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My friend Alfred from my previous address called. He liked me since we were in High School but he is just not my type and I was happy then that he stopped courting me and here he is again calling. So, I tried to speak boring and sleepy. “How did you get my number?” “From Helen’s mom. Sorry, are you sleeping already?” “Yes, I got tired with work.” “You’re working?” I couldn’t tell him. “An assitant of my Aunt. Can we talk on another time?” “Yeah sure.” “Thanks and good night.” The next morning, mom didn’t wake me early. I slept the whole morning and rested my mind and body. I am still not used to modeling and working the whole day. Sundays are rest for me and my mom, and today is one of the best days to take a rest. I remember last year, I was so stressed when I first came into third-year college in my new school. The anxiousness of peer pressure and the dire submission of requirements and assignments. Professors were quite different as well from what I was used to in High School. and my former university. Time management was very much in demand and the pressure of running from one room to another, one building to the other was exhausting. Many of my classmates live on the campus, but I rather not leave my mom alone so I go home every day which was twenty-five minutes going to school and going home. But because I am into modeling, I think I want to shift and transfer into a modeling school. I can study while I have the proper hands-on, as I am earning and enjoying. I will definitely inquire about it this week so I can make amends and shift immediately. After some more time of pondering, mom called me and peeped into my room. “Hey, Nat. Are you already up?” With a drowsy voice from my bed. “Yeah, mom. Can I snooze some more?” “Okay.” After some snoozing, I didn’t realize it was already past lunch. And I went out. I took a bowl and ate cereals in front of the television in the living room. “Oh hi, Nat. Do you want a sandwich?” “I am good with this. Have you eaten mom?” “Yeah, noodles.” “Mom, you think it’s best if I take modeling classes instead of my course business administration?” “It’s up to you. Aren’t you enjoying your course now?” “Well, I am. But I think I will enjoy modeling more.” “Well, it’s up to you. Can you still enroll at this time?” “I will email them and inquire. I hope there isn’t any entrance exam that I missed or something.” “Ok. I am just excited to see you in magazines and billboards.” “Billboards? Wow, that’s big!” “You can never tell. I am just hoping.” The day was light and lax. We just ordered our dinner and slept.” The next morning, I browsed and called some modeling school near us but not too near though. One is already full and the other wanted to see me. I have a schedule for the coming Thursday with them. They gave me a list of requirements that I needed to submit. I tried to gather everything that day, unfortunately, some would come from my former school. I was also required to submit an essay of who I am, my capacity and so many other things about me. The requirements were too overwhelming, my day ran out of time. Mom tried to help but I should be the one to write. Before I was able to construct my piece, I wrote and deleted it a lot of times. I had to show them that I am not just a pretty vessel but with solid core talent. I slept late trying to finish all my write-ups. I finally dozed off before dawn. My mom peeped into my room in the morning. Seeing how my laptop and scratch papers were all over my bed, she just wrote me a note and placed it on my laptop. ‘Natalie, I went to the supermarket. Call me if you want anything. I made pasta, just re-heat.’ I read that around two in the afternoon. I need to finish my requirements and choose my outfit for that day. I need to impress, it’s my only chance to get in. After some time of relaxing, mom finally came. She was shouting my name when she went out of the car. “Nat! Natalie!” I frantically ran in fear that something might have happened to her. “What happened, mom? Are you okay?” “Yeah, Just see this!” When she showed me what she was holding in her hand, my jaws dropped and I squealed in excitement. I saw my face in front of the magazine. “Where did you get that?” “In the supermarket, it was just delivered today. When I saw it from afar, I knew I have seen the scenario.” “And you quickly bought it. Thank you. Does Brian and Aunt Maisie know?” “I don’t know they never mentioned anything.” “Good thing you saw it, mom.” “I even forgot to buy some medicines, because I was too excited. Let’s call Maisie.” “Oh, you’re right.” When I was about to call aunt Maisie, Brian was calling. “Hey, I have a surprise for you.” “I think I already know what that is.” “Wait, what do you mean?” “My mom got a copy from the supermarket.” “Really?” “Yeah, she said it was just delivered and she grabbed a copy at once when she saw it.” “I already knew since last Sunday but I wanted to have a copy first before I tell you. But I guess I was too late already.” And we both laughed. “Let’s see each other later and celebrate. Tell Emma as well. Congratulations kiddo!” “Thanks! What time will that be?” “Dinner at seven?” “Sure.” “Call Theo and Maisie.” “Okay, I will.” I called aunt Maisie after Brian hanged up. “Hi, Tahja!” “Have you seen the cover?” “Wait, is it out already?” “Yes, mom had a copy from the supermarket!” “Oh, I am so happy for you. You have to be careful now because boys and men will start to look for you.” “What do you mean?” “Models are one of the best teasers and temptations to men. Even if we’re not into it, they see us as s*x icons. Some men mean good. Some just want to go under your skirt, so be very careful.” “I will put that in mind. By the way, Brian wants to treat us for dinner and he wants you and uncle Theo to come.” “Okay sure, we’ll just pick you up. What time?” “He said seven, but you can check with him.” “Your voice sounded so excited.” “I am. Weeeee.... See you later.” I browse thru the magazine after we hang up and I read all the captivating words about Sachi and her model, that’s me. “Mom, have you read the magazine?” I shouted while I was in the living room and she was in the kitchen preparing some food. “Not really, I was too excited to show it to you.” Holding two bowls of pasta, she went to the living room. Then went back to the kitchen to get the sandwiches and drinks she prepared. “Are you done so I can read it too?” “Yup. Here.” And I took the bowl and ate with excitement. “Hey, you’re stress eating.” “I am not stressed, I am excited.” And we laughed. “I can show this to the school.” “This can definitely be a plus point for you.” “Ohhh...I am getting more excited. What shall I wear later?” “Sachi clothes?” “Right!” “Let me check on my outfit first.” Mom held my hand to stop me. “Eat first. You didn’t have breakfast. Let’s relax. It’s still early. You still have two to three hours.” “Okay, mom.” And I giggled while munching on the sandwich. I drank some of the drinks. “Hey, this is good!” “It’s a new product. There was a free taste.” And I drank again. “Change the channel to a fashion one.” And I did. We studied how the models walked, laughed, and moved. I tried to mimic them. “It’s nice to copy them but you can have your style, that can be your signature.” I smiled at her. “I love you, mom.” “I love you, Natalie and I am so proud of you.” When we finished eating, I was taking mom’s bowl so I can place all the dirty dishes in the washer. “I got it, just go to your room and check on your outfit.” “Thanks, mom.” And I went to my room to pick what I will wear that night. I tried to place on top of me some outfits that I thought would be nice. As usual, a lot of clothes lined and scatter my bed. After almost an hour of mix and match, I have finally decided on my simple smart blue plunging neckline, sleeveless blouse, tight jeans, and boots of the same color as my belt and bag. And I hit the shower. I cleaned my face, dabbed some makeup, and lavished my arms with shimmering lotion. I just let my wavy hair dry in the fan to keep it soft and shiny. When I went to mom. “Wow, you look gorgeous. Maisie called and they’re coming in ten minutes.” “Okay, let’s get out and lock the doors.”
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