Book 2 finding her

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As soon as we knew what was up, I immediately mind linked to our best warriors and guards, commanding them to come and search our pack lands for Lana, our missing Beta female. They quickly met up at the pack house’s front door, and as we shifted into our wolves, we searched every inch of our pack lands. But as I could have figured, Lana wasn’t there. I stopped searching to return back to the packhouse, ordering the others to keep doing what they were doing and, in case they would pick up on a scent or find anything, they needed to let us know immediately. While they kept searching, I made my way back to the pack house, hoping they would have more news after speaking with Alpha Trevor of the Grey pack. I was, however, surprised, as I walked into the packhouse, and found Mason with Milo and another stranger who had not been a guest at Jamie’s mating ceremony. But I learned very soon that, just like Mason, they were both wizards, hybrids even, which made them even more powerful. Part wizard, part wolf. And Mason referred to them both as his ‘brothers’, so I knew they were safe and decided to just let it slide and focus myself on the one who needed it most, Jamie. Winter and summer, day and night, that’s how different Jamie was looking now, in contrast to earlier tonight. Earlier tonight, he had looked so happy, overjoyed even. But now, he had a constant frown on his head and I could tell that by using one wrong word or one wrong move, he would lash out, and someone would die. “ OK,” Alpha Ash spoke, “I’ll gather up our strongest warriors. This time, the fucker is not going anywhere. This madness will end tonight. For good” And I listened. Glad to hear that there must have been a breakthrough in finding Lana. “We will join you as well, we still don’t know what or who, but there is magic involved here. You will need our help. We will guide you and protect you. We cannot have your warriors walk into a trap.” Mason spoke, and his brothers nodded, agreed with him. “Let’s go, we cannot waste another damn second, standing here and talking.” Jamie growled, so I nodded, as I looked over at him. “Let’s go get your girl back, Beta.” I told him, and then we were off, as fast as we could. We made our way outside, shifted into our wolves and I followed Jamie’s wolf, Kiran, who seemed to be knowing just where he was running towards to. And I honestly didn’t care, he could run towards the gates of hell, and I would still follow him. He was my brother, and it wasn’t as if I would be leaving someone behind who would miss me if I died, anyway. We ran for what felt like a good hour, never stopping, not even slowing down. We all knew what had happened, our Beta female had been taken from our pack. This meant war, any wolf knew that. And we would not stop until we got her back and get her back home safely. And after a while, Jamie’s wolf stopped running and shifted back into his human form, so he could talk to the three hybrids, who were not a part of our pack, and therefore, we were not able to mind link with them. “We are close.” Mason spoke, his eyes focused on Jamie, as if he was begging him to stay calm and not act rationally here. “What do we do now?” Jamie asked him, his hands balled into thick fists. “First, let them do their jobs. I don’t want any of us walking into a magical trap. They will let us know when we can attack and get Lana back.” My Alpha Ash spoke, and Jamie nodded, although I could tell he hated every single bit about it. The three hybrids formed a circle, as they started to hum, which I believed could be a spell, so I stepped back and watched them. Feeling uneasy about all of this, I had never seen someone perform magic right in front of me, and to be honest, it scared the living s**t out of me. And once the three men were done, a plan was put into place. Jamie had been able to mind link to Lana, which meant that she was still alive, luckily. One of the hybrids, Milo, I believed was his name, told us that the house where Lana was put in had been hidden off from the world, which gave me goosebumps, just by thinking about all of the things I had never even known to exist, what other nonsense was real in this mad supernatural world? But for now, the plan was simple. The three hybrids would lift the spell, making it possible for us to see the place that held Lana captive. We would get in, get Lana, kill the little son of a b***h and get out. Case closed. “I will kill Robert.” Jamie growled, and I nodded. I knew this was his kill. f**k, if someone would have done to my mate, what that little s**t had done to Lana, I would rip him apart piece by piece. “ OK, let’s do this.” he nodded, to which Milo nodded back at Jamie and looked at the other two men. A second went by, before they started to chant again, lifting the spell. “I’m going with you, brother.” I spoke to Jamie, and he smiled a little, patting me on the back as his eyes filled with gratitude. He knew I would always be by his side. To hell and back if need be. “ OK, let’s get this s**t over with.” He growled, as we all shifted back into our wolves, ready for this place to pop up, so we could get our Beta female back. “Get ready…” Milo hummed while the other two kept on humming in an ancient language. “3…2…1…GO!” and with that, we started to run like spears, as out of nowhere, an old wooden house popped up, it looked like it had been there forever, and by the looks of it, that had been the same amount of time that no one had lived inside of it either. This was poster material for a haunted house, but only one thing was off… the smell, there was something about this creepy haunted place that smelled like f*****g fresh flowers, like a hint of summer inside of a horror movie. And my wolf Sem shook his head, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. Follow your Beta, get Lana back, don’t die while trying. Jamie’s wolf ran up the three stairs towards the front door and bashed it in with one single blow, his wolf, Kiran, ran inside at full speed and stopped the very next second, leaning down and growling as he looked inside what I believed would be the living room, and as I slowly stepped forward and took in the room, I saw what Jamie saw, and my wolf Sem growled along with Kiran, as we both looked at the fucker Robert, who had a knife pressed against out Beta female’s throat. “Shift back, wolf!” Robert growled, and almost immediately, Jamie listened and shifted back, clearly not in the mood to play around here. “You have something that belongs to me!” Jamie growled, his eyes never looking away from the little s**t. “You are mistaken, Beta boy.” He shook his head, his eyes burning. And once again, I smelled it, it made my head foggy and I was unable to focus on what was happening right in front of me. What the hell, Luke? my eyes scanned the room, I saw an older woman standing in a corner. She was standing in the dark, making it easy to look past her, but I saw her, I knew she was there. I just wondered what the hell she was doing in this place. Who was she? Robert’s grandmother? But a subtle sound made me look to the right of the room, as if someone had bumped against the wall, ever so softly. And as I looked and saw what I saw, the air was pulled out of my lungs. I was looking at a girl with brown hair and greyish blue eyes. She was f*****g gorgeous, but the fact that she was covered in bruises, one of them very present on her right eye, made every muscle in my body flex. Who is she? What the hell had happened to her? And who had done this to her? And as she braced herself against the wall and her gaze shifted, making it so that she looked me straight in the eye, everything clicked. MATE *SHE IS MATE!* Sem screamed inside of me, and without even being able to control my movements, my wolf Sem slowly stepped into the room, his eyes only having time or room for this girl, this fragile, perfect girl. I saw how she seemed scared, how she was fighting against the urge to cry, as she stepped aside and pressed herself into the corner of the room, and I couldn’t help myself but to go and stand right in front of her. I wanted to look at her, I wanted to talk to her, touch her, s**t… her scent was driving me mad here! But I couldn’t, not as long as there was a threat. I needed to protect her first, everything else could come later. I looked back at Jamie, seeing how he had just challenged Robert into a duel. A fight till the death. And I knew my best friend. This Robert guy, even with Alpha blood in his veins, he was about to get his ass beaten well. Because nothing was stronger than a male wolf who was fighting for his true mate. “If I win…” Robert, the little s**t, began to speak “You can take Lana and walk out of here.” Jamie told him, while the both of us knew that if the s**t would take one step out of the front door, Ash would be waiting for him, and he would be dead either way. “And Bree!” Robert yelled, looking at me, but I quickly learned that he was not looking at me, but just above me, meaning that he was not looking at my wolf, but at the girl that was standing behind me. Bree? Her name is Bree? My mate’s name is Bree? Why the f**k does he want her? SHE IS f*****g MINE! And so I snarled, I was no fool, I could connect the dots. The bruises, the black eye, this fucker had done this to her. He had hurt her, so Jamie would better kill him, or I would finish the job for him! “And Bree.” Jamie agreed, knowing fully well, Robert would never leave this place alive again. “Fine.” Robert grinned, before he pushed Lana aside and the fight began. I knew Jamie, and I knew the way he fought. He was a f*****g bundle of muscles, and he was known for playing dirty every once and a while. I knew he would be just fine, but right now, my job was to protect. And even while my mind was being pulled to the back of me, I still needed to do my job. Protect Lana. I thought about it for two decent seconds, before I decided to shift into my human form. Did I like to be standing naked in front of my new mate who I had never even heard talking before? Heck no, but right now, I felt as if I could do more in my human form, so gone with the awkwardness, I guess? I shifted back, and as soon as I was back to myself, I leaned down and picked up Lana, whose eyes were glued on Jamie and Robert, who were punching and kicking each other. Jamie was shielding himself well, he was standing his ground. Good! I picked up Lana and pushed her behind me as well. I would protect them with my life, that was my role as Gamma, and I had gladly accepted it. But f**k, I didn’t really feel like dying right now, there was a girl standing behind me who I wanted to get to know. Who the hell was she? Where did she come from? What had happened to her? And maybe the most important one of all… Would she want me?
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