
1392 Words

Around half an hour later, I walked Shizu to the front door, her hair still slightly wet from the shower. Well, we did sweat from what we did also… I somehow made some marks on her skin from all the kisses and licks she received. If I let her go home without washing up, she’d feel sticky on her way home. I didn’t join her in the shower though. Or more like, she didn’t let me join her. The embarrassed girl closed the door on me, locking me outside. Akane laughed at me upon seeing that. And so… I turned my urge to tease towards her… However, the girl also ran away from me, not because she didn’t want to, but to get back at my teasing habit… She joined Shizu in the bathroom, the two got their girl’s talk inside while I waited just outside that door. Whatever they talked about, it resulted

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