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PRESENT I’m at school, but my soul left me about five hours ago. It’s hard taking afternoon classes. If I were at my grandma’s house, I’d probably sleep my ass out until sunset. Having lessons at this time is illegal. “Ms. Olivia Femingwell,” our teacher called my name. “Yes?” I replied. “What do you think about these myths and folklore that were passed down to us?” she asked me. I don’t know. It’s obvious that I don’t have my focus on her class, yet she still asked. She’s been staring at me since her class started, and it’s not just this day, every day.  I think this teacher had some grudge against me, and I don’t even know why. I don’t have any idea where my soul has gone somewhere, but I stood up facing her and look her in the eyes as if I’m taking her challenge, of course, without any weapons. For Pete’s sake, I don’t even have my mind right now. “Uhmm… it is for us to find out. That’s why we’re studying it right now,” I answered. I heard my classmates laughed so hard at my answer, and then I realized how dense it was. She stared at me like she’s going to eat me whole. This is not good. This is not good even from the beginning. Somebody, pull me out here. The bell rang, and that gave me such relief. How many times I’ve been save by the bell, and how many kids were? I should make an appeal to make bell the student’s hero. But the next thing my teacher told me had me realized that we’re not done yet. She wouldn’t let this battle end in my favor. “Okay, since it is for us to find out,” I heard the sarcasm hidden in her tone. “I’ll give you an assignment. Introduce us a myth or any folklore your family had been telling you. I know every family had an old story about their ancestors, especially your family, Ms. Femingwell,” she smiled. I don’t even know who my ancestors were. Is she kidding me? “You can have it on a presentation, storytelling, or any of your choice. I don’t care.” Talk about slapping people without really slapping them. “Well, that’s all for today. Have a nice summer vacation, everyone!” she said before leaving our classroom. I picked up my things and fixed my bag. I wish I could have my summer vacation as peaceful as it was before. I want to go to grandma’s house. I guess I have to stay at home. “Mrs. Coles really had something on you, Olivia,” Kelsie, my best friend, greeted me with a smile.           “I know. How can she say we have an old story to tell? I don’t even know where my family came from,” I told her. She laughed while we stopped at a vending machine. “Peach or yogurt?” she asked me. Every time before we went home, we’re used to buying our favorite drink at our school’s vending machine and drink it on our way while walking. “I’ll have yogurt this time,” I told her. She inserted the coin and picked the yogurt flavor. “Here’s one yogurt drink for the stress Ms. Olivia Femingwell,” she teased me. “I heard she was depressed these days. Her child ran away with her boyfriend and—“ I hit her with my elbow when I saw Mrs. Coles walked in front of us. “What?” she asked. “Goodbye, Mrs. Coles,” I said too loud to greet her and warned Kelie. That made her realize and also told her goodbye to our teacher. Mrs. Coles smiled and left us, but her smile felt weird. I don’t know. Maybe my soul didn’t come back yet, and I’m still half asleep. I really need this refreshment. -0-0-0- We talked a lot of things about school, boys, and others that we could think of, as well as where we should spend our two-week summer vacation. I told her I might finish my summer at home since my parents might be busy, while she told me she might visit their cousin who just gave birth. It must be nice going somewhere while here I am doing my assignment. We bid goodbye as we separated on our way to our houses. I went to our door and saw it was unlocked. Isn’t it too early for mom or dad to go home? “Mom?” I called as I opened the door. “Dad?” I walked slowly and scanned the whole area. A burglar might have entered our house and might do something terrible if I were to move recklessly. “Mom?” I called again when a big black bird flew out of the house. “What the—“ “Olivia, are you alright?” Mom popped out from the kitchen while holding a spatula. “What was that?” I asked her. “A lost bird, I think?” she said. “I didn’t think you’ll come home early today,” I told her. “Well, our vacation leave got approved.” Dad went down excitedly from the stairs carrying a suitcase. “Dad!” I called him and hugged him. “Why you didn’t give me a hug?” mom asked. “Oh, sorry, that bird had me, and I forgot,” I told her and smiled. She pouted. I walked towards her and kissed her. “Changed your clothes Olivia, we’re going to your grandma’s house today,” she said and went back to the kitchen. That made me extremely thrilled. Forget about the assignment, forget about myths and folklores, forget about Mrs. Coles. This is my summer vacation. I ran upstairs and fixed everything I have to carry with me while staying at grandmas. It’s a two-week vacation, and I’ll have my assignment done later. “Hohoho,” I laughed as I zipped my bag. I looked at my table and saw my notepad and pencil. “Don’t make me feel sorry, please,” I told them as if I saw them with eyes pleading to carry them with me. I sighed. I took my notepad and pencil and found a way to get them inserted into my bag. Maybe grandma has something to tell, as my teacher said. There’s no harm in trying, they said. “Olivia! We’re going!” I heard mom called me. “Coming!” -0-0-0- I slept for almost the whole time during our travel. I can’t even stand a 30-minute ride, then how am I supposed to stand it for five hours? I love grandma, but this long travel is really annoying. We reached grandma’s house at 10 pm, and she greeted us with a smile. She had this scarf wrapped around her neck, even if it is summer. I can’t blame her. Her house is almost at the top of the mountain, and the air is a bit cold. That’s one thing I like since the city is sweltering and we live in a tropical country. “Grandma!” I took her hand and put the back of her hand on my forehead. That’s a symbol of showing respect to elders for us. “Oh, this isn’t our girl anymore. You’re a lady now. Look at you!” she smiled. She let us come in and said she had our rooms prepared. Since we already had our dinner on our way here, she let us sleep first and rest for tonight. I was alone in my room. Maybe I slept hard on our car earlier, and now sleep wouldn’t allow me to rest. I stood up and found my way to the kitchen. I guess some milk may help me. I was about to drink the glass of milk when suddenly my grandma showed up. “Can’t sleep?” she asked. I almost drop it out of surprise. “Yeah,” I told her. “Finish your milk, and I’ll tell you a bedtime story,” she said. Bedtime story? Aren’t I too old for that? Anyway, I love grandma, and I love sleep. Who am I to complain? She sat on a couch in the living room after bringing me a spare pillow and a blanket. Even though her house is on the mountain, part of it is made of woods, and some are out of glass. Her living room wall is made of glass. It is to see how beautiful the moon is, and I like it. I slept on the couch beside her. She ran her fingers through my hair. “Do you know about the huntsmen?” she asked. “Those who hunt animals?” I asked her. “Yeah, they do, but have you heard about the huntsmen who hunt demons?” That got me chills. “No,” I replied. “Well, lend me your ears, and I’ll tell you about these huntsmen,” she said. “And the curse cast on them,” she added.
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