Trying to get along with Rosalie

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When I walked into the kitchen, Emmett and Rosalie were in there. I stopped when I saw them.   “Oh, sorry guys. I didn’t know if anyone was down here.” I said. “Its okay, Haley. Me and Emmett were just talking.” Rosalie said.             Wow she’s talking to me. I walked to a chair and I almost fell. Rosalie grabbed my hand when I almost fell.   “You alright. You don’t look to good.” She said. “You look like your gonna get sick. Do you want me to call Bella?” she asked. “I’m good. Just burning up. I think its from moving from there where’s its hot to here where it’s cool.” “Oh, maybe you should take a warm shower.” “I’m good. I just splash cool water on my face. And I open my windows too. It feels good outside.” “Yea, it does. We just came in from outside from hunting.” Emmett said. “Rose, can I ask you something. Girl to girl.” “Yea, you can. What is it?” she said. “Do you want me to leave?” Emmett asked. “No, you can stay.” I said. “What’s the matter sweetie.” She asked. “Well, I’m afraid to ask Bella, but since you’re a girl. I kinda like Zach, no I’m in love with Zach. And so is he. He just doesn’t know what Alice would say nor Bella. What do you think Rosalie?” “Well, I know we never talk that much when the last time you were here, but I’ll give you this Haley. How much do you love Zachary?” “A lot. The thing is. We already. Kissed.” I was scared to say the words. “Wait a minute, you and Zachary already kissed.” Emmett kinda said a little loud. “Shh… damn Emmett.” Rosalie said to him as she slapped him on the arm. “Maybe you should talk to Alice and Bella. If you love Zachary. Do you want to call them in here now or wait til in the morning?” She asked. “That’s the thing, Rose. If I do would they be mad about it. I already know Edward knows about it. He’s heard my thought.” I said. “Well, since Edward has heard your thoughts, he’s already told Bella, and Alice could have or might have ‘seen’ y’all together in her head.” Emmett said. “Haley don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to Zachary for ya okay. Go back to bed. You need your sleep.” “Okay. Thank you, guys. Rosalie, I hope we can be friends or even family.” “Haley, you are family to us. I should have been nicer to you in the beginning. I was just a little hurt that you knew about us. I was the same way with your sister. If you need anything, I’m just a call away.” “I know Rose. Well night or whatever you want to call it.” I hugged Rose and Emmett. Rose kissed me on my forehead before I went back upstairs.             I walked up the stairs real slow, because I was tired. When I got to my room, I almost fell on my bed, but someone caught me.   “Your alright, Haley.” Zach asked. “Yea, I think. I’m just tired but can’t sleep. I got really hot, so I open the windows and went downstairs to the kitchen.” “Yea, I know. I heard you talking to Emmett and Rosalie. Are you sure you’re okay?”             When he said that, a sharp pain hit me in my stomach. I got up and ran into the bathroom. I got sick, I threw up what I ate. Zachary was right there with me, holding me. He gave me a cool wash rag to whip my face off. He picked me up and carried me to my bed. He laid me down and got in with me. He put the covers over so I would not get cold from his body. But the way I was feeling right now, I bet he would feel better than this wash rag.           I fell back to sleep while he holds me close to him. I went back to dreaming of me and him. I started thinking about what Rosalie and Emmett were saying. Me and Zachary did love each other so much, but we also were scared what Alice and Bella would say.           When I woke back up it was 11 A.M. in the morning. When I didn’t feel Zach laying with me, I rose up in bed. “Zach.” I said. “I’m right here sweetie. I went to get this wet again. How you are feeling. Do you want me to go get Carlisle?” he asked. “I’m okay, maybe. I don’t care.” I got up and did the same thing I did to him this morning. “I’ll be right back Haley. I’m gonna go get Carlisle.” He said.             When he left, I walked back to my bed? I grabbed my phone and started to text Rosalie. I texted Rose and asked her to come here. Two seconds later she walked into my room.   “Haley, are you okay.” She asked, when she seen me on the floor with my head on my bed.             Then Zachary and Carlisle came into the room. When they came in, I ran into the bathroom. Zachary was about to come but Rosalie stopped him and came into the bathroom herself.   “Are you okay.” She asked again. “Yea.” I said after I whipped my mouth off.   I was so weak, I could not get up and Rosalie saw that I couldn’t, so she helped me. She helped me back into my bed. Then Carlisle came over to me.   “Haley, how are you feeling?” Carlisle asked. “Tell me from 1 to 10 if you have any pain or anything.” “I don’t have any pain. But I just feel so weak.” I said. “I am so cold.” “Zach, close the windows for me please.” Carlisle asked him. “Sure, will Carlisle.” Zach said. He got up off the bed and walk to the windows. “Edward and Bella are back from hunting with Renesmee and Jacob.”             When he said that Bella and Edward came into my room. She walked over to my bed and say down.   “What happen.” She asked. “She’s just sick, Bella.” Rosalie told her. “She’s just sick to her stomach.” Carlisle added. “Let’s let her rest up, she needs it.”   Carlisle, Rosalie, Edward, and Bella walked out the door. Then Carlisle turned back to me and Zach.   “Come on Zach let her rest up.” He said. I looked at Zach and he was looking at me while he was talking. “I’m gonna stay in here with Haley, Carlisle.” He said. “I love Haley and I’m gonna stay in here and show everyone that I really care and love Haley.” “What?” Bella started to say, until Carlisle told Bella, “Bella leave them be. Haley needs her rest. You can talk to her later. Would you like anything.” “Not right now, but if I do, I’ll ask Zach to get it Carlisle. Thank you.” I said. He shook his head and shut the door. Zach covered me up and climbed in bed with me. “I love you Haley Renee, no matter what.” He told me. “Go back to sleep, you will feel better later.” I shook my head and did what he said. “Love you, Zachary.” I murmured before I fell asleep.             He said something, but I didn’t hear him. All I know is he kissed my forehead.   ~ 2 hours later ~             Rosalie and Bella both came into my bedroom and asked Zach how I was feeling.   “Zach, how’s she feeling?” Bella asked. “I don’t know Bella. She’s been asleep.” He told my sister. “Zach, can you come downstairs, the family would like to talk to you.” Rosalie asked. “But I don’t want to leave her.” He told her. Bella was the one that said this, and I was shocked that she did say it. “I know just please Zach, this is a family meeting. About you and Haley. Just come please.” Bella told him.             He must have got up and left with them. He didn’t even kiss me when he left. Oh well, he might have thought Bella would say something. So, I went back to sleep dreaming.
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