1383 Words
I woke up at seven in the morning and took my shower. With a lot of time, I was able to clean my face and nourish it with a face mask and ice. Then I dabbed on some foundation, powder, lengthened my lashes, and deepened my eyes. Putting some lip color to my cheeks and my lips, powder to set, and perfume to finish off. Wearing my denim shorts, boho tank top, ankle boots, I looked at myself in the mirror and posed a little. I didn’t put clips on my hair but just let it down with wavy curls. Then I went to my mom. “Mom, how do I look.” My mom smiled in approval. “My baby has already grown. You look so beautiful.” “Thanks, mom. Aunt and Uncle will be here any minute.” “Don’t forget your purse.” “Oh yeah.” Then we heard a car horn. I opened the door and ran to the vehicle. My mom waved at Aunt Maisie and Uncle Theo. “Thank you!” And she blew a kiss to me and shouted from the door. “Be good, Nat!” And shouted back. “I will mom. I love you!” And I closed the window to seal in the cold AC. As I settle at the back seat. “You look gorgeous!” “Thanks! I need to, I’m your assistant.” “I will let you meet my manager Brian.” “Oh, won’t they see me as a child?” “Uh-uh, that body, that face? They will sign you up alright.” “Wow! Thanks. Oh, I hope so.” “We’ll let him manage you for a while, then I will take over. I have to be sure you’ll be okay or my brother might pull my feet.” And we all laughed. Then I sat quietly at the back while my aunt and uncle talked about something. When we arrived, we carried all her clothes, bags, and shoes and brought them to her tent. And I saw sophisticated lights, backdrops, and equipment. There were a lot of people, crew and other models. One person yelled. “Hey Maisie, is she?” “Yup, my niece, Natalie.” People looked my way, seeing a lot of eyes on me, bloomed my consciousness, I was shy and red. I smiled and bowed to them like how celebrities fo after a play. I crossed my legs going back and bent from my waist. And almost everybody clapped. “She’s a natural. Does she have clothes?” “No direct Matt. She’s not in the line.” “Maisie, is she willing?” “Are you asking me if cows moo?” “Okay, dress her up! Brian!” Brian, Aunt Maisie’s manager, and his assistant Sofie went to me and turned me around. “Brian, I will leave Nat with you, we’re taking.” “Some more make-up and here!” He places a garden hat on my head. Its color blended on my outfit. Sofie asked the makeup artist to accentuate her eyes but natural look. And she did some wonders that I looked prettier. Brian asked me to stand and pose holding the hat. “Give me a blank smile.” I am not sure what he meant, but I just gave a Mona Lisa smile. A smile that doesn’t give an emotion. “Perfect, you’re good to go. Sofie, bring her for a shoot. They are at the stairs.” “Let’s go, girl!” And I followed Sofie. Aunt Maisie saw me and I waved, then the director, Matt, asked me to sit on the concrete stairs, one knee up and the other a little below. “Hold your hat and look at the camera.” Then I heard the sound of camera shutters clicking one after the other, as my hair was blown by a subtle wind. “Let me see.” The director looked at the screens of three cameramen. “I like this, and this.” “Sure, director Matt.” “Let me show you this, direct Matt.” “Great!” Then he roamed his eyes around. “Maisie!” But Brian ran to him. “She’s over there having her photo sessions.” “Sign this girl.” “She Maisie’s niece.” “Oh, that explains it.” “Sofie!” “Prepare a contract for Natalie.” “Got it, Brian.” Then director Matt came near me. “You observe for now but I will call on you for a signature that will fit you.” “Sure director Matt. You can call my aunt. Thank you soo much.” He smiled at me and patted my shoulder. “You’re beautiful. You deserve it.” Then I kept my calm and excitement inside while I look and assist my aunt. Uncle Theo was there as well. “Congrats, kiddo! I heard you’re in.” “Thanks to you and aunt Maisie.” “You deserve it. Now you always be careful. Men from all walks of life will try their best foot forward to entice you.” “Oh, I am just excited for now to work and get out of my shell.” “I heard they’ll be presenting your photos to Elle magazine.” “Really?” Knowing how sophisticated the magazine is almost blows my mind in trying to fathom the thought. “Can I ask you a favor?” “Sure.” “Please don’t tell my mom, I want to surprise her.” “Okay, but just be careful in dealing with people.” “Aren’t you and Aunt Maisie going to do that?” “Are you serious?” “Well, that’s what she told me.” “Great! She will be your agent and manager.” “But she said, Brian will do it for some time, then she will take over. She’s a great aunt, right?” “She is a great person.” Then Brian called Theo. “Theo, your set is on the bridge.” “There’s your call.” “Don’t talk to strangers, okay.” “Yup, I’m going to aunt Maisie now and watch her styles.” Now I see two photoshoots going on at the same time, aunt Maisie’s and Uncle Theo’s, with all the other models they are with. The venue we are in is quite big and the production is huge. The venue is in a monument building with a big beautiful garden at its side. I see that their crew is all over the place. Some are holding collapsible reflectors, some are with white umbrellas that have bulbs in them, some are with props. A lot are in their computers checking if they were able to get the perfect shot already. They look at the lighting, the pose, the face projection, the background. Then, the editor of the magazine will check if it will already fit the item they need for the magazine. There is a lot of processing but very fast and technical. Byt looking at everything is overwhelming and I just stood in awe of what was going on. A while later, Aunt Maisie was done with one outfit, she went to change into another one. “Hey, are you doing good? I heard they’re signing you in.” Then she winked and went inside her tent to dress up. When she came out with the frilly wedding dress, I stood in awe and imagined myself wearing that too. She walked with flowing cloth, they fix the hem every time and fix her headdress all the time. The day went by so fast I didn’t realize it was almost twilight and not too good to shoot anymore. “Okay, wrap up, and let’s pack!” And swiftly everyone packed and stashed everything in their vehicles. “Ready?” “You bet.” And we rode Uncle Theo’s SUV. “We will take you home tonight, but we will celebrate tomorrow...somebody is signing up!” “Yes!” They brought me home and I was ecstatic to tell mom what happened the whole day. “Mom! I want to tell you something!”
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