No Friends Allowed

1072 Words

Chapter 34 No friends allowed "Friend, Jak. This is Chase," Tempura said. "Chase," Jak said. "Chase," Chase said. "Ask Nona. I am friend." Jak nodded and left the room. He closed the door behind him. However, only a moment later there was a knock. "Yes," Tempura said, thinking it was Jak, but that didn't make sense to her. "It's me," Orca said. "We're busy," Chase said. "We are not. Come on in, Orca, Tempura said. "If you don't behave, I'll sic Jak on you." She aimed that comment toward Chase. He chuckled, then sipped his tea. Orca stepped in, shutting the door. "What's happening?" she said. "Nothing," Tempura said. "I just brought him tea. He's been sleeping." "No. I meant out there. Something changed. Vic is changed. Walt is suddenly acting as if he's in charge of Solus.

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