oo. prologue

932 Words
Harlow Rhodes People say, 'don't take things for granted' and right now I was a firm believer of that as my father was hauled away by the police. Standing at the top of the staircase, everything felt as if things were moving in slow motion. My mother screaming after my father as he wailed for his lawyer. "Harlow? Sweetheart, why you still sitting on the stairs?" I blinked a couple times. How long were I here for? Time felt as if it got away from me and it did. I looked to the grand clock that stood against the wall and it was six in the evening. It's been hours. "Momma, where's daddy?" I stood up, taking a few wobbly steps. I watch her take a deep breath as she pushed her hair back, out of her face. She motioned me to follow her to the kitchen, my legs tingled all over as the blood started to flow once more. Meeting her at the kitchen island, she looked so drained, and detached. "Momma, what's going on?" I asked. "You want some tea, darling?" She smiled but her hand shook as she reached for the kettle. I grabbed ahold of her hand, placing it down on the counter. Looking at her, she shook her head as she pulled away from me and turned around. Wiping her silent tears away quickly before she faced me again. "Your daddy’s not coming home, baby. Not today, or tomorrow, probably not for a very long time." She said. "What?" I asked with shaky breath, "What did he do?" I pleaded for more information. The sadden that my mother once expressed shifted to anger when she let out a bitter chuckle. The tears that she tried to keep at bay came raining down her red cheeks. Wiping them away angrily, she snatched up the tea kettle and tossed it across the kitchen. I watched it slam against the refrigerator door. "The question would be what haven't he done? From fraud, tax evasion, illegal scams, and drugs. Oh can't forget about the f*****g drugs and..." She trailed off as she collapsed onto her knees. "Momma!" I wailed. "I married a monster..." The most hysterical she became the more of her southern accent started to come out. "I'm divorcing him but it's not like I'll get anything,,,it all was a lie, all of it." She murmured. In the midst of processing what my mother had just said, I almost missed the door opening but I couldn't move. I just stood there helpless, unable to console my mother. Things were just a blur just as time passed on. "Harlow..." I looked up to find him hovering over me. "What are you doing here?" I questioned, looking around. It was darker than before, the sun wasn't out and the lights from the security gate were on. I dragged my fingers through my, getting caught in tangles. Annoyed, I put my hand down. How long was I sitting here? Why did everything feel so unreal? "Your mom is resting, what do you need?" He asked, lifting my chin. What did I need? I couldn't answer. Everything felt so foreign to me at the moment but still his touch calmed me. "Marlon, what are you doing here?" I asked, pushing his hand away slightly. He hummed, "Do you want the truth or a sweet lie?" I looked up at him and his usual stoned expression softened slightly, he pulled up a stool and sat at the counter with me. The smell of his cologne was faint with the scent of mint. He was a walking aromatherapy if anything. "Your mom was upstairs, but she left probably an hour ago. Harlow, I don't think she's coming back." He uttered. "What do you mean she's not coming back? Why not? I'm here, why would she leave me behind?" I croaked as my throat tightened. My mouth became drier than tumble weed, no matter how much I inhaled I felt as if I couldn't breath. "Your father asked me to take you both in--" He started but I interrupted by shifting to look at him. "Did you know?" I queried. His eyes squinted, they were usually a chestnut but now they were more of a dark smoky tone that swirled with hidden anger. "I didn't know." He assured. "If I did, you think I'd allow you and your mother continue living in the dark?" I chuckled, "I-I don't know, lying comes easily to you, don't it?" I shook my head as I laid it into the palm of my hand. "Harlow..." "Marlon." I mocked. "You're upset, I understand but right now I'm doing a favor for my brother. I can set you up in your own place, you won't have anything to worry about." He decided. Standing up from the counter, I leaned in closer towards him. "He's not your brother...because if he was, what we've been doing would be illegal." I whispered. I stepped back and straightened my hair, tucking a piece behind my ear. Marlon stood there marveling in his thoughts for a minute before he poked the inside of his jaw. He nodded and tapped the counter. "When you're on your ass, you know where to find me. You're a big girl, Harlow." He nodded. I watched as he retreated, further away into the darkness that was the foyer. He slammed the door on his way out, he didn't spare a second glance, he never did. I was truly left alone, more alone than I've felt in years. It doesn't compare to right now.
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