
1992 Words
Emily’s POV Liam and I have been getting to know each other over the past few weeks. We always knew each other but not on an intimate level. We went on dates, he’d kiss me goodnight, we even had a few heated make out sessions, but we still haven’t had s*x. Since Liam has come back from college he has started taking on more Alpha roles like training the warriors, he is an amazing warrior and it is kinda hot. He has also been working with his father on pack matters. I have been working with his mother on Luna duties and understand pack needs. We’ve also worked on planning the announcement event. It was a bigger event then I originally thought. All the Alphas from the neighboring packs and the packs we have alliances with will all be in attendance, and apparently that’s a lot of Alphas. Mike has even started talking to me again. He still tries to avoid seeing me with Liam together, but Liam says he’s talking to him again too. Its the day of the announcement event and Im a bit nervous. I agreed to move into the pack house after tonight. I’m going to have my own room on the Alpha floor. Its early morning and I’m packing up the last of my things when I hear a knock at the door. “Come in.” I say. “Hello beautiful.” Liam is standing at the door. I stop packing and walk over. He tilts my head up and we kiss. We are getting very comfortable with each other. I kiss back a little more hungry than him. He pulls away, “Mm don’t start something this early in the morning or I won’t get a thing done today.” He kisses my forehead. “Maybe that’s the point.” I say and pull his body into mine. “Oh little mate you are trouble.” He wraps his arms around me and breaths in my scent. I giggle push him back and turn back to my box. “So what can I help you with, put me to work.” He says rubbing his hands together. “These boxes are ready and so is that bag.” I point to the corner of the room. He bends down, picks them up, and heads out. After about an hour of him and my dad helping, everything was moved out. I can’t believe after 18 years, my stuff was picked up and moved out in less than a day. My mom and dad hug me as I walk out of my parents house and into my new life in the pack house. My room is on the third floor, which is exclusively for the Alpha family and visiting Alphas. I head up the stairs with a box in hand and begin the process of unpacking all the things I just packed up an hour ago. My room is spacious and really nice. The bed is a huge four poster king size with clean white linens. There is a desk and a dresser. The room has its own bathroom and a walk in closet. When I finish unpacking one box I move onto the next. Liam had to go do some work before getting ready for tonight. I’m a little nervous but I’m also excited. I spend the next few hours of the day unpacking and getting my room together. Around late afternoon I hear a knock at my door. “Come in.” I say and Mike walks in. “Hey Mike.” I say. “Hey Em. You getting settled in?” He asks. “Yeah just a few more boxes and then I have to break these down and throw them away.” I say. “Want some help?” I smile at his offer. I miss him so much sometimes. “Yes, Please!” I say and he starts breaking down boxes. We talk about what it’s like to live in the pack house and what I should expect. It was nice. This was the longest we’ve spent together since our birthday. It almost felt like it did before except, He always seemed to be on the opposite side of the room to where I was. Like he was keeping his distance. Things are a bit weird for now but I know we’ll both get used to it in time. Finally we unpack the last box, the first thing I do after placing its contents away is jump up on my bed and lay down. Mike comes over and stands next to me. “Well I guess I’ll get out of your hair. Don’t you have to get ready or something, you take like forever to be ready.” He says “What time is it?” I ask “It’s almost 5.” He says “I have about 30 minutes before I really have to get up and get ready.” I pat the bed for him to sit. He looks hesitant at first but sits down. “Mike I’ve missed you. I just wanted you to know.” I say. “I know Em. I’ve missed you too and I’m trying.” He says looking down. I prop myself up on my elbows. “I know and I appreciate it.” I say. He smiles. I’m about to say something else when the door swings open. “Get away from my Mate.” Liam growls. Mike stands up and puts his hands up to surrender. “Liam!” I yell and he looks at me. “Mike wasn’t doing anything other than talking to me.” I say sternly. “Man nothing was going on.” Mike says to Liam. “Em I’ll see you tonight.” Mike says and leaves. Liam growls as Mike passes by him. When Mike is gone I walk over and close my bedroom door. “What the hell was that?” I ask. “What? I come in and see you two on the bed. What was that?” He says pointing to the bed. “We we’re having a heart to heart! He’s been helping me unpack my room for the past 4 hours. He’s my best friend Liam! And I’ve lost him.” I say crossing my arms in front of me. Liam doesn’t say anything at first. He sighs. “Em your right I’m sorry. Lucas is such a jealous mutt and he’s so loud in my head. He knows that Mike loves you and he can’t let that go. But I shouldn’t have done that.” He looks down and then back at me. “Liam I know Mike loved me, but that was a different life time ago. Things changed, and now I have you. You can’t treat your brother, my friend like he’s doing something wrong. I want my friend back Liam.” I say. He sighs again and places his hands on my shoulders. “You’ll get him back beautiful. I’ll try harder.” He pulls me into a hug and I’m ridged at first trying to be mad at him, but soon I melt and hug him back. “That’s my girl.” And he kisses the top of my head “Alright shoo I have to get ready for tonight.” I say to him. “So you still want to be my mate?” He asks. “Oh you are stuck with me mate.” I reply “Mmm I like it when you call me mate.” He has a smirk on his face. “Say it again.” He whispers “Mate.” I whisper. He growls and picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. Our lips crash into each other. I pull back. “You are going to make me late.” I say. He smiles at me and kisses my nose. “Ok ok I’m sorry, but you started it.” He says as he puts me down. I push his shoulder and he laughs. He turns to leave. “See you tonight beautiful.” He closes the door behind him. I go and take a nice hot bath to soak. I get out and throw a robe on. There was another knock at my door. My room is popular today. It’s my mom and the Luna. They want to help me get ready, I knew they would. They do my hair and make up and talk about their own announcement parties and how things have changed for them afterwards. Everyone will know I’m the future Luna of the pack and will start calling me Luna even though I’m not technically the Luna yet. Liam already goes through the same thing. People are always calling him Alpha. When they finish with my hair I get dressed. My dress is beautiful. It’s red off the shoulder floor length dress with a Slit up the side almost all the way to my hip. I feel pretty sexy in this dress. I head out of my room and I run into Mike at the top of the stairs. He looks me up and down. “Damn Em, you look amazing.” Mike says. “Thanks. You look dapper.” He was wearing a black suit and a black/gray vest. He looked good. Then I heard a whistle. “You two look like a million bucks.” Liam says from the bottom of the stairs. Mike offers me his arm and I take it. He leads me down stairs and passes me to Liam. I bet they talked because they’ re being really sweet. Liam looks good! He is wearing black pants white shirt with suspenders. I’ve seen suspenders look good on anyone but Liam, they defined his shoulders and back. This man was sexy. He offers me his arm and I take it. The party’s on the first floor We head down the stairs towards the bustling party taking place below. It’s another party full of people. Most of the guests are older members of the pack and Alphas from neighboring and allied packs. I was introduced to a few Alphas and Lunas. Then Alpha James takes the stage everyone quiets down and Liam takes me over to the side of the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming out to this event. Tonight we are here to celebrate the boding of two fated mates. We all know what a blessing from the Moon Goddess it is to find your mate. It is a beautiful union of souls and love. I remember the night I met Luna Jackie. My life was never the same again. But you all didn’t come here to hear about my love story. The Luna and I, and our betas, are proud to announce my son Liam the future Alpha of this pack has met his mate Emily Rivers. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the future Alpha and Luna of Silver Leaf Pack!” Liam and I walk up on stage as everyone cheers and claps. We wave to everyone and Liam pulls me close to him. “Thank you everyone. Emily and I are so grateful for everyone who has come out to celebrate with us. Thank you Alpha and Luna for putting on such a great party. We will do you all proud.” Liam says. His dad places a hand in his shoulder and they shared a look. “Well that’s enough mushy stuff. Enjoy the party.” Liam says and with that the music picks up again and everyone cheers. “You ok?” Liam asks. I nod. He kisses me, and I kiss him back. We pull away and smile. Unknown POV Looking up at them kissing and smiling, living their dreams enrages me. Enjoy it while it lasts Liam. Your time will come. I’ll get my revenge.
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