Chapter 9

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Weeks have passed since I’ve seen Eric since we had our intense encounter. He hasn’t shown up to class, or at our dorm room and I haven’t gone to check for him at the club. With him being gone it gave me lots of time to think. What do I want? A guy who vanishes into thin air after making me desire and need him so much? Or a good guy like Daniel? He’s consistent. He takes me out on dates. Invites me to dinners at his apartment, and is talking about taking me with him to go meet his parents. Daniel is the perfect guy. I try to focus on being up to date with my school work and he really helps me with that. He gets concerned when he notices me slacking. He’s so good for me. A guy I would definitely take home to my parents. Although, I can’t stop thinking about my interaction with Eric - how he made me feel. How good he makes me feel. Full of desire and lust. I get moist when I lay and watch his empty bed at night, reminding me of how he took control over my body on that very bed. How I allowed him to own my body. I did it willingly. I wanted him to show me what he could do. He was right, I do know what I’m missing out on now. I hear my phone buzz underneath my books and pages all scattered on my bed. Eventually, I find the culprit making the noise and notice the caller ID. “Daniel, how are you?” my voice excited. “Hey babe, well thanks and you?” he asks calmly. “Good…” I answer waiting for him to respond. I shift from my bed to take my attention off my work looking down at my bare feet while walking around slowly in my dorm room. “I wanted to know if you’re up for dinner at my place tonight, I’m cooking.” Listening to Daniel I hear fiddling at my door handle from the outside of my dorm room. Frowning at the door I can’t comprehend why a student would mess with the door handle. I snap out of my thoughts remembering to answer. “Yeah sure, be there at 7 – I’ll bring a bottle of wine.” I agree. “Cool can’t wait to see you, babe.” And right then my attention is taken by the figure standing in my doorway. “Daniel, I have to go. I’ll see you later.” I hang up. My heart jumps at the sight of Eric, it’s been weeks since I’ve seen him - his helmet on his head only exposing his eyes. “Eric, where have you been?” My voice shocked startled. He lifts his helmet off his head and walks over to his bed. His jet back hair is longer than he usually has it. His eyes accompanied with dark rings and bags. He hasn’t shaven in about three days but it still looks sexy. But there’s something different about him which leaves a pit in my stomach. His dark jeans covered in blood. Concern fills me and I walk over to him inspecting the situation without his consent. “What happened to you?” he doesn’t answer me. His face is hard quiet. I move to my knees to see where the blood is dripping from. It trails up to his thigh and higher above his hip. I look him in the eyes asking if I can untie his leather jacket. His eyes go soft giving me permission. I stand up to unzip his jacket and what I see is worse than I thought it could be. “Eric you have to go to a hospital. I know you won’t tell me what’s going on but please let me take you to hospital.” I beg. My heart drops at the thought of his injury. “Are you crazy, I can’t go.” He argues. “Eric, that’s a bullet in your stomach. You’ll die if you don’t take it out.” I say. “The bullet is exactly why I can’t go to a hospital.” He raises his voice making me jump at his temper. I notice the pain in his eyes. But he stands proudly like nothing is wrong. I wonder if this has ever happened before. “Mandi’s boyfriend is a med student. I can ask him to do it.” I suggest. His face hardens and seconds later it goes soft. “Okay. But no questions as to how the bullet got there.” He croaks losing his balance. It must be painful but he doesn’t show a sign of it on his face. I nod and grab my phone to dial Mandi’s number. She answers quickly. I inform Mandi that I need Travis’s help. She tells me they’ll be here in forty minutes and I should let Eric relax but keep him conscious. I move Eric to his bed and help him lay down. I sit at the side of the bed and watch as his eyes start to close. “Eric, you have to stay awake.” I surge. His eyes gently open and shut close again. f**k I need to keep him awake. “Please tell me what happened,” I beg. His eyes meet mine and I grab his hand and hold it tight. He needs to know that I’ll support him. “Emily, I can’t tell you. The last thing I need is you being involved.” His voice is faint and quiet. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m already involved and I got you someone, to fix the wound – the least you can do is tell me how this happened,” I demand. He shifts his eyes to the ceiling of the dorm room and nods. “It’s a bit more complicated than this but I’m involved is something f****d up and this bullet…” he trails off into deep thought. I wait for him to continue. “There are people after me and the bullet is a way for these people to show me that they can get me whenever they want.” He struggles to speak. Why are these people after him? What has he done? What is he involved in? His eyes are closing again. I cup his face. “Eric, please stay with me. Travis said you have to stay awake.” I beg. He opens his soft painful green eyes. “Em, I can’t tell you more than I have, so please don’t ask anymore. I hate to keep this from you but I have no choice.” His words don’t stop me from questioning. Wanting to know – wanting to get him out of whatever mess he is in. “Is that why you’ve been gone?” I begin to rub my thumb back and forth on his hand. He nods. “I had to get away for a while.” He says bitterly. I move my hand away, remembering how I felt when he left me after an experience that meant so much to me. I feel my face fall. “Hey, you’re not the reason I left. I had no choice, Emily.” I become angry at him, he needed to be safe that’s why he left but that doesn’t change how hurt I was – how I kept reminding myself in his absence that I’ll stay away from him and here I am sucked into him all over again. I can’t help myself, can I? I stand up from his bed glancing over his wound, he could’ve died. Why did he come here? “Why did you come here, you didn’t go to family or the club – you came here.” I gesture to the room. He pushes out his arm asking to hold mine. “I don’t know…when the bullet hit me, I fell off my motorbike and once I woke up, I had this urge to see you. I thought I might die.” His voice keeps fading away. My heart breaks at the thought of him lying on the cold ground unconscious with nobody with him – thinking he’ll die alone. I grab hold of his hand – I’m sure it comforts him. “Eric, you left me. What happened between us weeks ago…it meant something to me. When you left, I thought you didn’t care. Then I moved on with Daniel.” My soft voice tells him. “It meant something to me too Emily – more than you know.” My dorm room door opens up and in walks Travis and Mandi – my heart begins to generate with the hope that Eric will be okay. I know I’ve decided to be with Daniel but I can’t push away the desire that Eric and I might have a chance…one day.
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