39 - Natalie

2072 Words
I woke up with my head throbbing in pain. Last night with Belle and Arya was definitely a blast though we may have actually went to the extreme as the three of us all ended up drunk. Well, it’s how girls go wild. I rubbed my eyes gently and yawned before I looked around and saw the other 2 crazy ladies still soundly asleep. I shook my head before making my way to the washroom where I did my business and freshen up a bit. I was patting on my face with a clean towel when there was a gentle knock at the door. I went to open it and saw Joanna’s pretty face, carrying a tray of soup and coffee I believe. I immediately widen the opening so she can enter and leave the tray on the table as it looked a bit heavy. “Good morning, ma’am.” She greeted politely and smiled warmly. Her face looking so innocent and pretty. “Good morning, Joanna.” I replied and smiled back. “And please. I told you to just call be Natalie, I feel old to be called ‘ma’am’. Besides, you’re just the same age as us so no need for formalities.” I felt comfortable talking to her since we met each other. She’s a house help here in Arya’s family mansion. She’s also a scholar from their hospital’s foundation. And yes, after reaching the hacienda yesterday, we immediately went to Arya’s family house since both girls said Arya’s mom is way cooler and more fun than Belle’s mom. Plus, Tita Abby won’t allow us to party drunk in their mansion and so we had the party here. “I’m just not used to it.” Joanna said gently as she fixed the bowls of soup and coffee mugs in the table before getting the tray. “You’ll get used to it soon.” I said and smiled. “Okay.” She said shyly and then she handed me a folded paper. “What’s this?” I asked curiously. “It’s a note from Sir Aciel. He said I should give it to you.” She said and I nodded, taking the paper from her. “Thanks.” I replied and smiled again. “If you need anything, I’ll be downstairs. I’ll take my leave now.” Joanna said before leaving the room. I opened the folded paper and my eyes immediately widen. ‘I know you guys had fun last night and I don’t have a y say on that. But, I didn’t appreciate the mess you three left on my car. By the way, some guy called yesterday for many times and he sounded mad and wanted to come pick you up. He didn’t tell me who he was so I turned off your phone after his call thinking he might be a stalker or something. Or maybe your boyfriend?’ – Aciel “Geez.” I said after a gasped escaped my mouth and immediately looked for my phone. I moved to the bed where the 2 are still soundly sleeping and moved them to check for my phone. “Hey.” Arya muttered as she eventually woke up because of my abrupt movements. “Sorry.” I said but didn’t look at her as I rummaged my things and such. “What’s wrong?” She asked sleepily. “Have you seen my phone?” I asked and finally turned to her and she shrugged then I saw her shake Belle’s body which woke the latter as well. Arya yawn before going to the washroom to freshen up too. Belle was like a zombie lost in the underworld as she just sat on the other far end of the bed, staring blankly and not moving. I shook my head before rummaging the stuff once more and checking the whole room. “Is this your phone?” Arya asked as she came out from the washroom holding up my phone. “Yes.” I said and ran to get it immediately. “Thanks. Where did you find it?” “Washroom.” She answered nonchalantly before walking towards the table. “Mmmmm. I knew it. It knew there’s coffee.” “Yes. And hangover soup. Joanna brought it earlier.” I said while waiting for my phone to finally turn on. “That girl definitely needs the hangover soup.” She teased as her mouth motioned to where Belle’s sitting and chuckled, which I also did. Looking at Belle, she really needs it as she was the one who drank most yesterday. Sitting down and sipping on my coffee, we heard an unending pop of notifications from my phone and Arya looked at me at all knowing smile. “I thought you’re single? With a notification that much, I highly doubt it to be your dad nor your Tita Lorie.” She said and giggled as she teased. “I’m single, silly.” I said before checking on it and saw about 12 missed calls and almost 50 text messages from an unregistered number. Who could this be? I thought as my mind slowed down. “Brian?” Belle said as I heard her voice beside me, finally sitting beside the table as well. She just finished freshening up too. Brian? I asked inwardly and looked into the messages. ‘Where are you?’ ‘Answer your phone’ ‘WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?’ Those were only some of the many text messages I received. It’s surely Brian. That is after I checked the number he used to call me yesterday as the plane was about to take off. “It’s him?” Arya also pried. We let out everything open yesterday during our drunken night. So we now are like semi-best friends. I nodded. Belle was about to comment when she suddenly bolted out her way to the washroom. Then we heard her vomiting and the toilet flushing. “That’s normal for her. Her alcohol tolerance is not that high but she still made sure to make herself drunk yesterday.” Arya commented and sipped on her soup. “Whoa. This is good. Joanna should really open her own restaurant. She’s really a very good cook.” I also sipped on mine and agreed. By then, Belle’s already back to her place. “You okay?” I asked and she nodded before sipping on her soup. “That’s why I will never fall in love. It’s painful.” Arya commented and we both pouted at her. “What? You both are and still so even after years.” “You’re just saying that now.” Belle commented. “Agreed.” I replied when my phone started ringing. It was the same unregistered number and so I picked it up and answered. “Natalie? Natz? Is that you?” A manly voice broke out and it sounded frustrated and worried at the same time. “Yes.” I finally answered and I kinda heard him sigh on the other line. “Where are you? I’ve been calling and texting you and you never answered. You said you will call but you never did.” He immediately said, sounding like someone who’s complaining. “Sorry. My phone shut off and I just woke up now so I also just saw the messages now. But I’m good. I’m in my friend’s house.” I answered honestly, quite surprised as to how a bit demanding he sounded. “I’m on my way to the hacienda now. I asked mom about it and I’m picking you up.” Brian then said with finality on his voice. “Huh? What?” I reacted upon hearing his words. On the way to the hacienda? Picking her up? Why would he pick her up? “I said I’m on my way there now and we’re going home.” Brian answered like he’s said nothing wrong. “Wait, why are you going there? And why are you picking me up?” I asked confusedly as my gaze turned to the two bystanders who ogled at me like they were excitedly watching a drama. “A man answered your phone yesterday, damn it!” His voice was loud and clear and for sure the girls heard him. “And I’m coming to bring you home!” My ears pulsated at his outburst and I felt my blood from my whole body going up to my head. “I am not a minor anymore, Brian! And even if a man answers my phone, you don’t have the right to meddle with my affairs and more so to tell me what to do!” I yelled back. “So you’re really saying that you and THAT MAN had an affair????!!!” He asked back angrily. “What are you talking about???” I asked him too. “You just said it yourself!!! SH*T!!!!” Brian shouted angrily. “You know what, you’re so nosy!!! Just think what you want to think!!! Leave me alone!!!” I yelled back and ended the call. Panting and trembling in anger, Arya gave me a glass of water as I sat back down. I didn’t even notice that I stood up talking to Brian over the phone. “To calm your nerves.” Arya said before I took the water from her. “Thanks.” I said after I drank the water in one go. “Are you alright?” Belle asked worriedly and I nodded, breathing out heavily. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He was just okay a few days back before I got sick and he didn’t even contact me or anything as he went to a business trip and now he’s back acting like…acting like a – “ I blurted out my annoyance. “A boyfriend?’ Arya teased and giggled. “NO!!! A COMPLETE PSYCHO!!!” I automatically countered. “Well, that’s my definition of boyfriend.” Arya insisted and smirked at me. “What happened? Is he really coming?” Belle asked. “Apparently, he called yesterday and I think it was Aciel who answered his call and he’s gone nuts and now he said he’s on his way to the hacienda to come and pick me up. And I’m not a child anymore and all he understood from what I said was that I had an affair with Aciel??? Like seriously? He’s insane!” I exclaimed with utmost frustration. “And I call that jealousy.” Arya commented and giggled. “Jealousy? What would he be jealous?” I said and both of them giggled. “He obviously likes you. Duh?” Arya replied and Belle nodded. “I think so too.” Belle replied. “Impossible.” I answered but my heart stopped with the idea of Brian finally liking me. “Nothing is impossible I tell you.” Arya said and had an all knowing smile. “My mom and dad were kinda mortal enemies back in the days but still ended up with each other.” “Really?” I asked curiously. “Yes. She’s telling the truth.” Belle added, nodding. “And my mom and dad married twice and had an on and off relationship. The off part being years but still ending up with each other.” “So if he wasn’t jealous with Aciel? Then why is he acting like he is acting now?” Arya asked as her brow raised which made me ponder. Is he really jealous? I asked myself and smiled inwardly, my anger all dissolving into thin air. ***0
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