14 - Natalie

2432 Words
Wearing a simple black cocktail dress, I looked at myself in the mirror once more. My nerves are all over the place and I tried to calm myself. I just let my hair down and wore a light makeup to increase a bit of my confidence. What if he really confesses tonight just like what Arya suggested? I smiled nervously and sighed. Geez, it’s Brian we’re talking about. Stop assuming, Natz. I walked out of my room and saw Tita Lorie and Tito Philip watching something by the time I got down. “Oh, Natz. You look perfect. I’m sure Brian will be speechless again when he sees you.” Tita Lorie commented right away as soon as she saw me. “Thank you, Tita.” I replied and smiled shyly. “She’s right, dear. I’m sure both of you will have a lovely dinner.” Tito Philip added. “Thanks, Tito Philip. I’m really sorry about cancelling our dinner.” I responded. “Hush. That’s fine.” Tita Lorie interrupted and smiled widely. “Your dinner with Brian is more important.” “Tita, it’s just a-“ I tried to explain. “Yes, a friendly dinner date. I know.” Tita Lorie interjected and winked at me. “Off you go. Remind me to scold him for not coming here to pick you up.” “It’s fine, Tita. Terry said he got caught up with something.” I said and kissed Tita Lorie’s cheeks. Driving to the restaurant, my mind went wild. It seemed like yesterday when I was just wishing and hoping and desperately praying for Brian to at least take me out for dinner, and now, it’s really happening. I parked the car and sighed as soon as I reached my desired destination. I was relieved that at least I didn’t get into any accident. I know how to drive but doesn’t drive often because I’m never good at it. It’s like driving isn’t really my thing. I even rechecked again myself using the side mirror of my car. Satisfied, I slowly walked inside when I felt my phone vibrate. It was Brian calling, I smiled widely. “I’m-“ I stopped when he interrupted me. “Natz, I’m so sorry.” He said in a rush. Then I heard him sigh on the other line. “I’m cancelling our dinner tonight. Something important came up and I…I can’t. Sorry. Uhm, you don’t need to come to the restaurant. I just asked Terry to order your favorite foods and let it be delivered to the house. You and my parents can continue with the dinner.” My smile immediately dropped as soon as I heard what he said. I stopped on my track and went to the side as I listened. “It’s…uhm…it’s okay, Brian. I’m sure Tita Lorie and Tito Philip will be happy about the food…and the dinner.” I managed to say. “Really sorry, Natz. You’re not yet on your way, right?” He suddenly asked. I suddenly became conscious of the background noise and music, so I immediately went outside to where my car was parked. “No, I’m…not. Good thing you called early.” I lied. “Great.” He sighed deeply, sounding relieved. “Natz, sorry but I have to go. I’ll talk to you soon.” “O-okay.” I replied and the call ended. I sighed sadly as I leaned on my car. Then I faced my side mirror. Cheer up, Natz. I convinced myself to stay positive and maybe just drive back to the estate as fast as I can so I can spend some more quality time with Tita Lorie and Tito Philip. I just entered my car and was about to start the engine when I saw a very familiar figure going inside the restaurant. I stepped out of my car to verify if it’s really him. To my surprise, he’s not alone. He is assisting a girl beside him, and that girl is someone I will never forget. “Joanna.” I whispered as my eyes followed both of them until they’re out of sight. Traitorous tears fell off my cheeks as soon as my heart sank. Why am I even crying? It’s not like I’m his girlfriend or something. It’s not like he’s cheating. I wiped the tears away and immediately started my car. I really have to get out of there as soon as possible. And so with my heart all shattered for the nth time, I drove like there’s no tomorrow. My mind scolded me for being so weak and for giving in so easily. I told you so. Those words echoed inside my head as I kept driving, tears still stubbornly flowing down. It’s already near a crossroad and my mind went blank. I didn’t notice the red light and my eyes widened when I suddenly hit the car in front of me. The impact was quite huge that for a moment that my vision was all blurry and I wasn’t able to hear anything. “Oh, geez! Are you out of your freaking mind??!!!” I heard a loud yell just outside my car. I panicked but I knew it was completely my fault and so I went outside and bowed my head immediately to the man who looked pissed as hell. The damage was quite unimaginable to both of our cars and I was just glad I’m okay. “I’m so sorry. I…I didn’t mean to. I’m really sorry. I will pay everything. The repair cost. Everything.” I said in hurry, my head facing down. I felt so ashamed of my actions. I was never good at driving, I know, but I was never this reckless. “Geez. Do you honestly think that the cost and the damage is what I’m thinking about right now?!” He yelled loudly. “Because of this, I am now very much late for a very important appointment, miss!!!” “Sorry. Really sorry.” I replied, eventually crying due to the shock and my recklessness. “Are you…crying?” He asked, sounding annoyed. “Alright. Fine. Let’s just have it settled. You don’t need to cry. I hate it when a girl cries. So stop crying!” “But you’re still angry. And I’m really sorry.” I responded and burst out more. “Sh*t! Are you a freak or something?!” He blurted out and I felt him come near me. He then reached out and pat my back awkwardly. His voice then changed. “I’m not angry. Just stop crying.” And so I slowly looked up and met a pair of eyes who’s intently looking at me. Then his eyes widen upon seeing me clearly. “Holy freak!!!! You’re bleeding!!!” He exclaimed and pointed at my forehead. Confused, I then slowly touched my forehead and felt something wet and sticky. Putting my hand down, I was really surprised to see that it was really red. I hit my head? Why didn’t it hurt? That’s when I realized that the pain I was feeling in my heart was too much that I didn’t even notice bumping my head. “Blood.” I gasped before my body gave in. “F*ck!!!” He cursed before I felt his strong arms around me and darkness consumed me. *** “Finally.” A raspy voice said as soon as I opened my eyes. Everything around me now is white and I knew I was in the hospital. I then slowly tried to get up but the man beside me didn’t let me do so. “Doctor said you still need enough rest.” The man explained and sighed. Then he pointed at the IV bag on my left. “Need to finish that bag off. You’re out for about 3 hours now and nurse said the bag is good for 8 hrs. So that means 5 hours more for you to stay put in your bed.” 3 hours? And 5 hours more to wait? Oh, shoot! I mentally slap myself for causing all this trouble. “I tried to contact your relatives or parents or anyone but your phones totally locked. So I’m stuck with you.” He expressed and his bored eyes directly turned to her. “And you’re stuck with me.” I guess he’s right. If she’ll call her Tita Lorie at this time, she’ll be super worried and would definitely come here even if it’s already late. It wouldn’t be good for her health. Tito Philip will surely tell Tita if she calls him. And Brian? I took my phone from the bedside table and opened it. There wasn’t even a call from him nor text message for the past 3 hours. Maybe he’s really busy with Joanna that he totally forgot about me. I sighed sadly before putting back my phone on the table, tears already forming at the edge of my eyes. I will just tell them tomorrow morning as soon as I am discharged. “You’re really weird.” The man beside me commented while his eyes never left my eyes. “I’m not talking to the air, am I?” I reddened and shyly looked at him. I realized that he’s been trying to talk to me for a while but I never responded. “Sorry. I’m really sorry for all the trouble.” I immediately said. Then I heard him sigh. “I know you must be feeling heavy and dazed. Doctor said it’s mild concussion but nothing serious. I had you checked to be sure. And fortunately the cut in your head isn’t big enough to be stitched.” He said afterwards. Then his face suddenly became serious. “You keep saying sorry. But that’s not what I want to hear.” “H-ha?” I blurted out as his head leaned a bit to the left. “Where’s my thank you? I’m literally your savior, miss.” He said nonchalantly. “Oh. Sorry.” I gasped. “Again with the sorry.” He commented and pouted. “Ugh, thank you. Thank you very much for everything.” I said wholeheartedly. Then he chuckled loudly. “I was just kidding. You look so serious. You should have seen your face.” He said afterwards. I blinked several times and gulped. He’s actually very handsome. Tall, tan and handsome. His black hair’s soft curls matched his face, especially his eyes, his long dark lashes. However, this guy is really weird and hard to read. He was just angry a few hours back and now; he’s chuckling like we’re already close. “About your car, I will surely-“ “Nah. Forget it. I got it towed and disposed. It wouldn’t be the same even if repaired so no need to bother.” He interrupted like me crashing to his car was no big deal. “But-“ “I said no need, miss. But if you really wish to pay for it. I know another way.” He interrupted once more. “What?” I asked. “A date. This Sunday. Dinner or lunch?” He answered and asked like I already agreed. “I can’t. Sorry.” I responded. “Again with sorry. Tsk.” He commented. “I wasn’t actually asking you. I’m telling you, just that you have to choose if it’s lunch or dinner.” “I really can’t.” I replied. “You obviously don’t have any rings so I assumed you’re single and not engaged. So, boyfriend?” He asked. I shook my head. “I’m flying back to LA tomorrow. My father expects me there by evening.” I replied. “Oh. At least I know you’re single.” He said. “Pardon?” I asked and he motioned to zip his mouth. “By the way, I’m Zac.” He said and held out his hand. “Natalie.” I replied and accepted his hand. “We’ll be good friends, Natalie.” He said and smirked. “Are you not mad at me for all the trouble I caused?” I asked afterwards. “Spur of the moment madness. But it’s fine. I already rescheduled the appointment. No worries.” He replied. “Uhm, how much do I owe you in total? I don’t really want to take too much of your time. You can go now and have some rest.” I then said and he tilted his head on me. “I’ve been resting for 3 hours now, watching you sleep and all.” He answered as a matter of factly and shrugged. “Plus, my insurance paid everything including your hospitalization, so you don’t really owe me anything.” “But-“ “If you’re really grateful, you won’t mind me watching over you until I’m sure you’re okay.” He interrupted. “Still-“ “You also look like someone who’d go crazy if left alone. So I’ve decided to stay. Don’t worry I don’t bite.” He added and grinned. “W-what?” I blurted out softly. “I mean; you can talk to me all you want.” He said and smirked. “And you can’t change my mind, Lee.” “Lee?” I reacted and slightly smiled. “Are we on pen name basis now?” “Well, my name’s Zac. 3 letters. So I wanted to call your name in 3 letters too.” He explained nonchalantly. “Nat doesn’t sound so good for me, so I opted to call you ‘Lee’, short for Natalie.” I chuckled slightly with his enthusiasm. “You’re silly.” “But handsome.” He interjected. I was about to react but he gave me the look. “I’ve checked myself in the mirror all my life and I know it’s true. You can’t say otherwise.” “Fine.” I surrendered and smiled. “See? You look more normal that way.” He commented. “But really. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” I said once more. “No biggie.” He replied and winked. Then he began flipping the channels of the TV when we both heard a growl. A flash of redness appeared on cheeks as soon as I realized it was my stomach. I forgot I actually didn’t have dinner. “Want some pizza?” Zac asked right away and I just shyly nodded. ***
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