2004 Words
Air The alarm went off indicating it was almost time for my first class. Without any frustration or sleepiness, I got up from my bed and rushed towards the bathroom to take a quick shower before they began to get filled by rushing teenage girls who were going to be late for breakfast.  Grabbing my hair products, soap, towel, and clean uniform, I headed out of my room and towards the bathroom. The hallways were empty and I got to the bathroom quickly.  Taking off my pajamas and folding them neatly, I placed them on the laundry basket with my name on it and jumped into the shower. Warm water poured over me instantly and a smile covered my face.  In a moment, I had finished washing and I turned off the shower before wrapping my white towel around me tightly. I walked out of the shower and dried myself quickly before getting into my uniform. Just then, the sound of awakening teenagers reached my ears just as the bathroom door opened and three girls walked inside. "Hey Kalani," one of them said with a smile. Her curly had been tied back in a bun. "Good morning, Loretta. Good morning Denise and Janice," I said with a smile as I greeted the other two girls who smiled at me. "Early as always," Denise said with a smile and I winked at her. "You know it. I better head back to my room, I have homework to finish," I said with an innocent smile and the girls nodded their heads before walking past me. As soon as they were out of eyesight, I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom with my things in hand.  Outside, the hallways were starting to fill up with noise as the girls in my wing started to rush to the bathroom to take a shower.  As they rushed past me, I reached my dorm room just in time to see a girl slide a yellow envelope down my door.  "Thank you, Annette. I'll be sure to pay you during the lunch break," I said with a smile as the girl jumped at the sound of my voice.  She lifted her glasses to her eyes with her fingers nervously as she avoided eye contact. "That's alright, Kalani. There's no need," the girl said before rushing away, gripping her backpack together towards her. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged before opening my dorm room door and grabbing the envelope on the floor.  I couldn't remember when it had been the last time I had done homework. It seemed like so long ago.  My adoptive parents deciding to send me off to boarding school had been the best thing that could have happened to me. I had my own life here. I was popular. Everyone either adored me or envied me. I didn't mind being the center of attention, like my birth father said, I could embrace it or hide from it, but I had no reason to. Yes, I knew who my birth father was. My mother too. Truthfully, I got along better with my father than with my mother who was a woman who seemed displeased by everything, especially by the fact that I hadn't been born a boy like my brothers.  Besides the age difference between me, Ares, and Hephaestus, the most notorious one was that they were immortal and I was born human. That is why they could live in Olympus while I had to be sent off to Earth to an adoptive family. At least Zeus hadn't left me to fend off for my own. He had made sure I ended up in a good family with parents who were caring but also powerful amongst society.  My adoptive father was a hard-working businessman while my adoptive mother was an excellent role model of independence and humbleness. She was the leader of her own charity foundation and she loved to travel to meet kids with special needs or people with a lack of resources. Yes, I loved them very much, but I was also very glad to have the father I had. He cared for me in his own way even if he couldn't be with me all the time.  Throughout the years, his visits had become more and more scarce but he made sure to compensate it by appearing in my dreams and explaining the reason. I knew what was going to happen when I turned seventeen. I knew the powers I was going to inherited and I knew about the other three Elementals.  Truthfully, I'd rather fight alone than with a bunch of losers, but I couldn't say I wasn't anxious to order them around. I was Zeus's daughter after all. Of course, they had to follow my orders. I smiled at the thought, Kalani Himmler, Princess of the Sky, Sorcerer of the Wind.  "Kalani? What time is it?" My roommate asked groggily as she raised her head from her pillow. Her hair looked like a nest of birds and my eyes widened when she took off her eye mask revealing two red orbs of sleepiness. "Joan, it's almost eight. You're going to be late if you don't get up now. Although by the looks of it, you're going to need more than just a quick fix-up," I said as I closed the door after me and headed to my makeup table.  I Turned on the lights around the mirror and started working on my face as my roommate got up and opened the curtains before rushing out of the room and heading towards the bathroom. I grabbed a hairband on my table and pulled my naturally platinum blonde hair back into a messy ponytail. My almost silver eyes gleamed under the light and I smiled, loving the way my high cheekbones complemented my face.  Once I finished getting ready, I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw the mess Joan had left before leaving.  I really liked Joan, she was a good person and smart, but I hated how messy she could be.  With a roll of my eyes and a sigh, I grabbed my backpack and placed the homework inside before walking out of my room.  Outside, girls were still rushing throughout the hallway and hurrying to their rooms to finish getting ready. I walked past them and headed towards the cafeteria down on the first floor and on the other side of the building.  By the time I got there, some boys and girls were already standing in line awaiting their turn to go in. The cafeteria didn't open until eight and it was 7:55.  While I waited, I took out my phone and noticed I had two missing phone calls from both of my parents. That was strange, they hardly ever called me at night when they knew I was sleeping. With a shrug, I decided I would call them later, right now, I was starving.  ... After getting my breakfast, I headed to my usual table by the big window with the amazing view of the mountains afar. I loved sitting here, especially at night when all the stars gleamed like fireflies in the sky. Thankfully, everyone knew who sat here and they never tried to take my place.  Neatly, I grabbed my salad and scrambled eggs and began eating just as my friends joined me. "Kalani, you could have waited for us," said Elizabeth, one of my closest friends at school. I nodded my head and shrugged while saying, "I know." Elizabeth rolled her eyes and placed her backpack on the seat next to her as Mia sat in front of me along with Joan. They had all filled their plates with fruit and salad since they were all vegetarian. Not me, the only thing I didn't eat was beef and that was because Hera was very fond of cows. I feared she would turn me into one if I ever ate beef.  "Okay then, can we talk about how James looks today?" Asked Mia with a wave of her eyebrow.  I looked at her and then at James who was sitting at the table next to ours. He wasn't a bad-looking guy but he wasn't my type either. He had long blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. He was skinny but firm and he had a smile that made all the girls in our grade melt but me.  I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to protest when Elizabeth barged in. "I know. I swear, that boy wakes up more handsome each day." I rolled my eyes and focused on my plate in front of me. "He isn't all that," I murmured but the girls around me gasped.  "You can't be serious, Kalani. He's gorgeous," Mia said in disbelief.  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You only like him because he just transferred here. He's new meat, that's why," I said and the girls cringed as I compared him to meat.  "You're just not over Lucas," Mia continued and I looked at her with a burning gaze. I couldn't believe she had brought him up. He was unmentionable at this table.  "Mia, I think you went too far," Joan whispered to Mia but she was glaring daggers at me. Lucas was a year older than us but we had started dating since I was a sophomore, now I was a senior. He had left for college in the fall and I had been totally and utterly in love with him. I had even presented him to my parents. I never did that.  That's how serious we were.  That is until I went to give him a surprise visit to his dorm and I found him in there with another girl. That had been only a couple of months ago and I had been devastated for days.  "Don't you dare talk to me about Lucas," I said through gritted teeth as I held her gaze.  Mia didn't back down and oddly enough, outside the wind started to pick up. From the corner of my eye, I could see the leaves of a tree start to come off and fly with the wind. Around us, students were starting to get up to watch what was happening outside.  "What the heck?" Elizabeth said as she stiffened next to me. Her biggest fear was the wind, the thought of a tornado appearing and taking her in the process. Quickly, I got up from the table and took my backpack. I didn't want to be here a second longer.  Leaving my unfinished breakfast, I stormed out of the cafeteria and towards the girl's bathroom.  I placed my hands on the edge of the sink and tried to calm my breathing. I knew that what was happening outside was my fault. I was about to turn seventeen, my father had warned me I would start to lose control of my powers until the transformation and my birthday was only a couple of days away.  Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine myself in my favorite place in the world. Outside looking out into the mountains.  Slowly, my breathing returned back to normal and I was able to straighten myself. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I fixed my hair and washed my hands before walking back outside.  My friends were there waiting for me and Mia had her head hung low as she avoided my eye contact. "I'm sorry if I brought... him up. It was a low move," she muttered softly. I nodded my head and tried to give her a smile. "That's alright. Just don't do it again," I said seriously.  Once we had all made up, the bell rang signaling classes were about to begin and the girls and I walked towards our first class.  As we passed a window, I noticed the wind outside had stopped howling and everything looked as if it were normal again.  But appearances could deceive. 
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