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“Ready?” I look up and it was dad waiting for me outside my room. I just finished packing up my things to move in with my mother… I’ve chose going with her, at the Mansion, where the Walker siblings are. In life, sometimes, no matter how hard the choices are, it is better to always choose the different path, and living with the Walker, with my mom, takes me to another life, which I want to feel… I amdone living my life in hell, and this opportunity, only happens to lucky people, like me. I smiled and slid my bag to my shoulder and went to wrapped him up with my arm. “Our house will still be open when you needed anything. Okay sweetheart?” He said and kisses my forehead. “Now let’s meet your mom.” We walk downstairs which I saw my step sisters and Kathryn who are just waiting for me to leave. Their facial expression look like in between of happy, and in between of jealous. I’m finally getting out of their presence. I said my goodbye and they all have different reactions to it, Kathryn just walk towards the kitchen, Pearl just stares at me, while still chewing that gum of hers, and Trisha who put up her hands to sign me a ‘goodbye’. “Be careful.” that’s the last thing I heard from my dad before I got into the van where my mom is waiting for me. The van started running and mom is talking about how amazing the Mansion is, but all I could ever focused is how I am going to end up in a mansion with the Walker family, despite telling to my mom when she married George that I will never be part of them, which obviously I ate up. “Here.” She said that finally got me back my attention to her. “Whats this?” While looking at the book with blue hard cover. “These are the rules in the Mansion, what you can’t do, and what you should avoid. You can also find everything, and anything here. If you have any question, the answers would be here” She answered while pointing at the book. I thanked her with one sentence in my mind. ‘Can’t she just answer my question?’ After just an hour with traffic, we finally arrived at the mansion, and God knows what I can express. It is heartstopper, as I stepped out of the van, the imposing mansion loomed before me like a grand fortress. My gaze traced the intricate details of the majestic structure, from the ivy-covered walls to the arched windows that seemed to peer into a world of privilege and opulence. I was just standing here looking at this big mansion with my eyes that are stuck in this fortress looking mansion. “Come on. Let the maids handle your stuff Avery.” “Serah. Just Serah.” Avery is like the name I never wanted to be called in. It is so fancy to a normal person like me. Mom just smiled and guided me to enter the mansion. The grand staircase is what met me, the grandeur of the mansion unfolded. Marble floors gleamed beneath my feet, reflecting the ambient light that filtered through the towering windows. The walls were adorned with ornate tapestries, each telling a story of wealth and heritage. A chandelier, a glittering constellation of crystals, hung from the ceiling, casting a gentle luminosity that bathed the foyer in a soft, golden hue. High ceilings stretched, adorned with intricate moldings, luxurious furniture, draped in sumptuous fabrics, a grand piano stood proudly in one corner, its polished surface gleaming in the ambient light. Everything screams, perfeciones. “So rumors are right.” I look back and was stunned to see one of George daughter, the first daughter to the first wife. Haley Kharyl Walker with brown medium length hair. Her appearance suit this place, gorgeous, luxurious, it screams the perfect picture of what Australia models have. ‘What rumors’ is running through my head when she said that. “There’s going to be new Walker in this house.” House? This isn’t a house, this is a mansion! Very away from what a house could look like. “I’m not a Walker.” I don’t know what got into my head for me to slip those words away from my tongue. “Obviously. You are a Runner.” “It’s Ford. My surname is Ford.” “You look smart, but not smart enough to learn the difference between a sarcastic joke and what’s serious.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “You’re a runner. Cause you run from the responsibility of being the children of the Prime Minister when dad married your mother.” I look behind Haley to see a boy that makes me want to kill myself. Ashton Gray Walker. I never see him this close for me not to focus on his brown shaded eye. He looks perfect in the media, but him standing in front of you? Oh God, kill me for not having make up right now. “The data must be wrong when it said that Seraphine Avery Ford, is a top student with everything in her grades written in a caps-lock A.” Ashton added. “Come on guys, is this how you greet your sister?” I forgot that my mom is still here with us, standing beside me. “Technically, she is not dad’s daughter but yours, making her not blood related for her to be our sister.” “But still sister because I am your mom.” Avery said. My mom said in her genuine tone. “Haley Kharyl Walker, and this is my brother, Ashton Gray, we’re brothers because we are blood related. Mother? The first wife.” Haley introduces them to me. I smiled and nodded. “Seraphine Avery Ford. Just call me Serah, with an H.” “Are you sure you do not want to be called, Seraphine Avery Walker? Or you just want to keep that surname of yours, Runner. I meant, Ford.” Ashton said before he walks towards me, giving him few inches away from me when he stops. He look down at me. The smell of his scent is taking up to my nose, and I am in between of liking it, or hating it. He observe my face, like looking for a flaw. With his eyes staring at me, I could feel that any moment now, I’ll be screaming help because my heart exploded, exploded from joy. “I have to go now mom. I have an interview with the CNN, about dad’s death.” Did he just call my mom, mom? I wasn’t just expecting that from him, I mean, mom is the last wife, shouldn’t they be hating her? “Go on now Gray. Bring at least six bodyguard along with you.” “Bodyguards won’t keep me safe when I am fighting for a riffle targeting my brain.” That’s dark. “It’s a joke. Obviously a joke.” He said and before he left, he stared at me for one last time. “See you later, Runner.”

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