4 - Natalie

2263 Words
I still can't believe that I am now currently sitting beside Brian inside the theatre. And not just sitting together, but we are actually watching the show together. Don't get me wrong, I mean, the show is absolutely breathtaking. However, I can't concentrate enough on just watching the show. My mind is completely a mess, running so wild. Until this moment, I still cannot believe the fact that Brian and I are together for like half an hour. And there's no fighting, no teasing, no bullying and no hurtful words. I took a deep breath and smiled brightly inside. I like how we are now. He said it himself earlier. Friends. Oh my God! Brian and I are friends! After all these years, I didn't think that we can ever be friends. But here we are. We’re finally friends. Well, maybe God has different plan this time. My mind goes out of hand immediately to a scene at the beach where Brian and I are just talking with each other, happy. Then to the library where we both read books endlessly. And to the park where we enjoy the food I prepared for a picnic. There's already a chance for all of it to happen.  Wait, why am I thinking like that? No. Stupid heart and mind. What am I thinking? Do friends even do that? I chuckled a little because of my crazy thoughts.  "What's funny?" Brian asked as he turned to me, his brows crossed. "Oh, nothing. I am just really enjoying the show." I answered right away, popping my bubble and I cleared my throat. He looked at me with doubtful eyes and raised an eyebrow. "Really. I was just really enjoying the show." "Okay." He said and shrugged. That was close.  He definitely would change his mind about the friendship thingy if he would come to know what I was thinking. I face slapped myself and focused on watching the show instead.  This will absolutely be a moment to remember. Absolutely. *** The show was definitely very stunning and amazing in so many ways. The performers are super excellent and we left the theater in awe. We got inside the car and I was putting my seat belt back on when we heard a low growl. We look at each other for a while and then it growled again. Brian burst out laughing beside me. I immediately turned red when I finally realized that it was my stomach complaining. I wasn't able to take dinner earlier as I went over my time preparing. I know I am already as red as a tomato but hearing Brian's laugh was all worth it. Just like before, I always felt the happiest when he laughs.  I guess, nothing's really changed. How many times have I told that to myself already? No matter how hard I try saying to myself that I've moved on. I knew deep inside that I still like him a lot. Or can I change that? I still love him. Love? Yeah, I do. I still do. Very much so. "I guess we have to go and stop by somewhere to solve that problem." He commented quite breathlessly afterwards, when his laughter finally died. "You'll take me out for dinner?" I asked with wide eyes, my heart beating so fast. I guess someone can pick my eyes out for all the times it widened tonight. He smirked. "It's not taking you out for dinner, Natz.” He commented when he saw my taunting smile. “Oh.” I reacted. “And definitely it's not what you're thinking, okay? It's not a date." He clarified and chuckled softly. Oh, how cute. “How do you know that’s what I’m actually thinking?” I asked. “Well, I’ve known you for a long time.” He boldly said. “Tsk. So full of yourself.” I blurted and smirked once more. "But still, it is for me..." “It’s still…NOT A DATE.” He said firmly. “Is that so?” I say and winked. “Geez. Where did you get all that confidence now?” He asked, looking really quite surprised. "Well, the great Brian O'Donnell is taking me out for dinner..." "It’s not a date..." "It is..." I teased. “It is for me.” "Nope." "Yes." "Nope." "Whatever. Just feed me." I finally surrendered. "I'm really hungry." He just shook his head disapprovingly and started the car. *** "All the restaurants I know are already closed." Brian said as we get back to the car, he obviously looked a bit annoyed that he can’t any.  We've been to a lot of restaurants but since it's already past 11 pm, all of it were closed. "I guess, we have to drive fast till we reach the estate and get you some food to eat." He finally decided as he started the car once more. "Oh, I think I'm gonna die now." I replied softly and pouted. "Don't be exaggerating, Natz. It'll take you around 1 week or so of no food to die of hunger." He said. "Besides it's just an hour and a half drive back to the estate." "You don't understand. My large intestine is already starting to eat my small intestine. Believe me." I added and tried to look at him with puppy eyes. "But all the restaurants are now closed." He said. And then suddenly, something came to my mind. "Wait, I have a bright idea." I voiced out and smiled at him happily. "What?" He asked. "Why don't we just go and eat in a fast food chain? They're open 24/7." I answered excitedly. Why didn't I think about that earlier? "Fast food?" He asked hesitantly and I nodded. "Yup. C'mon let's go." I replied cheerfully. "They're not healthy, Natz." He said. "Seriously?" I blurted out as I look at him with wide eyes for the nth time. "Someone's dying of hunger here. Do I look like still care if they're healthy or not?" He blinked. "Fine. You have a point there." "Let's go. Hurry!" I demanded and he shook his head. *** "So what do you want?" He asked. We ended up going to McDonald's and are now standing in front of the counter. There’s actually not a lot of people in there now as it’s already almost midnight. "Any will do." I said. He pouted as he looked at me. "Okay, let me go find a good spot and you go order for us since you're the one paying for this." I expressed and pointed on the screen. "Any of that will do." "Wait." He stopped me when I turned to go and look for our seat. "Yes?" I asked. "I uhm...I..." He started. "Yes?" I asked again. "I actually…uhm haven't tried ordering anything from a fast food restaurant..." He said. "As in, NEVER?" I asked teasingly. "Shut up. I have been to several fast food chains before but I wasn't the one ordering. My friends are." He answered, defending himself right away. His cheeks reddened. "Wow. I grew up with you but I didn't know that." I reacted and his pout deepened. "Because we never really go out together, Natz." He commented. "Right." I agreed and chuckled. He blushed more and I laughed out loud. I've never seen him this embarrassed before. He glared at me and started walking towards the door. "Wait...wait...Fine." I finally said when I grabbed his arm. "Sorry...I'll behave." He just stared at me. "Please. I’m seriously hungry." I added and he let out an annoyed sigh. I took that opportunity and pulled him over to the counter.  "I want two Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, please..." I started and turned to Brian. "Do you want to up size? He shook his head. "Please up size one to large." I added. "And additional 1 chocolate fudge sundae." The girl in the counter processed the order but kept glancing at Brian. I got a little annoyed and so I secretly glared at her and she looked down. Good. Brian then carried the food and we sat on a corner beside the glass window. As soon as we sat down, I started grabbing the burger and took the biggest bite I can ever do in my entire life.  "Yo, easy...easy..." Brian cooed me and chuckled.  I blushed as realization hit me. Brian was there and I was eating like a hungry pig. "I didn't know you have an appetite this big..." He commented. "'Coz we never spent time together?" This time, it was me who repeated his statement. "Right." He said. But, I'm hungry. Really hungry. So, I decided to forget about Brian and fill my stomach first. Brian was looking at me with wide eyes as I r****h the double ponder in a split of seconds. Then I began eating the fries and dipped it on my sundae. He looked at me weirdly and shook his head. "Why?" I asked innocently. "You're dipping the fries in a sundae." He commented and pointed on my fries.  "And so?" I asked like 'what's the matter?'. "It's a sundae. And you're D-I-P-P-I-N-G your fries in it." He repeated emphasizing the word dip. "I know." I said and continued eating. "You're weird." He said with a little disgust. "It's delicious." I defended my food and looked at him. "Try it." "No. No. No." He said almost immediately and shook his head repeatedly. "C'mon. Don't be a killjoy. Try it!" I repeated and dip 1 fries to the sundae and held it out in front of his face. "No way." He said again. "Don't be exaggerating, Brian. You won't die by eating a fries dipped in a sundae." I said imitating his voice earlier when he said I won't die of hunger. "Nope." He said and firmly closed his lips. "Killjoy!" I blurted out and ate the fries instead. "You will miss half of your life if you won't try it." "Nope." He muttered. "You know; I actually have doubts about you being friendly with me." I commented and continued eating. "What are your intentions?" "Nothing." He answered casually as he ate his burger. "Tita Lorie must have said something over the phone." I remarked and stared at him. "She didn't threaten you, did she?" "No." He denied right away. "What made you think like that?" "Because you were always mean to me." I said like it was normal. "She didn't." He said and stayed silent for a while. He suddenly looked sad after I mentioned his Mom. And he looked at me with those sad eyes. "I wish that she is just really not feeling well." "Don't worry. We can go check her right away as soon as we get home." I told him and smiled. He just nodded. "Don't get mad okay? I mean, it's just so unusual that you are suddenly nice to me." I confessed honestly and I sighed. "What made you decide to be friends with me?" "Well, let’s just say...maybe maturity hit me hard?" He answered unsurely. "Maturity?"  "Yeah. I realized that I was a little bit immature way back then, doing stuff in order to annoy you...teasing you and the likes." He said. "And so now, I just wanted to live simply." "But you got so mad at me the last time we talk. I mean when I threw the book at you." I added. "Who wouldn't? You gave me stitches on my forehead." He answered back. "And besides I had a strong hang over that time. I wasn't in the mood to be nice." "Point taken." I said, dipping another fires on the sundae. "So now you're in the mood?" "Maybe." He said. I sighed. "You said you don't hate me." "Yeah. That's true…" "But you don't like me..." I added. “Yes.” He replied. “You kept calling me ugly.” I suddenly blurted out. "Did you see how you look back then? Long dresses, big rimmed glasses, long dark hair..." He commented and chuckled. "I don't know; it annoyed me just by seeing how you look. So I called you ugly." "So you bullied me for years just because of how I look?" I asked and pouted. "You could have told me, you know. I really thought you hated me." "I don't hate you, Natz." He said. "I was just out of my mind." "I agree." I said right away. Then there was this awkward silence. I cleared my throat. I dipped another fries in my sundae and held my hand out once again. "Try it." He shook his head right away. "For me to be sure that your intentions are pure, you have to try it." I dared. "C'mon... For our friendship." "Natz, I-" "Please? For me?" I interrupted with puppy eyes. "Fine." He said and took the fries I was giving him. I stared at his face while he ate the fries and waited for his reaction after he chewed and swallowed. "Good, right?" I asked hesitantly. "For some reasons, I can say that it is." He answered and nodded. "See! I told you!" I yelled and clapped.  "Yeah. The sweet and salty taste mixed together is somehow good." He added. "Yeah?" I teased. "Yeah." He finally agreed. For the first in the history of mankind. He agreed with me. "Then this is a good start." I said cheerfully and winked. ***
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