Book 2 the test

2429 Words

Luke’s P.O.V. Two weeks after the babyshower from hell, all the calmness seemed to have finally returned to our pack. Four days after the babyshower, our Luna had gone into labor. Friends from other packs were contacted and not soon after that, they had arrived at our pack to help the Luna. Luna Lizzie from the Hyle pack was a nurse and a mother herself. She was the best one for the job to keep our Luna calm and help her through the whole process. Once our Luna was ready to start pushing, a doctor was rushed in to help deliver the baby. And that night, around five in the morning, a baby girl was born. Caroline. She had a full set of red hair, just like her mother. And it was honestly the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. That night, we had all stayed up, just in case someone needed our

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