Skill Test (3)

1646 Words

In this kind of situation, only I became conscious of the other party. Coach Ayu who clung to me tightly to recover some of her stamina and to let the pain pass never reacted or I just couldn't see it. Even after someone shouted 'Break', she kept her hold for a little longer until the acting referee shouted it once more. During that few seconds she used to clutch, I felt the breeze from her breath gradually stabilized. She's the one who urged me to use her weakness and now I felt bad so I didn't push her away during it but I acted as if I was doing that. In front of these boxers, what I did might be a low move but none of them called it out, they also heard Coach Ayu's encouraging me to do that after all. With a little more than 30 seconds left for the 1st round, Coach Ayu stayed at the

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