1731 Words

The next day I woke up earlier than my alarm clock set at seven-thirty. Came out of my room. Mom was already in the kitchen. “You’re up already?” “My orders last night came early, I don’t have any choice but to wake up and receive them.” “Were you able to finish that requirement?” “Yup! Placed all of them in an envelope.” I spoke to her while I opened the pantry and took a box of cereals. “You want some sandwich or pasta?” I opened the fridge to get some milk. “Nope. I am good with cereals. Are you sure you’re not coming, mom?” “I am cooking. Just bring home the bacon.” “Well, with all of them to intimidate, I think I can bring home a whole pig!” And we both laughed at the idea of them coming with me. “We now have a new family, don’t we?” “We do mom. And I am glad. Are you?”

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