2. Bumping Into A Stranger

1583 Words
Cielle’s POV: The familiar scent of antiseptic filled my nostrils as I walked down the hallway to the room that held my mother. My mother's voice on the phone had been tinged with desperation, a frail whisper that cut through my heart. Finally, I pushed open the door to the room and my mother’s attention turned towards me.Her tired eyes focused on me and she let out a weak smile while clasping her hand against mine in a weak grip once I was close enough. Her health was deteriorating, despite the best medical care money could provide. Jason's financial resources had ensured that she received top-notch treatment, but it couldn't buy her back the vigour of her youth and it broke my heart to see the light in her eyes slowly disappear with each day that passed. I stood in the hospital room, attempting to put on a facade, a mask of unwavering cheerfulness. My mother, Fiona, lay in the sterile white bed, her once-vibrant eyes now dimmed with illness. She saw through my act, as she always did, and her voice was a gentle caress as she said, "Cielle, my sweet, you don't have to pretend with me." "I'm glad you are here Cielle." She whispered, her voice sounding weak. She raised up her hand which shook as she moved, and touched the side of my face. "How is your life going? How has it been with you?" A slight pain tugged at my heart, remembering all I was currently facing in my marriage, but there was no way I was letting her know that. "I'm fine mom, everything is going so well, I'm just worried about you." “You’ve always been a terrible liar my girl. I can see through that fake cheer in your tone. Everything doesn’t seem well.” Tears welled in my eyes at my mother’s comforting tone but I simply shook my head and offered her a smile. "I just don't want to worry you. You've been through enough." She offered a weak but reassuring smile, her fingers trembling in my grasp. "You've always been my strong girl, Cielle. But remember, strength doesn't mean enduring pain and misery. It means finding the courage to change your life, to live it as you wish." Her words hung in the air, heavy with meaning. I knew she understood the torment of my marriage and the sacrifice I had made for her sake but I never wanted her to feel like it was her fault. As if she could read my thoughts, my mother reached up and brushed a wisp of hair away from my face. "You've always been my anchor, my love. But I want you to promise me something, Cielle. Promise me you'll seek happiness, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone." She said softly. I nodded, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I promise, Mom. I'll find a way to be happy." “I’m glad I got to see you today, I feel really sleepy now though so feel free to leave whenever you like.” My mother said and I settled in a chair beside her bed, deciding to watch over her for a bit while she slept. After all, I had nothing to do for the rest of my morning. Gripping her hands, I sat down by the bedside and pondered on what she said to me, it was true that I wasn't happy or safe with Jason but what could I do? I had forfeited my happiness and wellbeing the day I agreed to tie the knot with Jason and despite the odds, I was willing to see it through, as long as he continued paying for the world-class treatment that my mother was receiving at St. Clare's, I would do anything he wanted, but a part of me craved something exciting. It felt like a long time since I had truly been happy and I craved the feeling. I sat in silence, watching as my mother slept on and from time to time, I would brush stray wisps of her hair from her forehead and one time, I had to reach over and tuck one particularly stubborn lock behind her ears. After sitting for close to an hour, I decided on doing something more interesting with my day. As I exited the hospital, the clock was inching toward noon. The invitation from Daniel and Lily still lingered in my mind. I had little desire to rush back to my suffocating home, where Jason's return from work was a looming presence and would fill me with tension for hours on end. The social club, their offer of friendship and escape, beckoned me. I decided to check it out, just for a little while. The building was huge and intimidating and almost immediately I regretted my decision to come here, but it was too late to change my mind and so I forced my legs to move towards the entrance of the building. The sun was shining brightly in the sky but it didn’t help ease the goosebumps that had formed on my skin and the thrumming in my chest only got worse as I made my way into the building. The first thing that caught my attention was the terrible lighting inside. It was too dim and the colors of the room were too dark and although it would be aesthetically pleasing to some people, it made me uncomfortable. The air around felt too intense. “Hi, I’m looking for the CedarWood Social Club?” I asked the blonde receptionist and I was surprised when she raised her head to look at me. She was pretty, in a nice and innocent way. She had a pretty pink collar-like chain on her neck, it stood out from the formal suit that she wore and it intrigued me so much that I almost asked about it. “Of course. Can I get your name please?” She asked politely, her soft voice made me smile. “Cielle Brooks.” I watched as she typed into the computer in front of me and once she was done she gave me a small booklet. “You’re on the second floor. Room 38. The booklet has all that you need, but just try to find me if you need any help.” She said and offered me a bright smile which I couldn’t help but return. I made my way further into the building, following the direction on each floor before I finally arrived at my destination. Room 38. I stared at the door for longer than I was sure necessary, but I couldn’t find it in me to push open the door and go in, because I wasn’t even sure what to expect taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into a room bustling with activity, it almost made me recoil. Laughter filled the air as groups of people chatted animatedly, engaging in various hobbies and interests. The room seemed to be filled with a vibrant energy that both excited and intimidated me. It was nothing like I had expected. I took a moment to watch the room from my spot and I realized that more activities were happening than I had initially thought. There was dancing going on in a corner, board games, and a crafts workshop I found Lily soon after and I was warmly welcomed by her and the club's members that she introduced me to, the friendly faces and genuihne smiles made me feel as if I belonged. For the first time in years, I began to relax, to laugh, to forget about the heavy burden I carried. The social club had a charm of its own, and it was unlike any place I'd ever been. The dimly lit space was adorned with intricate art, and the ambiance was a delightful blend of sophistication and intrigue. I ordered my preferred cocktail, and as the day wore on, I found myself enjoying the atmosphere. Time slipped away, and I lost track of the hours. It was only when my phone chimed with a message from Jason that reality came crashing back. He had just finished work and was on his way home. Panic surged through me, and I rushed out of my seat, my heart pounding. The thought of what would happen if Jason got home before me or if dinner wasn’t ready by the time he got home made a sliver of fear run up my spine. I stood up from my seat and made my way toward the door, making sure to dodge the group of people that I had already tried to socialize with especially Daniel and Lily. I got to the door without a hitch and with the adrenaline still pumping through my veins, I pulled open the door and the worst part of my day yet happened. I bumped into someone, accidentally spilling all of my drink onto them. “God! I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry, it was my fault, I should have been paying more attention. s**t, I ruined your shirt. I'll buy you a new one I promise.” I rushed out in dismay and panic. I had never wanted to disappear into thin air and never reappear again as I did at that moment and it didn’t help when I raised my eyes to meet his cold grey ones. I could have sworn my heart skipped more than one beat.
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