Chapter – 9 Episode – 1 Hiatus

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Chapter – 9 Episode – 1 Hiatus 12 p.m., Hotel Yorkshire, Reeve “I can't Reeve, I need some time. You cannot stop me.” Jim was being ridiculous. He was not even giving me a chance to explain myself to him. It wasn’t my fault that I hide it from him. It was what mom and dad wanted after all. It was never my decision. “but what about our job. I don’t care, dude, I want to leave now, for good.” He persisted. “When will you be back?” I asked defeated. “I don’t even know. Maybe a few days, or weeks or maybe months. I don’t know man.” He told me. “Why are you being so stubborn? Give it a rest. I'm your brother, you shouldn’t be angry with me.” I said trying to convince him to not leave. “I am not, I'm not angry at you. There are just so many things in my mind which I don’t seem to sort out. And I can never do it as long as we are together.” He spoke. “Okay then, you stay and I'll leave,” I asked. “you are not listening to me. can't you just let me go?” “where will you go?” I asked again, not really ready to let him go. “I have a friend. I will be visiting him. He got married last month. I couldn’t attend it back then; we were on a case. But now I am thinking of visiting him.” “Which friend? Do I know him?” “you don’t have to know him. I have a flight in an hour. I should leave now.” He said dragging the bag out of the room. “wait, at least tell me where you are going. I'll be at peace.” I tried convincing him, yet he resisted all that I was saying. “come on dude, no matter what you say or do, you can't change that I am the one who always looked after you. You know I'll be worried not knowing where you might be. Our job makes us at the top of the monster’s kill list.” I said as he was standing at the door ready to leave when finally, he said, “Milwaukee” and left. 8 p.m., Milwaukee, Wisconsin Jim I knew I was running away, away from the truth, from the reality, and Reeve. I knew that he will be worried about me. I knew it all but still, I can't keep pretending like it’s nothing. As my heart is still the same, because I know it will never be the same, it can't be. For all my life all the people I loved and cared about, for everyone that I thought I knew everything about, I trusted them only to find out that they hide the biggest secret of my life from me. The time away from Reeve, I want to know what I actually feel in my heart underneath all the reckless emotions. I know I cannot run away from my life as a hunter anymore, not until I achieved the purpose of this life but all I know is that it will take some time to heal, the c***k will be there forever. After the flight landed, I hailed the cab straight to my friend Ethan’s house. He is my oldest friend but at the time when I was in school. He has always been the greatest help to me. Reeve wasn’t always around but Ethan was. I don’t even remember how many times I slept at his home, how many nights I crashed at his home scared of staying alone when Reeve and Charles were out there hunting some monster. He has been the biggest help to me. “Hey buddy, it’s so good to see you.” He greeted as he opened the door. I told him this morning about me visiting him. I don’t plan to stay here long. Just for a day maybe. “Good to see you too buddy,” I said pulling him for a manly hug and gave his back a hollow-fisted pat, just like how I remembered doing. It has five years since I last saw his face. His back has gotten broader. I remembered him as the skinny muscular guy, he had a passion for contemporary dance and I knew he dreams of doing something big in it. I trusted him on his talent. But now he looks nothing like that. He is almost twice as big as he used to be and ten times as glowing. From all that smoking, he looked really week. His deep green eyes are still as glistening as it has always been, green like the most gorgeous plant standing at the edge of your balcony, bearing the sunshine and prettiest flowers of the brightest color. The smell of which can make you go through the toughest time; his smile does that magic. “How is man, it’s been a long time.” I heard him saying and as we pulled from the hug, I replied, “you’ve changed so much.” “haha, but you are still the same, gorgeous, just your hair is too long to my taste.” He said grabbing a strand of my hair. “your humor hasn’t changed either, it sucks.” I laughed and so did he. “come in”, he said giving me space to step inside. “How is your brother doing?” he asked as we walked through the door. “he is good.” Is replied. “What is he doing? Is he still the flirt like he was back then?” “much more now,” I spoke. “is that even possible?” we both laughed as he says that. “he is looking after Charles’ business,” I told him. “you mean the library thing?” uncle actually owned thousands of books, but it was just his hobby. “something like that.” I hesitated. “Hey honey, Jim is here?” suddenly a very feminine voice came to like it was asking us to look at it. “yes, babe he is here. Is Cam asleep?” I heard him asking the woman standing not more than ten steps away from us. She had long dark brown hair, light tan skin, and she looked nice and tall and slim too. she was in her rabbit pajamas. “Jim meet my wife Mrs. Av…..” “Avery is that you?” I asked recognizing the face in front of me. “my wife Avery Darwin.” He completed. “so, you guys actually got married,” I asked. “I remember how crazy Ethan was for you. He always talked about you with me. I'm so happy that he finally had the courage to make a move on you. He was such a coward back then.” I spoke as I saw both Avery and Ethan glanced at each other. “actually, Avery asked me out. We went to the same college.” “what really?” I asked laughing. “but where you moving to New York to professionally learn dancing. What happened to that?” I asked. “life happened. Dad forced me to study business and manage his company so I did it. Somewhere on the way, I lost the passion I had for dancing. Now I like what I do. now let’s have dinner and then we’ll talk.” The dinner was amazing. I didn’t know Avery was such a good cook. She made chicken pot pie and it was amazing. Maybe I have been going on fast food and restaurant food for too long. Home cook food takes unbelievably good. Avery used to be my neighbor; her house was catawampus to ours. We were casual friends, we talked once in a while. We went to the same school but our classes were not the same. What shocked me the most about her was how much she has changed. Ethan is twice the size that he used to be and just the opposite goes for Avery. She had dropped so many pounds that I couldn’t even recognize her easily. She has been one of the smartest kids at the school and Ethan didn’t study a day the whole year but just the day before the exam. But I guess the opposite attracts. But they look good together. I got to know so many things about them, how they met again in college, both studying business. How they started dating and eventually got married a month after Avery gave birth to a baby boy Cameron. While we were chatting, Cameron started crying. She brought her down to us and goodness I don’t remember the last time when I saw a baby as small and as adorable as him. He caught of on our lives for hours. All I told them about myself was the same that I told everyone else. That after graduating college me and my brother was on a road trip until recently when I decided to find my own way. And that’s how the night ended. They forced me to stay for longer as I was planning to move to a hotel after dinner. The next morning, I woke up at the sounds of police sirens banging in my head. As I got up from the bed, I realized they were coming from outside their house. So, I walked out to see what was going on. But as I walked out, Avery and Ethan were already standing with an officer beside them asking some questions. “what is going on here?” I asked as I walked to them. “our neighbor, Mr. Richard’s body has been found cruelly mauled in his bedroom this morning,” Avery told me as we walked away from the officer. “who did that?” I questioned. “cops are looking into it.” She told.
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