It seems that you heard right. He asked my father last night. But I said no. Joseph is very handsome but also very arrogant and greedy. The man that I marry will love me for me, not my money. I will love him regardless of who he is or what he has." Treasure chuckles, thinking about being married one day. A loud boom sound came from the front door. Treasure looks up, she sees nine Indians walking into the room. Isabell and Audrey are screaming. She looked at them and shook her head. "You two stop screaming," Treasure said calmly and knew that no one would hear them. Audrey and Isabell are hugging each other. But is looking at the warriors that have them surrounded. "What do you want? Why did you kick my door in?" It wasn't locked" She's looking at the warrior that's standing in front of her. "You. I came to get you." A handsome 6'2 long black hair and black eyes warrior picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. "Put me down. I can walk." She turns her head looking at the back of his beautiful black hair. "What do you want to do with these two?" Big Horn points at the two girls "They will go with us" Qaletaqa stands Treasure on the floor looking at her dumbfounded. He can not believe the way she talks to him. "Thank you" Treasure walks in front of him to the door. She straightens her dress and pats her hair back in place. Qaletaqa looks at her smiling. "She is brave and strong. I have picked the right woman to be my wife." He's thinking. Audrey screams again. One of the warriors points a gun at her head. She stops screaming and looks at Treasure. Treasure looks at her "You are only going to make it worse if you keep screaming." She climbs on the horse. Two of the warriors are tying Isabell and Audrey's hands. Big Horn is reaching for Treasure's hands. "No," Qaletaqa shakes his head at the warrior as he rides beside Treasure. "You ride beside me." Treasure nods her head. "Okay"
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