20 - Brian

2291 Words
My forehead automatically creased as I woke up with a terrible headache. I was just so damn tired with everything that’s going on. I know it’s childish to still keep drinking but I just couldn’t help it. It’s the only way I can think of that will let me sleep through the night. I also didn’t know how I ended up like this, dependent on alcohol, and I can’t help it. “Urgh.” I mumbled as I tried to get up but something was weighing me down. That’s when I felt a small body snuggled against my chest. What’s going on? I tried to think of everything that has happened yesterday before I got drunk but haven’t remembered anything about bringing a woman back home, in the mansion. I looked around and tried to clear my head and make sure that I am really inside my study. I looked at our legs tangled together and we’re only covered by a piece of blanket. Sh*t! What have I done? I closed my eyes and tried to calm down the frustration that has started rising in me. I was about to wake up the woman sleeping soundly in my arms when the door suddenly sprang open. “Brian, I already told you to-“ Mom started but immediately stopped upon seeing me and the woman snuggled beside me. Her eyes immediately turned to mine and it widened. “What is this all about, BRIAN O’DONNELL?” The woman’s head jolted up upon hearing my mom’s shouting. Then she turned to me and I paled upon recognizing who she is. “Brian…” She whispered. “Natz???!!!” I blurted out in surprise as my face creased, confusion clouded my brain as I tried so hard to put the pieces together. What is Natalie doing here? What exactly happened? “Oh my gosh, Brian! Natalie!” Mom called out as well and we both bolted up, trying to cover up our nakedness. “You both put on your clothes and we will talk!!!” Mom yelled as she looked at both me and Natalie, who’s already looking down. “Gosh, young people these days!” “Mom, it’s not what you think-“ I started. “No, Brian. It is.” Mom interrupted and looked at me intently. “Both of you, put on your clothes and follow me to the living room. I will call your father back and we will all have a talk. We have to arrange your wedding right away.” “WHAT????!!!!” I reacted loudly. “You have no choice but to take responsibility, Brian. Both of you should be responsible for what you did.” Mom replied which made me feel more frustrated. “Mom.” I called out but she already turned her back and shut the door as she got out. Deathly silence. Both of us stayed quiet for a while. Me, still trying to remember what exactly happened. Something must have gone definitely wrong. I could somehow feel it in the air. “Sh*t!” I cursed in frustration as I stood up abruptly and started picking up my clothes. Putting it back on little by little, I just saw Natalie pulling the blanket all the more to herself, trying to cover her nakedness. Then, just like me, she walked around with the blanket on her and picked up her scattered clothing. “This is all your fault!!!!” I yelled, not able to control myself any longer. She froze in her stance and looked down once more, her hand tightly gripping the blanket around her. “What happened, Natz??? How are you here???” I asked. “I don’t remember you coming here!!! Hell, I don’t even remember anything about touching you!!!” But she still didn’t answer nor even look at me. “Tell me.” I demanded as I slowly walked towards her. Lifting up her chin, I caught her eyes. She looked nervous and scared. “I want to know how you ended up naked in my arms, Natalie.” She was silent and that made me more frustrated. I went to grab her shoulders and slightly shook her. “Tell me what happened last night!!” I commanded loudly which made her look a bit more scared. “It is what it is! What you think happened, happened last night, Brian.” She answered and looked away. I dropped my hand like her skin burnt my fingers and brush it through my hair. “But how?” I blurted out softly. “I know myself. I wouldn’t…I…wouldn’t even dare touch you-“ Yet. “You…wouldn’t even dare…touch me???” She repeated looking hurt, cutting me off. Her eyes are already teary. “Do I really look like someone so yucky that you wouldn’t even dare touch me???” “That’s not what I meant. I just don’t know how the hell-“ I replied but she cut me off once more. “H-how?” She interjected, looking a bit hurt and then she gulped. “How do you think would have happened for a woman to end up naked beside a man?” But I wouldn’t touch you like that. “So you mean something really happened?” I asked the obvious. Confusion enveloping me. “But I…I don’t remember you.” “It is really so hard for you to believe that you touched me?” She asked back, hurt is definitely registered in her beautiful face right now. I know she’s just trying her best not to cry right now. “Sh*t!!!” I cursed once more as I covered my face with both of my arms. Then I pulled my hair, my headache kicking in. Damn brain for not remembering anything!!!! “Think what you want to think.” She answered and turned her back on me as she started putting on her clothes as well.  “Fine. Whatever.” I finally said after minutes passed by. “Sh*t!!!!” I screwed up. I screwed up big time!!! Without looking back, I got out of the room. *** “NOOOO!!!” I reacted as soon as mom talked about marriage once again. We are all seated at the living room right now. Natalie is just too silent beside me, fidgeting her fingers, while mom and dad are seated across us. We have started talking about what had happened in the study and mom is really forcing us to get married. “What do you mean NO???” Mom asked, looking straight at me. “You have to take responsibility of what happened, Brian!!! Natalie is like a daughter to me and you know that. I will not allow you to do that to her and not take responsibility!” “But Mom…I can’t even remember what happened!!! I don’t even think something happened!!!” I reasoned out loudly, opposing her idea of marriage. I stood up and paced in front of them. “Brian!” Dad called me out loudly and his baritone voice immediately made me stop. “Sit down.” Dad rarely speaks and I know that by the look he’s giving, he’s totally serious as well. “Natalie, iha.” He started as he then turned to Natalie. “Did something happen between you and Brian last night?” I think I held my breath for a couple of seconds as I turned to the woman seated beside me as well. Then I felt my world started crumbling down when she slowly nodded her head and looked down. “No way!” I reacted once more as I stood up. “You’re lying!” But she didn’t say anything. “You’re a liar!” I accused her and she just continued looking down. “Brian!” Dad yelled once more, his look is more serious than before. “Your mom is right. You will marry her.” “No!” I yelled. “Then I will disown you if you don’t. You should know that Natalie is different from all the girls that you’ve bedded before. And I won’t allow her to just once of your girls.” He said firmly which made me shock. Never did he threaten me like that before. Not even when I drank all night, all day, for the past 4 years. “You will disown me?” I blurted out. “Philip.” Mom reacted as her hands went to my Dad’s arm. “Tito Philip, there’s no need…please…” Natalie suddenly uttered as well, looking shocked. “It’s okay. We’re both adults now and –“ “No, Natalie. You will not be just of those girls. He will marry you.” Dad interrupted her firmly. “It’s final. Your mom and I will arrange everything. I’ll call Natalie’s father now to inform him. We’ll just set up a civil wedding so it can be done this weekend. “What?!! Dad…” I said and looked at him with pleading eyes. “Please. I need time to clear off my mind and think…” “No, Brian. We’ll set up the wedding immediately.” Mom added. Then I looked at Natalie who just froze on her seat but never uttered another word anymore. “You’re all unbelievable.” I said as I shook my head and left. *** “That’s really messed up.” Kian commented before handing me a shot of tequila. After leaving the mansion, I just can’t help but bother my best friend who just came from a business trip in Paris. We’re in his condo right now and his face was all annoyed after seeing me at his door in the middle of the day. I just told him what happened and all he offered me is tequila. “I know.” I said before drinking the shot he poured for me. Then I poured one for him but he shook his head. “Still have a hangover. Can’t.” He replied. He’s been my friend ever since high school as we’re both part of the same varsity. Our other friends have married already and we’re the only ones left. “So I guess I’ll all be left behind.” He teased and smirked. “Shut up.” I replied bitterly and poured took another shot. “What about Joana?” He asked which made me curse once more. I totally forgot about her. “I haven’t told her yet.” I answered and he slightly nodded. “You better do, bro. That girl thinks you’re giving her a second chance.” He said and I nodded. “I’ll tell her.” I answered. Sh*t! “You don’t really remember anything?” He asked and I shook my head. It’s still aching and I, too, have hangover but I just can’t help myself. I’m feeling so frustrated and angry at the same time. “Well, I know how fond your mom and dad is with Natalie. I don’t think they’ll take that lightly. That means you’re really marrying her this weekend.” Kian commented once more which made me sigh. “I know.” I spatted and gulped. I’m now starting to feel the heat that the tequila made on my throat and on my body. “I don’t really think it’s a bad thing, Brian. It’s Natalie you’re marrying. You’ve known each other for years and she practically grew up with you.” He pointed out and I pouted. “You know what kind of relationship we have while growing up, Kian.” I replied. “Because that’s what you wanted. I know very well how much the girl likes you, or rather, love you.” He continued. “She loves you, bro.” I sighed and took another shot, I let the bitterness spread in my mouth first before swallowing it all up. “That was all four years ago.” I said and his brows raised. “Then why did she allow something to happen between the both of you if she doesn’t anymore?” He asked which made me look at him. “I still don’t think something happened.” I sighed and leaned back on his couch, closing my eyes. “Maybe you just don’t remember?” He suggested. “So you think Natalie is lying and is just doing this to trap you into finally marrying her?” My eyes immediately opened. “Yes. She’s a liar. And if I didn’t hate her before. I hate her now.” I said and Kian just sighed. “Brian, you’ve hurt the girl enough before. Why don’t you give her a chance now? Take this opportunity to know her and open up yourself to her?” He tried to reason with me. “Well maybe I haven’t hurt her enough. Because if I did, then she wouldn’t lie and do all this to trap me into marrying her!” I said out loud, angrily. “Open up to her? Hah! In her dreams. If she thinks she finally won me over because of this forced marriage, then she’s mistaken. She wants to marry me? Then I’ll make her life a living hell.” “Tsk. You don’t know what you’re saying because you’re frustrated and angry, bro. But I don’t think it’s a good idea. Check yourself again. I think you have a problem with admitting your own feelings. Figure it out soon, bro. And don’t do things out of anger or else you would regret things.” He advised. I sighed once more before taking another shot. ***   
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