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'What's going on? Am I swinging that way? Maybe it's time to make that self-introspection I said I would do every now and then. No.... no, there is no problem with me. I have noticed that my sense of mind has taken that of a kid's now and then. It might be trying to cope with being put in a kid's body, but that doesn't mean I can suddenly find an old undead that loves to be topless handsome. Something is wrong here. Are they up to something? Yes! this must be a spell and my master is trying to see how I do with illusion spells. If not, for my sanity I will keep on thinking that.' The undead that these thoughts were directed to was just standing in the middle of the training room waiting for Sheyken to take out his sword. It started around 3 months ago. At first, Zararloch's hair started to take a silkier and silkier tone as the days passed by. Sheyken paid no hid to it. After that, his skin started to change ever so slightly. He did not notice it until a month passed, but the scars all around Zararloch's body were disappearing one by one slowly but surely. After that, his skin started to return to life. A week ago, his ever so shallow eyes started to return to normal, taken a light blue eye color almost bewitching anyone who would dare look into them. The man standing in front of him was no longer Zararloch, but a top-notch looking gentleman that any woman would drool over and who will forever be topless, showing off his ten pack. All who watch thrillers and horror movies would mistake him for a vampire. Sheyken shook his head, not allowing this illusion spell to take over his mind. He would fight it with all his might. He took out his sword and went for an attack immediately. Only combat and meditation would allow him some respite from the horrors of this Undead's illusion spells. Attacking with a stabbing motion aimed at Zararloch heart, Zararloch decided to parry it, Sheyken took that as a chance and turned the attack into Fluid sword, rotating the sword from the parry to another stab at his face. Zararloch quickly dodged the stab by leaning his head sideways but this made him be out of balance and could not counterattack. Following the stab, the sword followed his head trying to cat his now ever so good-looking ear off. He dodged downward which allowed Sheyken to reset his attack. Giving him a barrage of Sword waves one after the other but with Zararloch blocking them all, the sparring was at a stalemate. With Sheyken taking a step back in order to breathe, Zararloch took that chance to launch an attack of his own. Sheyken was expecting this, dodging it and coming close for a Raging blaze counter of his own. Zararloch saw him dogging the attack and coming close, he quickly side-stepped making Sheyken's next attacking option to be a side s***h, this allowed him to block it and the spar was back at a stalemate again. "You have matched my speed and power only after a year of training, impressive. It might be time I increased my strength and speed again. your decision making and reflexes will be able to keep up with it." 'Damn it! his voice has become noble too!' "Yes sir." "Take the day off tomorrow to rest, we shall start applying your Blessing to your training." Hearing those words Sheyken immediately forgot all his concerns about his master's good looks. He was able to meditate for hours now without having a headache. After being able to lift a strand of his hair he then went on to lifting a leaf. He could not control its movements in the air but only try to keep it afloat. During the last month, he finally started to be able to control it. After that, it was like something clicked in his mind and now he could control it like he was holding it with his own hands. He had moved on to heavier things like a small branch but could only push it along the ground. During all these accomplishments, he would be showing a devilish smile. He just couldn't wait to unleash his power. "Yes, master." He went back to his room, took something out to eat, meditated, and slept. A shadow clone was standing next to the bed waiting partially for him to let his guard down but had been disappointed for several months now. The first three months were hell for him and he almost went crazy because of lack of sleep. The problem was that he would go into a deep sleep because he would be tired from all the training and the clone would not miss the opportunity to attack him. After two months of hell, his body and mind started to adjust and his intuition together with his army training kicked in to make his life livable again. His intuition now would tell if anything was coming near him during sleep. After his day off, he went to the training room only to have one of the most shocking experiences he would ever have in his life. He just could not believe what he was seeing with his own two eyes. It seemed the illusion spell had won, for what was standing in the middle of the training room was none other than Zararloch. That was not the shocking part. He was shocked to his core because Zararloch was wearing a SHIRT. Gone were the ten pack abs and replaced with a white long sleeve collarless shirt, complimented by black tight trousers and black boots. He now looked like an English noble trying to charm the noble's daughters while practicing fencing. With his mouth still wide open, Sheyken approached him expecting a big hideous monster to come out of the illusion and gobble him up with one bite. "What is wrong with you? Your mouth has been open ever since you stepped into the room. Come to think of it, you haven't been sick ever since you came here. Are you finally getting a sickness that makes your mouth open and will course you to die and join our ranks?" "I did not know you wanted your most promising student to die master." "Aw... so u can still talk with your mouth open like that. If you an undead you still be my student, So what's the difference?" Sheyken did not like where this conversation was going, but it seemed this was not an illusion because only his master would talk like that. He was still puzzled about what was going on. Deciding not to ask any questions so as not to become that undead they were talking about, he just stood in front of Zararloch and waited for his instructions. "I shall now explain How Blessings work." Sheyken stood as still as he could in order not to make a sound. If he could stop his breathing, he would. This was something to do with his Telekinesis and he did not want to miss a word. "I have already told you how you get Blessings so we will go straight to how they are used and how they will affect the rest of your life. When you are born with a Blessing it means you have no choice but to train, evolve and move up the ranks that belong to that Blessing you were born with. For example, if your Blessing is of the poison kind, you will have to train in poison techniques and spells, if it's a fire-based Blessing, you will have to train in fire spells and techniques. You can branch out of your Blessing's nature, making your spells and techniques more diverse but they will never be as powerful as the spells and techniques from the nature of Blessing you were born with." "This is somehow fair to the others that were not born with one because they can pick and choose which spells they want to learn but they too are somehow limited because they can achieve more by aligning their spells and techniques with the element they have the most affinity with." Zararloch said while flipping his hair back. 'I swear this guy is feeling himself.' Sheyken thought. "Since humans are born with no mana, this becomes an enact talent that all who are born blessed have, almost like a supernatural talent. Those whose blessings are of the poison type will be able to produce poison naturally from their bodies, just like those of the fire nature will be able to produce heat. I will not go into detail on how that happens, I am not your teacher but your master." "This lazy handsome man....... wait, I can't believe I even said that." Sheyken said under his breath. "All I will say is that because they still have not developed a core or not subjected to the witches' arts, they have no excess to mana. This means they can only produce heat or poison in their bodies but cannot produce it outside of them, so they can produce heat and can withstand it to certain extents but not conjure fire or they can produce poison and endure it to a certain extent but not conjure poison. Are you still with me?" 'So, they are basically superhumans.' He thought while nodding. "Good. let me continue. This means they already have attacking and defensive techniques before they can use mana at the cost of their stamina, endurance or how much they can make of that poison for example. Since you are still far from having a core and having access to mana, I will let you imagine how much they would grow once they have access to it." 'He really likes his poison.' Sheyken could not help but comment.' 'Since they were born with that talent and been training it since they were young, they might already have an understanding of that element's nature since it comes almost natural to them, which means they will be way ahead of those who start learning how to manipulate them when they can use mana.' He thought. "This leads us to your telekinesis. It has the ability to already affect not only your body but outside matter too, to cut the explanation short, it is already like mana. To put it in an even more interesting way, if you were an Undead wouldn't you have powers that are like that of a ghost?" Sheyken was flabbergasted. He never thought of it that way. "You cannot use spells yet, but there are spells to do what you can do right now with your telekinesis. At the very least when it is developed to a certain extent it can break spells apart and at its most potent can invade a mana core and make it explode, not to mention some who had it in the past could send metal waves or just make people's heads explode, plus what you have is a natural defense against any mana spell." Sheyken was trying to hold in his excitement. If he could, he would shout out to the sky praising the Guardians for no reason whatsoever. "So, you are in a unique situation. You will have to train your telekinesis but since it is almost the same as mana, you can only train one at a time. Obviously, you will have to develop both, but one will take president over the other. So, knowing this, the time until you develop your core will be the one where you can develop your telekinesis the most and decide if you will be a mediocre talent or one of the best talented individuals in this world's history." Sheyken was licking his lips at this point and feeling thirsty, hungry, and couldn't breathe. He needed something to drink and he could only drink telekinesis, eat telekinesis, and breath telekinesis. "Since you can finally affect matter that has weight, you will coat the energy around your body every time we fight, after that, you will coat it around your body every time you are awake and lastly when you are asleep. This will put a strain on your mind but greatly improve every expect of your telekinesis. We have a year to achieve the last part. So, it will all depend on how much you want to grow during that time. Let's start." Since this had to do with telekinesis, Sheyken did not complain and just went straight to coating his body with his telekinesis and took a fighting stance. Six months pass and Sheyken could already maintain his telekinesis while he is sleeping. They had already moved on to making him carry a heavier sword and him trying to support its weight with his telekinesis while coating it around his body and fighting at the same time. He was now as fast as an Olympic sprinter. He had no time to celebrate his achievements. He did not know if he was going crazy again. Maybe Arloch was right that he was crazy and he just did not know it yet. He was questioning himself because Zararloch had regressed back to his old self. No more smooth skin handsome features or bewitching eyes. His ten pack was out for all to see. It happened over three months ago. Within two days, all of a sudden, he was back to his old self. Sheyken was really starting to think it was an illusion spell. What he did not know was that Arloch had been trying to analyze his oil and was so frustrated because she couldn't even find one ingredient used to make it. She could not even separate them into their own parts. Out of frustration, she called Zararloch and put some onto his hair to see what would happen. She was hoping for any result and was not disappointed. Seeing his hair return back to life, she tried to take a hair sample but it disintegrated as soon as it left his head. She then applied it on his skin and the surprises kept coming, just like his hair, his skin was returning to life. The only disappointment was that if he did not put any for three days his skin would start to regress. She started to put it on every three days on him. His skin and further more his muscles were returning to their former selves. Zararloch was loving the attention he was getting from his master. Trying to impress her, he even sew new clothes for himself to wear for the first time. Paying no attention to his intentions, Arloch was at a loss at what to do because just like the hair, when she took a sample of his flash it disintegrated when separated from his body, thus all good things had to come to an end. She just could not understand the miracles of the oil and only a small amount was left. In Arloch laboratory Zararloch was kneeling in front of his master. "My liege, let me torture him. He treats this miraculous oil like a lotion for everyday use. I think he is mocking us, even when I have been training him with all my might and keep on making him break through his limits at breakneck speed." "No Zararloch, I am sure he is someone important to the Dragons. No human can be gifted such an evolutionary oil and not be important in some way. This might be a lotion they use to keep their scales as clean and mighty as they always look. they might be searching the whole world for him. Let's not let greed be our demise." "Yes, master. All he does is train and does not talk so I don't know what item he would want to trade it with, but I am sure he would want one of our kingdom's techniques." "You i***t! It is not that he doesn't talk, but it is because you only talk to him only when you are giving him instructions. Anyway, we will give him a technique that will go well with his telekinesis and....." BOOM!!..... An explosion rocked the entire cave and valley.
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